Hello, 40 Something with Tinnitus (Original Cause: Smoking Marijuana / Made Worse by COVID-19 Jab)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Eric Snyder, Jul 5, 2022.

    1. Eric Snyder

      Eric Snyder Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Felt a pop when smoking
      Hello group.

      My name is Eric Snyder. I am a sufferer of tinnitus. I had low level tinnitus until after the COVID-19 jab and then it sprang up and got much worse. It only lasted for roughly 3 days at first and disappeared after that for a year. Then recently 6 weeks ago it sprung up and returned to the volume it was at when I first got the jab.

      It seems to pop up and stay loud for roughly 4 - 5 days, and then I get 2 days of peace.

      The original onset of tinnitus was a bad smoking habit of marijuana. I have since long quit drugs and alcohol, but I was still consuming energy shots and coffee. As of this morning I threw away my stash of energy shots and my coffee consumption is going on break until the tinnitus disappears.

      Some days it is manageable, but I was unable to fall asleep last night as a result of it.

      I am hoping that by quitting my caffeine intake I will notice a change in my tinnitus over the course of the next 4 weeks.
      • Hug Hug x 1
    2. blamingeverything

      blamingeverything Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      high frequency hearing loss
      I personally don't have any problems with caffeine but it appears to be common. Marijuana on the other hand can send my tinnitus through the roof. It's possible my use of it contributed to tinnitus in the first place. Maybe some day we'll know.
    3. AUTHOR
      Eric Snyder

      Eric Snyder Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Felt a pop when smoking
      Yes ,well my tinnitus started very abruptly when I took one real big hit off of a gravity bong and it was instantaneous ringing. It was no where near as bad as it has gotten since the jab. And even though I have quit drinking and smoking, I did two five hour energies a day 7 days a week. If nothing else it was definitely screwing my sleep up and perhaps that has something to do with it.
    4. Joe Cuber

      Joe Cuber Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Gradual hearing loss + a huge amount of stress
      Hi there @Eric Snyder, welcome to the forum. I was curious if you knew of any cause for your tinnitus reappearing 6 weeks ago. Sometimes there's a trigger, like stress or medication.
      That's an interesting cycle. I have daily fluctuating tinnitus in my right ear. Each day I randomly get a loud day or a quiet day. Fun. I've heard of other cycles too. Someone recently mentioned that they have a 2-week cycle. Bizarre that it does that.
      Do you take any sedatives at night to help you fall asleep or try to mask your tinnitus some with white noise or other sounds?

      I hope your caffeine abstinence helps curb your tinnitus.
    5. AUTHOR
      Eric Snyder

      Eric Snyder Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Felt a pop when smoking
      Hi Joe,

      Thank you for the response. No, I do not take any sedatives. I have a nice bed that is very comfy. I really don't ever have to fight to fall asleep. If I'm tired the noise will not be an issue for the most part.

      As crazy as it might sound, I feel that my environment may have something to do with it. I am theorizing that my tinnitus is keyed directly into my allergies and sinuses. It could very well be that depending on what's in the air at any time of the day, when that gets into my system it causes my tinnitus to flair up. Once again, all this started after I got my COVID-19 booster shot. From what I understand, COVID-19 would fill the body up with mucus amongst other things. I would not be surprised if the vaccine has done something to my body to affect my tinnitus.

      Reducing the caffeine intake has not necesarily helped out in the tinnitus department yet. But I needed to get off of the energy drinsk for a multitude of reasons, so it's a win win either way.

      All in all, I just gotta be patient and take it from day to day.

      Thank you for your concern,

      - Eric Snyder
      • Like Like x 1
    6. Juan

      Juan Member Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Several causes
      Alcohol and coffee affect tinnitus. So you are doing well in stopping alcohol and coffee consumption.
    7. Joe Cuber

      Joe Cuber Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Gradual hearing loss + a huge amount of stress
      Sure thing, Eric. I'm glad to hear you don't have sleep issues in general.
      This is an interesting theory. Have you been logging your tinnitus flair-ups with whether your allergies or sinuses are acting up? (Or is that even trackable?) I hope it all settles down for you in any case.

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