Hi, I'm new to this site. Anyone in the SF Bay area?

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Lori, Jan 9, 2012.

    1. Lori

      Lori Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      Do you have a great ENT? Would love to connect. I believe I have both T and PT. I could use day advice as to what works. Have you used TIPA or the new Sound Cure device? Thanks Lori
    2. calin

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      Hi Lori! Welcome

      I am on the opposite side of the state! Sorry.

      Read through the posts here... you may find something that you resonate with or can learn a bit more about.

      Jim is using TIPA with no luck so far. I am using UST - sound therapy and just stared again with the sonic toothbrush! I am having positive changes. Not rid of the PT yet, but I feel it is just a matter of time!
    3. Judy

      Judy Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Tinnitus since 2009
      I live in San Jose, close to SF
    4. Jim

      Jim Member Benefactor

      San Francisco
      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi Lori, welcome to the group. Yes I'm a San Francisco resident. There is an SF tinnitus support group that meets periodically. I think they meet quarterly. I have never attended. I get a notification through ATA. You may be able to check their calendar for the next meeting.
      Sorry, no I don't. I think my ENT actually contributed to the severity of my tinnitus. He freaked me out so badly with his initial diagnosis and poor explanation. My stress went through the roof and made things much worse than they could have had he been more informed about tinnitus.
      Yes I have used TIPA. I bought it mostly out of curiosity with no expectation that it would work. It didn't. I have also used Neuromonics. Although it did provide some hope and temporary relief via masking, I didn't work for me in the way their marketing would suggest.
      The things that worked for me
      Drugs (anti anxiety and ambien)
      Stay busy, keep your mind occupied.

      good luck
    5. Jim

      Jim Member Benefactor

      San Francisco
      Tinnitus Since:
      Lori, this just in. If you are interested.

      Dear James,The San Francisco Tinnitus Support Group invites you to join them at their next meeting.
      Tuesday, January 24, 20125:30 - 7:00 p.m.*
      *Meetings tend to go later when we have a big group so plan accordingly.
      1234 Divisadero St., 2nd floor conference room
      San Francisco, CA 94115
      *There is free parking behind the building.
      Note from the group leader(s): "We will start out with a brief review of the new Sound Cure Device and the Meisch Temple Massager. For those of you who are participating in the mini study please bring the massager with you. If you are going to continue with the device, there will be more detailed instructions about usage. Also, you will need to fill out another questionnaire. If you are not able to attend and want to continue, please send me an email and I will attach the questionnaire. If you are not going to continue with the device, please return it so that someone else can try it.
      In addition to our usual round table forum, we will review several new interesting articles on tinnitus and discuss items of interest from the new Tinnitus Today magazine.
      Looking forward to next month, we will have a presentation by Dr. Tracy Peck on biofeedback and how it can be used as a treatment for tinnitus. Save February 21st for this most informative meeting."
    6. calin

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      Are you going Jim? Sounds like it could be interesting!
    7. Jim

      Jim Member Benefactor

      San Francisco
      Tinnitus Since:
      No, I will not be attending. I will be traveling at that time.

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