Hello Everyone I'm Having Tinnitus for 2 Weeks


Oct 28, 2014
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Accoustic trauma
Hello everyone,

I'm Toni 26 years old.
I got tinnitus 2 weeks ago from a concert. Right after it my ears were ringing for the first time in my life an some of my friends had the same simptoms but for them stopped after1 or 2 hours mine didn't.
I thought it would stop so I didn't bothered to much. 3 days after that I also went on some party where the music was loud.
After that the ringing when I searched the net I realized what I have done.
I went to audiologist one week ago did some tests and he told me that there is no hearing damage and the ringing would stop. He gave vitamin b, magnesium and gingko pills.
After week of that therapy I don't notice any big improvements only I think that my brain got used to it.
Still I'm finding it hard to go asleep so I take 5 mg of diazepam every night.

I have to say that I don' hear my tinnitus when there is any sound around me only when it is silence it drives me crazy and makes me anxiety.

Could you give me advice what to do next?
Reading this forum I've learned about HBOT so I'm planning to take it next week. What are you thought about it?
Be free to give any other advice I want to cure myself if it is possible. Sorry about my bad english.

Thanks for your responses and best regards Toni
Hi, Toni, and welcome!

It looks like you have already done a lot of the right things in dealing with your tinnitus. However, magnesium, B vitamins, and gingko are all natural supplements, and they do take a while to work. It might be a couple of weeks, or even months, before you notice much difference. Please let me encourage you to keep taking them for awhile, to see if they begin to calm your tinnitus down as time goes on.

Another thing you could consider taking is N-Acetylcistene. I haven't tried it yet myself, but I've heard it is a good supplement to take at the beginning of tinnitus, and will protect your ears from further damage.

I'll let someone else comment on HBOT; I don't know much about it myself.

We're glad you've joined us. I'm sure a lot people here will be able to answer your questions, and give you lots of help and support!!

Best wishes,
Hi Toni, this is a great place to find support... New T sufferer myself. Hope you find some answers and relief on this board.
If your tinnitus is easily covered up by any background noise, then it's a very mild case. Relax, it's very likely that you can continue living like you've always have. I know the anxiety it can cause, and we all know having tinnitus is no fun, but honestly, I think this won't stop you from having a long happy life at all.

I can't really give you any advice on treatments, however... Please buy a couple of earplugs and protect your ears in the future. Especially now you've recently acquired tinnitus. Put your earplugs in before you enter a loud environment and only take them out after you've left. Custom made ones are recommended as they're easy to put in and take out.

Let this instance of tinnitus be a warning sign. You've got no hearing damage, which is great. But apparently your ears very sensitive to loud noise. Be careful with them and you'll be okay.
I know eventually if it doesn't stop i will learn to live with it but if there is a chance to heal i want to try every method as possible.

This is the first time I'm hearing of NAC. Can I combine it with the vitamin b and megnesium 400g that I am taking,
I'm seriously looking for HBOT treatment. SInce my T is mild case do I have a chance healing it completely with HBOT?

And regarding the coticosteroids. My audiologis didn't want me to prescribe it since I don't have any hearing damage.
Can I combine with all the therapy I am using and eventually if I go with the HBOT. I'm not a fan of steroids because they can do a lot of damage to different part of body.
And one other thing, I find it difficult to talk to telephone or mobile phone.
The sound can just be a little to mouch for me and I have to move the phone away from the ear.
Hi Toni. I can't advise on any treatments etc. And i'm probably stating the obvious. But be really careful with your ears. At the moment. Hopefully the tinnitus will pass. But give them a rest from loud noises to give thrm a chance. Good luck.I would love to have tinnitus i could only hear in silence. Mine is louder than tv, music etc.
Thanks everybody for the answers.

I really sympathize with all of you and wish you all the best. I didn' really knew that T exists until I got it.

For me I'm really struglling to find out does my T is getting better or stays the same. Sometimes the sound changes.
I' ve also noticed that when I come home in silence from outside noises I tend to hear it less.
I think that more I'm exposed to the sound the less I hear it.

Excuse me for my messed up thoughts but I really don't know what to do. I'm almost totally lost, all of the doctors said to me that it will stop but i tend to less believe in that.
My audio (Ross Dineen) told me that we all have tinnitus (refer to studies placing people without an awareness of t in sound proof booths, who discovered their own sounds of silence). Difference is we have found our sound, due to change/s in our auditory systems.

www.tinnitus.org.au is a wonderful site that I found in the beginning.

