Hello from Nashville

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by bodhisattva, Oct 14, 2014.

    1. bodhisattva

      bodhisattva Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Going on three weeks now. Two weeks in i thought i had 'gotten used to it' but today is a tough one.

      I was struggling with depression/anxiety and a doc put me on wellbutrin and ambien a month or so ago. It gave me panic attacks so i went off of it. One morning i wake up with a ringing in my ears (head?) and it's been here ever since.

      Went to an audiologist and an ENT, minor hearing loss but not much. I also have pain and pressure, does that usually accompany T?

      As i'm sure you all know, since you've been there, i'm scared and down. I don't want to complain or give into the fear because reading about that bums me out, and i'm sure it does you guys too.

      Thanks for listening.... (no pun intended)
      • Hug Hug x 2
    2. jss
      No Mood

      jss Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      June 2013
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      noise anxiety and antidepressants
      Hey watch Wellbutrin I had some temporary tinnitus because of it a few years ago when I went off of it the tinnitus subsided. Its a well known side effect of it.

      Your pretty early so It probably will settle down after a bit, just protect your hearing and take something for anxiety (low dose) if you start panicking. Watch your diet and if you drink cut way back.

      There are good days ahead for research and were a few years away for possible new treatments.
      • Like Like x 1
    3. Karen

      Karen Manager Staff Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      First time: Noise 2nd Time: Ototoxic drug
      Hi, Bodhisattva,

      Welcome to Tinnitus Talk! Sorry you're having a rough time right now; when tinnitus is new, there is often a lot of anxiety, sleeplessness, and fear accompanying the ringing. However, things will improve for most people as time goes on.

      Yes, it is common to have the feeling of fullness/pressure in your ear (or ears), and sometimes pain, as well. I had fullness for quite awhile when my tinnitus first started, but it totally went away. It took over a year for that to happen, but it did happen!

      As jss (above) says, there is a lot of research being done right now for tinnitus, and one of these days there will be a breakthrough. In the meantime, you've come to the right place for information and support.

      Welcome from a fellow southerner! (I'm in Georgia)!

      Best wishes,
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    4. AUTHOR

      bodhisattva Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Thanks! Yeah that's what i read and i went off of it immediately and switched to Zoloft (on doctors orders) that's been a good while. I have some xanax for the panic.

      I don't drink anymore, only other possible contributing factor i can think of i've been vaping (nicotine, not THC) i want to quit it but with this T (which has taken away my appetite) the vaping is about the only thing i have to look forward to. I know that sounds pathetic but it's like my survival tool.

      I love music, and play guitar at home, i don't gig or anything so no real volume, but do you guys avoid concerts or loud music in general?

      Thanks for the responses and support. Very kind community here.
    5. AUTHOR

      bodhisattva Member

      Tinnitus Since:

      Thanks Karen, i sure hope so. I'm a grown man and I don't recall ever crying over "something being wrong with me" but that's exactly what i've done the past two days. This stuff is so insidious and intrusive.

      I just prayed to God to please make it stop. I'm sure i'd handle this better if I wasn't already in the midst depression/anxiety after being let go from my job. Course isn't that always when bad things happen?

      Again, thanks for letting me vent and I hope we can all find peace. It helps to type/talk/write to some people who get it.

      • Hug Hug x 1
    6. jss
      No Mood

      jss Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      June 2013
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      noise anxiety and antidepressants
      I hate to say it vaping is probably is not doing your central nervous system or auditory system any good with tobacco products. And it may be worth quitting to see if it helps to lower the tinnitus. Others that smoke here may have a different opinion. Some reputable sources say there could be correlation between smoking cigarettes and it affecting ones tinnitus; however, there will always be some variability since everyone's body reacts to things differently.

      I avoid concerts and loud music. Thats a decision you will have to make yourself. Use good ear protection if you do attend a loud event.

      The most important thing you can do now is to try to keep your mind and body healthy and avoid loud sounds and stressful situations that could potentially create more problems. Your tinnitus just may dissipate in time. Remember there is hope and some treatments available.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    7. AUTHOR

      bodhisattva Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Ok is there a Tinnitus Dating section here? Apparently i'm going to need to find a gal who can sleep with lots of fans and a white noise app for the next oh..40 year or so....;)

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