Hyperacusis and Headaches

Discussion in 'Support' started by Lynnette, Feb 13, 2014.

    1. Lynnette

      Lynnette Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Aug 2013
      So I suffer with H and T. T for 7 months and H for the last 4. I've noticed when I get headaches (which is often unfortunately) my noise tolerance to H is worse....anyone else experience this? Also does H tend to get worse with age or does there not appear to be a correlation between the two?
    2. TomT

      TomT Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Are you sure your H gets worse because of your headache, or your headache gets worse because of H? I believe my headache gets worse because of my H. It brings me more stress and in turn gives me bad headaches. As far as age being a factor, that I am not sure.
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    3. AUTHOR

      Lynnette Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Aug 2013
      Not sure. I also take lexapro which definitely is a contributor to my headaches. My H didn't start until I started lexapro (my T was 3 months before this). I was hoping all this would settle down, but it's not, unfortunately.
    4. Hi Lynnette, it appears H can cause headaches, I know it's caused me some weird ones..however, people who experience migraines can have hyperacusis, or increased sensitivity to sound too. I know of one other who suspected that lexapro might of led to her ear symptoms, but it's hard to tell. Perhaps you could switch to another medication and see if your H decreases? I am currently tapering off clonazepam for the same reasons.

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