I have now exepriences this two times. Headache which starts to radiate from the back of my head on the T side to above the eyes and I also feel/hear loud 'whooshing' / 'rattling' sounds inside my head like if blood was flowing or something. Hard to describe. When this happened for the first time, it completely took away my T for 30 min or so. I was like
I have had these occasional headaches before T as well. They typically come during / after a stressfull event like presentations / intense debates. I suspect I clench my facial / neck muscles in those situations. The first time the headache took away T I was just tired and tried to take a nap when it happened. Maybe this is another mystery clue in diagnosing my T. Has anybody else experiences something similar?

I have had these occasional headaches before T as well. They typically come during / after a stressfull event like presentations / intense debates. I suspect I clench my facial / neck muscles in those situations. The first time the headache took away T I was just tired and tried to take a nap when it happened. Maybe this is another mystery clue in diagnosing my T. Has anybody else experiences something similar?