Hello from Newbie

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by acushla, Dec 11, 2014.

    1. acushla

      acushla Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I live in the UK and have had tinnitus since March 2011.Initially went to doctors with strange sounds in ear and feeling of being under water.Was told for the next 5 months to take decongestants till finally my IBS was suffering with the meds and sought out another doctor.He sent me for an MRI and am told Ihave a 6mm lump in the top of my brain but they do not think it is anything to worry about and must learn to live with the noise.Have another MRI next week after a 10 month break between sessions.Have learnt quite a lot from others here already and I have a goitre which came at a very stressful time in 99' but told there was nothing wrong with it.Weight soared by 21 pounds and manage to kep half of that at bay through constant dieting but still overweight for my small size.Allergic to shellfish and penacillin, l-tyrosine gives me heart palpations, anything like kelp sends me whacky and soy vies me soraring heat for the next 36 hours without sleep.Not slept through the night since 99'.Started reading up on selenium and came across this site and so glad I did.I cannot make any headway with my doctor and try to be as healthy as I can but am a full time carer so just have to do the best I can.Thanks so much for listening and hope to learn from others here as I have been alone with this condition for a long time now and now know I am not the only one battling with it.
      • Hug Hug x 3
    2. Marlene

      Marlene Member Benefactor

      Poole Dorset England
      Tinnitus Since:
      July 1996
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Bacterial virus
      Hi glad you've joined,My you've got a lot going on besides the T ,sorry your having things so bad .
      You will get a whole lot from TT past threads ,even I'm still seeing ones pop up ,I'd not even seen some months on .Stay on see what comes up from the others ,you've probably noticed they are real smart .get you directed on to where to read up on things .Amazing ,lots of support here .
      Get your questions ready and go for it Acushia and hi again .Im on South coast of UK .few Brits on site .
      • Agree Agree x 1
      • Hug Hug x 1
    3. Markku

      Markku Founder Staff Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame Advocate

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Welcome to TT!

      I hope the MRI goes well. Keep us posted.

      PS. Don't you just love that we have so many caring and kind members like Marlene.

      I wouldn't call tinnitus a blessing, but having the privilege of knowing all these wonderful people really is.

      Hope you find advice and support here. Again, welcome.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    4. Marlene

      Marlene Member Benefactor

      Poole Dorset England
      Tinnitus Since:
      July 1996
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Bacterial virus
      Hugs to you and Steve who set this all in motion Markku ,I've learnt a lot ,I understand this condition more because of TT ,I know I can come on site ask any question and I can get help.So all good .Yes and we get a laugh along the way .Good luck to TT in 2015 .
      • Hug Hug x 2

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