Having a Mental Breakdown

Discussion in 'Support' started by S.withnell, Dec 7, 2014.

    1. S.withnell

      S.withnell Member

      Lancashire England
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hi all , tonight I'm really not coping. I feel mentally disturbed from the noise . I just can't cope . My head won't switch off . I can hear the t over everything. I'm in a state and I just feel like no one will listen to me ( doctors) .

      It's so loud , it's every where. My head is tuned to it and I've tried everything to not focus on it. But it's there . Every where I go . I cannot sleep . I can't eat . I'm crying as I tryoe this.

      I'm so scared of it and I just so distressed mentally and physically ...
      What do you all do when this happens?
      It's the worst thing in the world .... I really would do anything to have it stop .
      • Hug Hug x 5
    2. Worker

      Worker Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      lots going on at the time
      Really sorry to hear this. Have you been to ent yet. have you tried lying down and taking deep breaths.
    3. AUTHOR

      S.withnell Member

      Lancashire England
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      No I'm waiting for a referral ! But I already been told there's nothing they can do for my t . I just can't cope ! I can't take the noise and when it's quiet it's so loud ...

      When I try breath I just hear it !
      I'm so scarred and I just want some peace !
    4. AUTHOR

      S.withnell Member

      Lancashire England
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      If I think I have peace I listen and bang there it is ! I've tried to keep busy but I can't keep my head from thinking about it .

      I'm needing mental help I'm sure . So I'm off to the hospital to see if they will help me with something to calm me down
    5. Worker

      Worker Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      lots going on at the time
      Have you gone yet. Do you have support at home.
    6. AUTHOR

      S.withnell Member

      Lancashire England
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I'm on my way now but there's no ent there but I need metal help
      And yeah in with my partner so I'm not alone ...

      I've never felt like this before I feel so down and indispare
    7. valeri

      valeri Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      You should take something to calm you down (benzos) and try to mask if you can.
      We all went and still go through tough times with this BS
      • Agree Agree x 1
    8. beemovie

      beemovie Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Nov 2013
      Maybe they can give you something just to take the edge off. I am sorry that this is happening to you.
    9. AUTHOR

      S.withnell Member

      Lancashire England
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      that's what I want to find out is there anything to help me with this stress and anixty and I want to sleep all I want it to be able to just sleep
    10. beemovie

      beemovie Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Nov 2013
      If you only had it since Nov, there is a very good chance it will calm down. You still have time.
      • Like Like x 1
    11. AUTHOR

      S.withnell Member

      Lancashire England
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I so hope so I really do , but I know it's highly doubtful ! I jut want it to calm down at least low it self so I can cope ... I'm stressed and have not slept in a good week right and I just can't stop my self from thinking about it I mean my brain is just focus on that even if I think it's quiet down it jut jumps back up again
    12. beemovie

      beemovie Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Nov 2013
      Wanting to sleep and forget about it is a normal reaction to this. Guessing that almost everyone on here would tell you the same thing.
    13. I who love music

      I who love music Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      mid seventies
      Yes, I'd see a doctor now.
    14. AUTHOR

      S.withnell Member

      Lancashire England
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I'm on my way but I have no hope for me tho .
    15. quietatnight

      quietatnight Member

      Rockford IL
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic trauma / firecracker
      I'm very sorry that you are having a tough time right now, and I know that you have probably heard this before but stress can just make it seem a lot worse. If its any consolation to you, most of us in here have been where you are right now, and made it through it. And I know easer said then done, but you need to try and keep busy. Do anything to keep your mind occupied. It WILL get better. And you will have good days, and maybe not so good days but you will learn to deal with it in time. Even if you just take a walk around the block or sit in a park where their are nature sounds. It will help. The worse thing to do is sit in a quite room listening for changes. I have found that playing computer games help divert my focus when I need to. Or work a crossword puzzle. Anything that will take your mind off of it right now. And try and get a goodnight sleep. Loss of sleep can really make it seem worse too. Turn on a TV at low volume or a fan running will help you sleep. If you are still having problems sleeping try and get some sleep medications to get you through this temporary rough patch that your going through now.

      Hang in there its going to be OK, just give yourself some time to adjust.

      Good Luck

      And remember, you can always come here to talk, We are always here to listen, that's why we are here :)

      • Like Like x 3
    16. AUTHOR

      S.withnell Member

      Lancashire England
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Thank you ! I just feel like in crazy literally feel like
      My Brain is gunna explode ! I'm a shaking wreck ! I just can't cope I've never had this before ! I've suffered deaths in the family and bad breakouts but never any thing like this ..
    17. PhilB

      PhilB Member Benefactor

      Manchester, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      Hey @S.withnell - exactly one year ago, I was in a very similar situation to where you are now. I was totally freaked out by T. to the point where I was unable to eat, sleep or function normally. I could see no future for myself. I am ashamed to say that I went to A&E 4 times in 10 days (with a four hour wait each time) out of sheer panic and desperation. I was told by the exasperated doctors that I was being silly. They tried to re-assure me I that I had just got myself into a state of severe anxiety and that the T would subside within 2 or 3 weeks.

