Hi All

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by TomK, Apr 23, 2018.

    1. TomK

      TomK Member

      Minneapolis MN
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud machines, music, partying in front of band PA systems.
      My name is Tom and I've had terrible Tinnitus since 2014. I believe my T is from listening to loud music for years, and also from working in noisy machine shops.

      My Tinnitus has made me more aware of the noise around me and how to react around the noise. If it is not very loud, or a huge social gathering, I can tolerate the noise for a while, but I will always leave early due to the noise.

      I have found that this debilitating form of torture, Tinnitus, is a maker of very depressed folks, with only one way out, if they get to that point in their lives with T. I've read numerous accounts of people offing themselves because they could not take the Tinnitus Torture any longer. I find that to be scary and brutal. OMG!!!
      My own research on Tinnitus Torture has brought me to the conclusion that I'm screwed, as far as relief goes from the medical community. They can damn sure give away millions to rich people, but not to people suffering with debilitating diseases, and or, Tinnitus. They can't find a cure, or a medication, that will lower the noise, but they can damn sure give away millions of dollars to the wealthy can't they!! F'n losers!!

      I use, acoustic neuromodulation, off of YouTube, on bad days. It's a mixture of beeps and things that help me not concentrate on my T. It actually does break up my constant high pitched hiss but not for long. Give it a try. There are many acoustic neuromodulation recordings on YouTube, so give em a listen.

      I take 3mg of Lunesta, and I smoke shit loads of cannabis, so I can sleep. I'm retired, so I aint worried about any consequences, about UA's and crap. The cannabis made my T harsher at first, but eventually became a way out of T Land for a few hours a, day/night. Some of the Indica strains of cannabis lower my T better than the Sativa strains of cannabis.
      Some days are worse than others. Some days I do have suicidal ideations, but not many.

      I think of it as payback for being a stone cold alcoholic for 35 years, where I only cared about my booze, and nothing else, even my children. Could be. Peace!!! Lol
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    2. glynis

      glynis Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Meniere's Disease
      Welcome to Tinnitus Talk.
      As we have no cure yet I is what is available where you live around the world to help you cope.
      CBT,TRT,White noise generators or hearing aids,HBOT and sound therapy.
      In the UK drugs are illegal but I am not one to judge and for some people that is their only relief and for pain.
      Enjoy your time on here and im sure the support and friendship will help you through tough times.
      Love glynis
      • Agree Agree x 1
    3. AUTHOR

      TomK Member

      Minneapolis MN
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud machines, music, partying in front of band PA systems.
      Hi Glynis and thanks for the welcome.
      • Like Like x 1

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