Hello all,
First of all , sorry about my English , is not the best…
My history started when during 3 years trying to have a baby and 3 miscarriages the desire to be mother turned into an obsession (as I was late. I am 43 now).
As a result of this difficult period of 3 years I started with "floaters" in the eyes and this new condition and my fragile mental state ended in anxiety ….. one month later I developed tinnitus (09/2016)
At the beginning it was only in left ear; I had periods with silence (one day, one morning ) alternate with bad tinnitus days….i had as well some hyperacusia . The tinnitus reactioned with the noise. In the morning the silence was in my ears but, after going to the road started to ring. I couldn't cope with that because it wasn´t only the tinnitus, it was the tinnitus + the anxiety and the frustration of not to be a mother. I was everyday crying, so I went to the psychiatrist and she showed very clear that I should start with lexapro.
After 4 weeks on lexapro 10mg. I developed tinnitus in the right ear, As I was so worry about if the MED was exacerbating my condition I had a consult with an expert on tinnitus here in my country and he told me that it wasn´t nothing to worry about the lexapro, because most of the tinnitus sufferers start with tinnitus in one ear and then goes to the other. So I followed taking lexapro.
After months I saw that my mood was much better, no anxiety, better mood…but still very worried about tinnitus (always thinking in the T is there). 7 or 8 months later the tinnitus changed, The sound was different, he turned into a head sound very often but less intrusive, only heard in quite rooms, sometimes over conversations as well but less often. I started to be happier. Still with tinnitus but thinking more positive.
One months ago I went to a week intensive therapy in order to solve my psychologic problems with the fact to not be a mother and I moved all my emotions. After 2 days my tinnitus increased and the anxiety came back (even taken lexapro) . I have managed that and controle the anxiety with my thinking but still the tinnitus is worse.
I scared again about my tinnitus and my doubt is always the same. Why if I am doing all that I have supposed to do (food, avoid noise…work with my feelings, meditation , etc…) is getting worse? Is the lexapro helping or not? Because I would like to stop with the med in order to avoid any risk but I am not sure if I am going to cope with that without lexapro.
As I am nearly one year with tinnitus I am so pessimistic about the improvements….Is there still hope to improve? My tinnitus is so changeable that I don´t know if one day could manage with that. Is the reaction to the sounds hyperacusia?
One specialist here advise me to increase the dossage to lexapro to 15mg, but i am not sure due to the risk.
Thanks for the support
First of all , sorry about my English , is not the best…
My history started when during 3 years trying to have a baby and 3 miscarriages the desire to be mother turned into an obsession (as I was late. I am 43 now).
As a result of this difficult period of 3 years I started with "floaters" in the eyes and this new condition and my fragile mental state ended in anxiety ….. one month later I developed tinnitus (09/2016)
At the beginning it was only in left ear; I had periods with silence (one day, one morning ) alternate with bad tinnitus days….i had as well some hyperacusia . The tinnitus reactioned with the noise. In the morning the silence was in my ears but, after going to the road started to ring. I couldn't cope with that because it wasn´t only the tinnitus, it was the tinnitus + the anxiety and the frustration of not to be a mother. I was everyday crying, so I went to the psychiatrist and she showed very clear that I should start with lexapro.
After 4 weeks on lexapro 10mg. I developed tinnitus in the right ear, As I was so worry about if the MED was exacerbating my condition I had a consult with an expert on tinnitus here in my country and he told me that it wasn´t nothing to worry about the lexapro, because most of the tinnitus sufferers start with tinnitus in one ear and then goes to the other. So I followed taking lexapro.
After months I saw that my mood was much better, no anxiety, better mood…but still very worried about tinnitus (always thinking in the T is there). 7 or 8 months later the tinnitus changed, The sound was different, he turned into a head sound very often but less intrusive, only heard in quite rooms, sometimes over conversations as well but less often. I started to be happier. Still with tinnitus but thinking more positive.
One months ago I went to a week intensive therapy in order to solve my psychologic problems with the fact to not be a mother and I moved all my emotions. After 2 days my tinnitus increased and the anxiety came back (even taken lexapro) . I have managed that and controle the anxiety with my thinking but still the tinnitus is worse.
I scared again about my tinnitus and my doubt is always the same. Why if I am doing all that I have supposed to do (food, avoid noise…work with my feelings, meditation , etc…) is getting worse? Is the lexapro helping or not? Because I would like to stop with the med in order to avoid any risk but I am not sure if I am going to cope with that without lexapro.
As I am nearly one year with tinnitus I am so pessimistic about the improvements….Is there still hope to improve? My tinnitus is so changeable that I don´t know if one day could manage with that. Is the reaction to the sounds hyperacusia?
One specialist here advise me to increase the dossage to lexapro to 15mg, but i am not sure due to the risk.
Thanks for the support