How can you tell that it's getting better?

Discussion in 'Support' started by Joel, Mar 13, 2013.

    1. Joel

      Joel Member

      Brooklyn , NY
      Tinnitus Since:
      I've had a false alarms before (ringing subsided only to come back) but for the last week or so things seemed to have calmed down a little.

      I still have the ring for sure, but its much more in the background and I am no longer having hyperacusis attacks every day (only once this week actually)

      I've been taking supplements religiously (arches), super green health shakes twice a day, less coffee (one small cup now), lots of cardio, and I've been "practicing" as much as possible with the hyperacusis (trying to push through and ignore when its a safe volume instead of running form the sound)

      The supplements I have say that it takes 90 days for it to really kick in. I don't think it has been that long maybe 45 days ... but do you think they could actually be helping?

      I'm almost too afraid to find out (stop taking them) for fear that the T may come back hard. But if I don't try then I will be spending an infinite amount of $$ on supplements that may or may not work.

      Regardless, I'm just happy for a tiny bit of relief ... I've been able to get back into the studio a little and mix without freaking out. Amazing how much I took my hearing for granted
    2. Mario

      Mario Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      You've probably habituated, your dietary has a impact as well. In my past experience, sugar isn't a gift with tinnitus. You've coped well by the looks of it.
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    3. Emma

      Emma Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I think people take everything for granted lol. I am never making that mistake again. I am so glad to hear that you have some relief. I think I am getting habituated to my T and I havent really done anything, just gave it time.
    4. AUTHOR

      Joel Member

      Brooklyn , NY
      Tinnitus Since:
      Thx Mario. Just doing the best i can really. I was really thrown off though for a couple of months. Not used to being that upset for a such an extended period like that. I just wonder that if I discontinue the use of the supplements I'm taking, if that would effect my "progress"
    5. AUTHOR

      Joel Member

      Brooklyn , NY
      Tinnitus Since:
      Thx Emma!!

      I guess i am trying to figure out if I am habituating or if the supplements are calming things down. Ultimately it doesn't matter as long as things are getting a little better.

      I will probably keep taking the supplements anyway. Extra Zinc and Ginseng are still pretty useful outside of it's effects on T I suppose.

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