I trialled nac (amongst other supps) initially, till I found that NAC finds it difficult to cross the blood brain barrier on its own. A better form of NAC, that more readily crosses the blood brain barrier, is NACA (N acetylcysteine amide). And no, I haven't tried the NACA as I am having issues importing it into Australia due to medication restrictions.
I've noticed that my T sound is changed.
At the beginnig it was like when it is the end of the programme on the old CRT televisions now it is like whistling or hissing sound.
Does it mean it goes better or worse?

I am avoiding big noise but also I'm tryng to go out walk down the street and doing regular thing like I am always doing.
Stay away from concerts, movies theatres, clubs, bars or any place with loud sounds.
Download SOUND LEVEL METER apps on your phone.
Download White noise app on your phone to help you fall asleep as it will mask your T at night and a good night sleep is a must.

Wear Ear plugs if you must go to any loud areas. You can buy them from Amazon.com for $15 and you can barely notice them. The ones I have are 18 NRR.
Sorry for many dumb questions but I am new to this and pretty scared and stressed.
What are my chances for T to go away? Doctors are telling me that it will go away but almost 3 weeks has passed and I can't notice any improvement only change ib frequencies.
doctors tell me that it will stop
If your T doesn't go away after 2 years then chances are it's permanent. However it can go away in some cases after 2 years.
Thanks everybody for the answers.

I really sympathize with all of you and wish you all the best. I didn' really knew that T exists until I got it.

For me I'm really struglling to find out does my T is getting better or stays the same. Sometimes the sound changes.
I' ve also noticed that when I come home in silence from outside noises I tend to hear it less.
I think that more I'm exposed to the sound the less I hear it.

Excuse me for my messed up thoughts but I really don't know what to do. I'm almost totally lost, all of the doctors said to me that it will stop but i tend to less believe in that.
It probably wont stop. But atleast you have mild tinnitus. I'm not saying it wont go away to make you worried. And who knows maybe it will. I just don't see the point in doctors telling you it will pass when in reality it probably wont. My advise is keep your fingers crossed but don't bank on it going away. Good luck.
Hello again, I will update you about my status.

3 weeks after my T started I started with Hbot treatment. Also after about 7th treatment(about 4 weeks after the noise trauma) other audiologist has prescribem me Medrol(80 mg 2 days, 64mg 2days, 48mg 2days, 32mg days, 16mg 2 days adn 8 mg 2 days). Today was my last dose that I took.
So far I have done 15 hbot, I will go for min. 5 more.

After when I started taking steroids(the first 3 days, that was about week ago, 4 weeks after accoustic trauma) my T was significantly lower.
I've managed to fall asleep 2 nights without diazepam, I was optimistic and again in very good mood.
But than as the dozes were lower the T was going higher again. Right now I think my T is like it was at the start.

Again I cannot fall asleep without diazepam(5 mg). Every night I try to sleep without it but eventually I give up because the ringing is too much for me and I take the pill.
Do you have any other suggestions for something to sleep?
What about melatonin?

Just to mention, all this time I am taking Vitamin b 3 times a day, magnesium 400mg every second day and gingko pills every day.

I don't think that HBOT has done anything for me. I am running out of options and the time is going away but my condition isn't getting better. Any other treatment to try?

Best wishes, Toni
Hi Toni - I had a Medrol pak (steroid) for 6 days prescribed by my ENT to make sure it wasn't inflammation that was causing the Tinnitus. It didn't do a thing but at least we had to try it. Was on Niacin and Lipo-Flavonoid for about 3 weeks and honestly, it wasn't doing a thing and I didn't want to wait 6 months for the Lipo-Flavonoid to work because I feel it won't do a thing. I also didn't like what I was reading about the side effects of Niacin. At this point, I listen to T sounds on YouTube when on the computer (which helps) and when I go out of the house shopping, to the mall, to Starbucks, CVS, anywhere there are people and distractions, I actually don't hear the noise in my head (and I have mild T with hearing loss on the high frequency range) but in the morning when I get up and it's only me in the house (after my husband has left for work), the noise is bothersome - I run the faucet when getting dressed, put on the radio anything to mask the noise. This all means that I've had to change my lifestyle somewhat which I will do over time to help manage my T. Be patient Toni and experiment and be thankful that you don't have any discernible damage to the ear! Keep us posted!

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