Hello and Help!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Heather M, May 17, 2016.

    1. Heather M

      Heather M Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Either inner ear infection or airplane ride
      Hi! I am new to the forum, but I have had my T since October 2015. I was referred by my ENT doctor to have a hearing test done by an audiologist. I had this done in late December, and it was determined that I have moderate hearing loss in my right ear and mild hearing loss in my left. We're not entirely sure what caused it, but the audiologist thinks I may have had an inner ear infection last summer when I had a couple of weeks of unexplained dizziness. I never did go to the doctor about it, but I'm not convinced that was the cause. I also flew on a plan in late September/early October, and I wonder if that was the cause since I didn't notice my T until October. Anyway, I was devastated because I asked my audiologist if this would ever go away, and she said no. However, later asked my ENT the same question, and he said that it should since I am young (37), but that it could a long time.

      So here I am. I recently tried audionotch.com for sound therapy, but I don't think I'm matching my tone correctly. Every time I think I've got it and I listen to a sample of notched music, my T seems louder afterward, and sometimes the pitch seems different. Can anyone help me with this? I plan on getting a copy of the results from my hearing test to see if that shows a frequency of my tinnitus or hearing loss.

      My T has been rather bothersome lately, especially for someone who used to like sleeping with as little noise as possible. I'm trying to take it one day at a time, but sometimes I feel overwhelmed. Anyway, thanks for reading my post.
      • Hug Hug x 1
    2. glynis

      glynis Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Meniere's Disease
      Welcome to Tinnitus Talk Heather.
      I would download the free apps like relax and sleep etc that has lots of natural sounds to listen too to help sleep or the white,pink,Brown or purple sound .
      Remember set the sound below your tinnitus.
      Your brain will work hard to pick up the lower sound you have chosen and push your tinnitus to the background...
      Lots of love glynis
    3. AUTHOR
      Heather M

      Heather M Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Either inner ear infection or airplane ride
      Thank you. I have a white noise app that I've been using lately. I didn't know that about setting the sound below the tinnitus level. I usually just pick one that covers the ringing.
    4. JasonP
      No Mood

      JasonP Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hey Heather, I think I have a suggestion that will either eliminate your perception of tinnitus or reduce it. Get a pair of hearing aids even though I am sure you can hear. Insist upon it even if they say you don't need them. I have mild hearing loss and they help get rid of a lot of the ringing. The ones I have also have maskers in them but I would say hold out on using them if you can unless it extremely annoying. If the heading aid specialist knows what he is doing, he can program the hearing aids to further reduce your preception of tinnitus by amplifying the frequencies a little more where your T is located. Since you are a woman you should be able to cover your hearing aids with your hair if you don't want people to see them. You can get small RIC type hearing aids or the regular RIC's. They make some neat ones now and some even hook up to your smart phone. :) Just make sure the guy programs them to where they NEVER are amplified above a safe level. :) If your hearing improves over time just have the guy program them again to adjust. Many hearing aids places also give you like 30 days or more to try them back and if you don't like them you can get your money back. Call around to find out. If necessary get an extended audiogram which goes up to at least 12khz and ask about aids that go up that high (for example the Siemens Pure Binax 7bx). There probably are others.

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