How Long Does a Tinnitus Spike Last After Noise Exposure?

Discussion in 'Support' started by Sean, Nov 27, 2013.

    1. Sean

      Sean Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi every one ,
      I am just wondering how long does it take for tinnitus to spike after noise exposure ?
      When firecracker went off I know I had instant spike .if I remember correctly when I went to the concert T spiked next morning .
      I had such a wonderful 3 days ,but yesterday one idiot at my work really really slam the iron door .i was 8 feet away and closed my left ear with figure ,but I really panicked .i could not even sleep properly and I can hear my left ear ringing again !
      I am not sure that it spiked because or noise or because I am panicking .
      I am some what embarrassed to tell him not to slam the door.he works under me and no one thinks its a big deal..I am just concerned he might think I am too finicky .door closes on it own but idiot always slams the door!i am just so annoyed .
      Sorry to complain every one ..just venting !
    2. seal

      seal Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      acoustic trauma
      no doubt in this case. it spiked because you panicked. You wrote yesterday that you had some quiet days and that you were anxious to go to sleep because you would be afraid it would spike today.... tadaaa now it spiked. this is really the worst thing you could do, you were totally focussing on the T and literally waiting for a spike. please try to calm down now, because all your anxiety and fear spikes the T. and believe me, I know how hard that is! And go talk to your co-worker, just tell him that you have trouble with your ears and that it would be nice of him to try to not slam the door, but please say it in a nice way, usually non-T-sufferers just can't understand, how noises can affect us Tinnitus folks, so he probably didn't think it could bother anyone. But I'm pretty sure he understands if you take the time to explain it to him :) good luck and no worries, the Tinnitus will calm down again, but only if you relax a little.
    3. AUTHOR

      Sean Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Thank you seal .it has spiked ,but not too bad .i had such a good 3-4 days !
      I will tell him today ..he is my employee and I don't want him to know that I have T,but will tell him in a nice way not to slam the door .
      Poor guy has no idea I called him Idiot on this baked few times lol.
      This board is truely a blessing to have .
    4. seal

      seal Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      acoustic trauma
      But there is really nothing wrong with telling him that you have Tinnitus, he probably will feel sorry for you and will understand even more how important the door thing is to you. at least try to tell him that it's a medical issue with your ears, otherwise he might really just think that it only annoys you. but of course to us door slamming is more than just an annoyance!
      BTW I really do think the spike is because you barely slept and are panicking, my Tinnitus also spikes when I'm in that state of mind.
      About calling him an idiot for slamming the door, I also totally understand, we often kind of overreact because we know how a spike feels and many people without Tinnitus are just sooo loud in their everyday lives:D nothing we handle very good, eh?
    5. LadyDi

      LadyDi Member Benefactor

      Florida, USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Sean, not sure why you wouldn't want your employee to know you had tinnitus, as long as you didn't make a big deal out of it. It's nothing to be ashamed of. I am sure he would sympathetic and be more cautious about loud noises.

      I have let my co-workers who work directly with me know I have tinnitus, when it comes up -- mainly so they know they are free to ask me to use headphones if my pink noise or other sound generation at my desk is annoying them, or that I am not being rude if I am listening to headphones in their presence. We also can't expect people to understand how loud noises that sound perfectly normal to them can affect us.

      I am sure your spike will subside. I had a similar situation when my iPhone volume accidentally got turned up. I panicked, I spiked, had one bad night's sleep... and then, it went back to normal.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    6. AUTHOR

      Sean Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Thanks seal - one thing I learned in life is that never tell any one your medical issues unless you really really have to .It gives people chance to talk about you and feel sorry - some people get kick out of it.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    7. seal

      seal Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      acoustic trauma
      Part of it is true, but it also helps them to better understand you, just like LadyDi says. Sure, you shouldn't be whining about it at the office and making it a big issue, but admitting to it would rather be a great and honest thing to do and shows your employees that you trust them.Doesn't mean everybody in the whole office needs to know it, but just the ones that work closely with you. try seeing it that way maybe :) but of course, it's only your decision.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    8. AUTHOR

      Sean Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Maybe you guys are right . I guess I am lil stiff with my employees.
      Normally my employees gossip about other managers and their issues so I keep my personal issues personal .
      I do let my friends know I have sensitive ears and my ear ring with loud music ..I had to tell them to get out of loud events/parties and they understood .

