Mark F.


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  • Hi Mark, how are you doing in the meantime?
    Mark F.
    How are you doing?
    I'm not feeling well. I just can't manage to accept what I've done to myself. I'm angry and frustrated most of the time. Knowing that it will be like this forever robs me of the will to live.
    Mark F.
    I know the feelings. I just keep putting one foot in front of the other. It's all we can do sometimes. I have lived thru some horrible things in my life. Things I thought would never get better. But with time (in a couple was almost 10 years), they DID get better!
    Hey Mark, in really struggling with my tinnitus at the moment and could do with a little hope. Did you see any improvement in the first 3 monthes or was it not until the 4/5 month point?
    Well after 2 monthes I started to mellow a bit but then suddenly I seemed to go backwards. My sleep has also been reduced to 2/3 hours a night. Been pretty hard but im very fortunate to have a loving family who are trying their best to support me. I'm glad your anxiety has improved alot!
    Mark F.
    Do you get regular exercise? Just going for walks outdoors can really help ease your mind, even if it's only temporary. Weight-lifting and running/biking can also help a bunch. The idea being to work/exercise to the point you're exhausted at the end of the day...and consequently you sleep longer/better.
    No but im going to look at joining a gym tomorrow. As you say the tiredness from the exercise will probably help. The anxiety has lessened now....I just feel quite depressed but I think if I can resolve the sleep issue that this will improve. The tinnitus doesn't intrude much whilst I'm at work it's just being tired really. Hope your doing ok.
    How're you doing now?
    Mark F.
    I still have the ringing, but my nervous system has adapted to it. I no longer get that sick feeling in my stomach, when I become aware of it. The fight or flight response is 99% gone. I protect my ears when things are loud, and I still hold out some hope that it may fade away further...with more time going by.
    Do you have hearing loss from the gunshots? How are you Mark? You and me experienced a similar unfortunate accident
    Tinnitus is there, definitely better and quieter since day 1, and hyperacusis is better than day 1 too. I still get very depressed about this, but regardless I still live my life as best as I can.
    Thank you for responding, I hope we can fully recover by the Grace of God! Stay strong Mark!
    Mark F.
    Sounds like you are seeing improvements! I am very happy for you! Stick with God and your spiritual side. Life goes on , even for us.
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