How to handle regret??

Discussion in 'Support' started by Alexandor, Dec 9, 2013.

    1. Alexandor

      Alexandor Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I have had tinnitus for the last 6-7 months after a night out at a club with friends. I never really enjoyed going to loud nightclubs but I decided to join my friends this one particular night. It resulted in my tinnitus and definitely changed my life the past 6-7 months. Although the tinnitus has become much easier to deal with over time, I still find myself getting really depressed trying to handle the regret. I just wish I had taken steps to protect my hearing, or not gone out that night. I feel like the last few months would have been so much more enjoyable. It kills me knowing that one night at that crappy club might shape the rest of my life. This feeling is almost as bad as the tinnitus itself. Anybody have any words of advice on how to deal with this??
    2. seal

      seal Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      acoustic trauma
      I have the same regrets, so I totally understand. I went to one concert and the Tinnitus never stopped since then. And just like you I never enjoyed loud clubs or concerts, but I wanted to join my friends. And of course the last years have been very though so I regret going to the concert every single day... it's like with Tinnitus you don't get a second chance. It doesn't stay for a little time so that you know to protect your ears but just stays once you have it and never heals. What I always think of is that we probably would have gotten Tinnitus anyways if not that particular night, we would have gone to another club or concert, so do not focus so much on that event. What also helps a little bit is, to think of it as an accident like a car crash or something. you really couldn't see how harmful it would be. we are young and there is almost no awareness of how to protect yourself. I also think that music shouldn't be dangerously loud anywhere, it's not our fault that club managers and sound engineers turn up the volume to such extremes.
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    3. Owch

      Owch Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I totally agree. Awareness of this is almost zero, maybe there need to be a few legal cases and some examples made?

      Sorry if that sounds hard but reading these stories makes me feel angry that people are having their lives ruined on a daily-basis in this manner
      • Agree Agree x 2
    4. seal

      seal Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      acoustic trauma
      I couldn't agree more. I think there are legal limits for the max db in most countries, but afterwards it's always hard to proof that it was too loud. Chances for a lawsuit are probably pretty bad, they will just say " oh, all the other people were fine!" also of course you can never proof that you have Tinnitus anyways only hearing damage. and then they will say that you already had that before. most people wouldn't go to court anyways because in the beginning you don't realize that it probably won't go away and how it will change your life...
      in every tanning salon there are big warnings but I never saw big warnings or any at all in clubs or at come?
      • Agree Agree x 2
    5. Owch

      Owch Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I'm coming to the conclusion that some people want us to have hearing damage
    6. epin3m

      epin3m Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Just stop regretting. Tinnitus does make you no harm, you are the one who hurts yourself with those kind of thoughts so stop.

      I have been punishing my self also a lot. Why did not I go to the dr. earlier to treat that ear infection? Why was I so dumb? Why, why, why.......... That only made me cry and hurt myself so stop self-pity.

      Read what meeruf wrote:
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