      I am not sure this spike is because of door slamming ..hope not .
    9. AUTHOR

      Sean Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Btw I measure sound level of slamming door . It is about 92 DB from 6 feet .is that too much ?any advise .
    10. frohike

      frohike Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic trauma
      No, it isn't. Exposure is just one second I guess. It shouldn't be a problem, but I guess some people with T are like a canary with bad lungs in a mine. If you want to feel safe you can wear custom earplugs.

      One good thing about getting old is that you care less and less what other people say, it's not that you know you shouldn't care, it's that it doesn't register in your brain. Life is better this way.

      Answering the question of this thread, I believe its between 0 seconds and 3 days.
    11. AUTHOR

      Sean Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Frohike. Thank you .
      You are right about getting old part and caring less. I am 39 and I care Way lot less then before .
      I don't feel shy about wearing ear plugs at the mall and stuff ..I would have never wore them in my 20s.
      Btw do you know why iron door slam feels lot louder than 92db ?because 92 DB is not too much .Closing a car door is about 92 DB ,but that doesn't feel that loud some how .
      I had measure door slam by putting my IPhone DB meter 6 feet away from the door .
      • Creative Creative x 1
    12. mick1987
      No Mood

      mick1987 Member

      UK (England)
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic Trauma
      Thats about the same noise level as slamming a car bonnet, which has left me clueless to if it is the cause of TTS (stuffy, full feeling ears 6 hours later for 5 days after) followed by this spike for almost 7 weeks now. Oh and i am 26 years old and wear bright orange earplugs walking down the street, i don't care what people think, im trying to protect my ears from getting worse.
    13. AUTHOR

      Sean Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Mick- you don't think you had viral infection ?i have never heard any one getting stuffy ear with spike ..Not too sure though.
      You are doing it right need to be shy about ear plugs one really cares and if they do care it's none of our business -:)
    14. frohike

      frohike Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic trauma
      I really don't know. Maybe it startled you and increased your anxiety. Maybe you have hyperacusia to some sounds. Maybe the iPhone app is not good, here is a list of decibel meters: A Review Of 30 Sound (Noise) Measurement Apps « Popular « Safety Awakenings

      So many questions! a thing I don't like about T is that it's temperamental. I'm having a spike myself after irrigating my ears one hour ago. I think everything went fine, no discomfort, the nurse was extra careful, but I was scared like a chicken! and even know I don't know what to think.
    15. carol kane

      carol kane Member

      Lincolnshire united kingdom
      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi Lady Di, I noticed that you live in Fflorida, i´m a Brit but i have a place in Florida, just wondering what part of Florida you live in.
    16. mick1987
      No Mood

      mick1987 Member

      UK (England)
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic Trauma
      Sean, the temporary threshold shift (stuffy ear feeling) is the ear trying to protect itself from loud noise, that's how most people get noise induced tinnitus. The first time I got tinnitus august 2012 I got the TTS from standing in a shed trying to find a fire alarm that had gone off in middle of the night, because the shed was full of tools and pitch dark I was in there a good 1 to 2 minutes trying to find the alarm that was on the floor, my eardrums were beating like 2 heartbeats in my head the noise was extremely loud, I thought my eardrums were going to explode!

      Because my ears got stuffy and full 6 hours after the car bonnet noise I thought......yep I've done it again, I've got temporary threshold shift for the second time. That's why I'm pretty sure it was the loud noise.
    17. Thongjy

      Thongjy Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      So how long after noise exposure that your ringing start? Immediately?

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