Happy NEW Year

Discussion in 'Support' started by I who love music, Jan 1, 2015.

    1. I who love music

      I who love music Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      mid seventies
      I'm done trying to hope for silence. I'm done trying to ignore my tinnitus. I'm done worrying
      and wishing and obsessing. This has been a nonproductive pattern. I don't want to listen to it, listen for it, describe it, have it bother me, slow me down, interrupt me, or sadden me anymore! It's time for a change. It's time to take action.

      Today I'm starting a NEW, healthier pattern of action. I'll repeat this action daily and I expect results. From now on I'll gauge my success by the number of times I respond to my feeling about my tinnitus. I'll tell myself exactly how I feel when I hear the sounds of tinnitus. As the days go by I'll be measuring the times I respond to my feelings about my tinnitus less and less. I will shift my thoughts from my tinnitus to my FEELINGS about my tinnitus. I expect to feel better, happier, and better rested. And as the weeks and months go by I will have noticed a huge decrease in my tinnitus as measured by my responses. And I'll feel happier and better rested. This will be my new pattern of action for a new, healthier, and quieter year.

      Happy New Year everyone!!
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    2. Leah

      Leah Member Benefactor

      Chardon, Ohio USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Happy New Year, once again you keep me afloat.
    3. bwspot

      bwspot Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I am with you.
      Back to silence thread gave me hope.
    4. Sean

      Sean Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      How is your T volume compare to before ? It's Awsome that you feel great but how is your T volume compare to before ?
    5. Paul201

      Paul201 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Happy New Year! Ringing in the new year had a complete new meaning for me this year, in fact every time I heard the word 'ring' I cringed, but hopefully things will improve this year for us all (ie) the volume goes downnnnn not up
    6. AUTHOR
      I who love music

      I who love music Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      mid seventies
      I hear it only a couple minutes out of the day, although it's there all the time. The volume is probably 25% down.
    7. bwspot

      bwspot Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Is it really the case when you comletely disconnected from it and don't hear it?
    8. AUTHOR
      I who love music

      I who love music Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      mid seventies
      For instance, this morning I remember responding to it in the bathroom.
      Then again late in the morning while on the computer.
      And another response right now, usually when I'm here on the forum.. but I expect that.
      So that's 3 times today compared to a few months ago when I was hearing it all the time.
      A lot of people are curious about this ... what do I call it?... techinique?
      A lot of people here on the forum ask me to explain how it works, and I can't. I can tell them how I do it and how it worked for me though.
      It's worth a try. Honestly, at first I really didn't expect it would be so helpful. But everybody I know would tell you how a while back I used to look "concerned" and worried and introverted. I think they would tell you I looked sick or worried. Not now, though.
      That first day when I realized I'd gone several hours without a response was GREAT !!!! Then what did I do? I listened for my T and it was there. But I'd gone for hours and not heard it. Weird, eh?
      Anyway, that's what happens, then a sense of relief and relaxation comes in the days following. It's great.
      - Terry
    9. bwspot

      bwspot Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      interesting, recently i had a cold and my t spiked and since then I noticed my hearing is worse in left ear and i hear little less high frequency. Simple test is to scratch the fingers against each other next to the ear.
      Right ear is is very sensitive left much less and hears less. It pissed me off as I had great hearing and now after this cold it is worse. I was still ok few weeks ago so I have no idea what happened as I was extremely cautions. I decided to put cotton in my ears and protect myself like that for some time while doing your technique. I did not have a breakthrough yet although i feel like i might get there. I know many say dont protect if you dont need to by with cotton i believe i can give my ears some rest and maybe the high frequency cells wake up.

      You technique is so intriguing and i want to experience it so badly!!!
    10. AUTHOR
      I who love music

      I who love music Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      mid seventies
      Colds can actually last 4 to 6 weeks, and it's common that they do. That can be 6 weeks of elevated T.

      You know those 3D picture books that were popular a few years ago? The ones where you'd stare at the picture and an image would appear? After staring and staring at the picture and finally seeing it, a feeling would come over you that if you shifted your gaze, the 3D image would disappear and you'd never see it again.

      I experienced that feeling when, after doing the T technique a few days, I realized I hadn't noticed or responded to my T. That was my breakthrough. Like I was walking on eggshells. And darned if I didn't go and listen for it, and there it was. So, like I said, I don't believe you can test the power of this technique by measuring the T sound. Instead, notice days that you feel more energetic and happy and relaxed and ask yourself how many times you've responded to FEELINGS about your T. It's OK if you have 20 or 30 a day. Soon they should become fewer and fewer. The important thing is to realize that by doing this you're training yourself to be in a new state of mind. At first it's weird feeling like the 3D picture book. The new feeling of the 'shifted gaze' is like the new feeling of this new shifted hearing. Can you sense my excitement in this post? I'll tell you this, it's a lot easier to do the technique and be successful at it than it is to type and try to explain it. It was really that easy for me.

      Learn how to do the technique.
      Have faith it will work.
      As you start, stay focused on your words, and be honest.
      DO NOT check for, compare, or seek out tinnitus sounds. This is the hard part.
      In days to come, expect new feelings of happiness and energy.
      DO NOT spoil these feelings by listening FOR tinnitus.
      Realize that happiness, energy, and feelings of being at ease are what you wanted.
      Realize that fewer responses to tinnitus is what you wanted.
      Believe that the technique will become a good habit.
      As time goes by, expect more great feelings when you're down to only 1 or 2 responses a day and come to the conclusion that maybe the subconscious mind has taken over the job.
    11. bwspot

      bwspot Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      thx again.
      What i noticed today as working on the pc that out of nowhere i noticed tinnitus spiked.
      I must be into something as i forgot about it.
      I immediately said:
      "Tinnitus is not harmless, it will go away soon and you will be happy as you used to"
      I repeated it few times and T was screaming. I went back to screen on pc acting like nothing happened.
      T calmed down!!!!
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