      They were right on the first point but wrong on the second one. I had got myself into an anxious state but the T has not really gone away. The good news is that I am not really bothered by it any more. I once read a posting on this forum where someone said that within a year, most people are 95% back to where they were before T in terms of their mental state and their ability to live a normal life. For me, that has turned out to be true and I expect it will be true for you too. Don't give up hope, just try to keep yourself busy and do stuff that takes your mind off the noise in your head. Things will get better for you, I'm sure.
      • Like Like x 1
    18. AUTHOR

      S.withnell Member

      Lancashire England
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      That's exactly what I've been doing ! Been here at a & e four times .... In scared I'm making it worst by panicking but I just want answers to know this will calm down . Something to help me calm down ... In scared of everything ! Scared this is go ever , scared of the Meds because I fear they might make it worst .....
    19. Martin69

      Martin69 Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      (Health) Anxiety
      Yes, most here or everyone was where you are.
      I took valium (Tavor/diazepam) in the beginning.
      Many take Xanax. But keep the dosage low and don't take for too long (months), because of addiction.
      Discuss with your doctor.
      For sleep, I take Remeron.
      It is tough, especially in the beginning. Anxiety is the worst. I was so scared.
      It is difficult to manage without meds.
      There are some promising meds who could lower or cure T (Trobalt, Autifony).
      And it can go away.
      Try masking with nature sounds or crickets.
      It is tough at the moment. You are in full flight or fight mode.
      Be aware of this. It will take some time. But things will become better.
    20. Larry OT
      No Mood

      Larry OT Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Volume, meds and motorcycles
      We've all been there and we got through the worst stage like your going through.
      If your get anti anxiety meds just try and not use too much.
      Like Martin I went on Remeron, an anti depressant and sleep aid.
      I also take gabapentin which helps with anxiety to some degree.
      Definitely get masking apps or MP3. The Internet has lots of sounds if you google tinnitus masking sounds.
      Don't crank them through your earbuds if you use them.
      It takes time but we all adjust in some way.
      We all hope you manage this as well as you can.
      You'll be ok. Just hang in there and stay in touch.
    21. Marls

      Marls Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      August 2014
      Dear S.withnell: By the time you read this, I so hope you are feeling a little better. Have you tried to just go out to a pub, shopping mall, supermarket, anywhere there are distractions if just for a little while to quiet the noise. I find that while I am out and about the noise is almost gone but mornings when it's virtually quiet in the house and its just me and the computer, the noise can be piercing. Fortunately, I have a mild case of T but still it doesn't make it any better when you hear the noise at any pitch. Turn on the faucet, turn on the radio, listen to Tinnitus sounds on You Tube (a lifesaver to some degree for me), call a friend and speak on the phone (which I find helps) - anything S just to distract yourself from you and the noise. I hope you don't need to rely on meds for long-term treatment because I believe it will get better. As someone else said, we are here for you and wish all the best!
      • Agree Agree x 1
    22. AUTHOR

      S.withnell Member

      Lancashire England
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Been seen ! And have some hope ! Doc feels this is all virus related ! He's checked my temp and symptoms and he feels due to everything it shouldn't be perm. But it could take weeks or monts to settle down! I've been given more Meds and antibiotics and some for sleep and anxiety an told me to put music on low when in bed and see ent tomorrow . He's the first to say hmm it's most Likly A virus due to many reasons !
    23. cowdodge

      cowdodge Member

      Seattle, Washington
      Tinnitus Since:
      I have had the T's for over 18 years and tme past year and a haft it's steadily getting worst. My doctor doesn't know anything about T's and stated to me I was a great case for him to learn by. Now phycatrst she doesn't seem to understand either but suggested that I take gabatin instead of the xanic of which I did but with no help. She stated that to me that I haft to take her medical advice but the gabby just increased the noise factor. I kind of feel like I'm a science project to all my doctors. Right now I notice that my life seems to be in a depression mood and to me that a serious issue. I'm sleeping in more and life's fun things seem not that important. But my saving grace is my wife as she cares for me and I do love her so much. Anyway here I sit with dry mouth a sign of anxity and thinking of what to fill my comming up day. Only wish I had a doctor who understood this junk.
    24. Mark L

      Mark L Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise exposure and I swear Citalopram made it worse
      I am in exactly the same position. no help from health professionals, pshyc just think you are crazy.

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