Had a Procedure on Face Next to Tinnitus Ear

Discussion in 'Support' started by SleeplessSoul, Feb 26, 2015.

    1. SleeplessSoul

      SleeplessSoul Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I had a basal cell carcinoma removed on my left cheekbone next to the ear that has the pain and humming tones.

      I don't know why I developed this sort of T and was thinking it was jaw related at it is out of alignment, tight and sore. I also have cervical spine pathology.

      The sounds and thumping are obviously worse after having surgery, that was pulling on nerves during cutting and being sewed up. that made my jaw even tighter than ever.

      It made me upset thinking that maybe I have some sort of middle ear pathology that is worsening and I am not getting treated? I do have a stiff eardrum on that side which a neurologist said could be related to tight muscles but I am starting to wonder since it's not improving after almost four months if it's middle ear damage from something I am unaware of.

      I can barely open my mouth and the ear hurts and hums and thumps.

      Can your middle ear have something wrong and ENTs 'missed it? Or since the jaw and ear pain are so bad is it more likely related to that?

      I don't even know what I am asking anymore.
      • Hug Hug x 1
    2. Kevin08

      Kevin08 Member

      Vancouver Canada
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Sounds a lot like TMJ. I was miss diagnosed and it took about 4 months before I was properly diagnosed as having TMJ. Before that my GP thought I had an aggressive ear infection. I had pretty much the exact same set of symptoms as you are describing. I'm now getting Neural Manipulation, Chiro, and , Acupuncture. I've just started treatment but I feel that the Acupuncture may be the best of the bunch.
    3. AUTHOR

      SleeplessSoul Member

      Tinnitus Since:

      Thank you so much for responding. I really appreciate that.
      Acupuncture has been your best treatment so far? To loosen up the trigger points and tightness?

      The opposite side of my jaw (where I don't have humming) has an anterior dislocation according to the mri but I have not seen that oral surgeon , who by the way did steroid injections to the jaw, masseter and scm muscles. I am waiting for follow up in a few weeks with him to see what kind of things I should try.

      Can I ask what your sound is like? Low, high, constant, intermittent ?

      And can your teeth on one side be to blame? I have two old root canals that never got crowns and now I don't dare have any restoration work done because of the t.

      Who diagnosed you and why do you have the tmj? Do or did you clench?
      It's so good to hear from someone with similar symptoms. Thank you.
    4. Kevin08

      Kevin08 Member

      Vancouver Canada
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I was diagnosed by an ENT. Yes the Acupuncture really helped to break the tension cycle, I only had needles on the bad side so far but I intend to have both sides done next time I go. I am a clencher when I sleep. I had a special night guard made, a few teeth reshaped to help improve the bite. Reshaping of teeth is quite controversial it appears but my dentist suggested it and I think it might have helped. I also had my chiro realign my jaw, not a pleasant experience. I have very high T in both ears from exposure to noise, and I have a low hum in my right ear that seems to be caused by the muscle tension in the jaw. It feels like it is vibrating if that makes any sense. After Acupuncture the low hum was almost gone for the rest of the day.
    5. AUTHOR

      SleeplessSoul Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oh that's encouraging. I have an acupuncturist in mind and i have spoken to her about my condition.
      She feels it's worth a try. (I feel like they all say that).

      It's just so cost prohibitive but I am going to try it.

      You have that low hum too? Yes I have the vibration. It makes total sense. And when I touch around the ear it makes it vibrate more. If I stick a finger in the ear the sound stops.

      I do have a nite guard that I never wore and now I am wearing it nightly. It fits on the upper front teeth. Clenching during sleep was probably what made it so bad.

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