Hyperacusis Is Stressing Me Out... Again.

Discussion in 'Support' started by arctic loon, Jul 1, 2019.

    1. arctic loon

      arctic loon Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      loud music
      Hi, long time no posting on this forum, which means life has been going ok. Tonight I just feel so anxious about ears again I feel like I need to vent a bit. I have made peace pretty well with my tinnitus, and I have negative emotional reactions to it very rarely. Even now, it's not the problem, but hyperacusis is.

      I recently tried playing acoustic/classical guitar, maybe a bit over week ago. I played with plugs and I got a hyperacusis spike that lasted 4 days. But I really loved playing the guitar. So yesterday I decided to try again, with plugs and trying to play it as quietly as I could. I really loved it, and got a bit too carried away with it and played too much, although I did take some breaks in between. About half of the playing time I played with both foam plugs and a pair of yellow Peltors. Overall kinda stupid move to play so long (honestly don't know how long exactly, but maybe around 3 hours in total?). Now my right ear which has the hyperacusis problem has been spiking again, it feels like burning and aching and normal noises sound too loud.

      I just feel so frustrated! I found something that makes me happy but I seriously can't touch the instrument again, the pain is not worth it. With hyperacusis it's so difficult to find forgiveness for yourself. Because it's so easy to go the old route of blaming myself for playing again, playing too long and being stupid because I should've known better. Now all I can do is rest another week and then continue life and try to be forgiving to myself. Now I just feel really depressed and feel like I want to cry to be honest.

      It's so difficult living everyday life being afraid of noise. I do wear foam plugs a lot still, for example when I'm cycling in the city. I don't know if using plugs has made hyperacusis worse for me, but my tinnitus has been pretty ok this way. Can one even truly get rid of hyperacusis? It's so difficult steering the car called life and maintaining both tinnitus and hyperacusis and trying to be mentally stable and have a fulfilling life. Hyperacusis takes away so many things that make life worth living. And I really dislike having this stupid pain in my ear from such small things.

      Life goes on, I know, I'm being super emo today :D At least now I know one more thing I shouldn't be doing. I'll just need to wait for the pain to go away but it is so frustrating. I wish I could have some type of therapy that would help with hyperacusis, there honestly just isn't any available.

      Also one question, does anyone here use some type of anti-anxiety medication? I have anxiety from other reasons (though tinnitus & hyperacusis have a part in it) and a psychiatrist told me a while ago medication would be a possibility. Would it be safe to be on anti-anxiety meds with ear issues? I kinda hope that if I did go on meds, it would help me cope with the anxiety regarding hyperacusis and tinnitus. Because when I get anxiety from ear issues, it's quite bad.

      If anyone read this nightly vent, thanks. And honestly, living a good life with tinnitus & hyperacusis is possible! I'm just really bummed out right, that's all :D I really hope my ears go back to normal soon. And really grateful for this forum, even though it's a bit depressing place with all of us coming here to mostly just complain, it's great to know you're not alone.
      • Hug Hug x 3
    2. Michael Leigh

      Michael Leigh Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Brighton, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise induced
      HI @arctic loon

      I read your post with much interest and also sadness because I have been where you are. 23 years ago when I first got tinnitus and very severe hypercusis. It was so bad when in conversation with anyone I had to politely ask them to please lower their voice as my ears hurt so much.

      My hyperacusis was completely cured in 2 years wearing white noise generators as part of TRT and has remained this way. The white noise generators supply sound to the auditory system and over time, will desensitise it and in most cases completely cure one's over sensitivity to sound. White noise generators should be used as part of TRT and under the guidance of a Hearing Therapist or Audiologist trained in tinnitus and hyperacusis management and treatment.

      Please don't think your hyperacusis cannot be treated to enable you to tolerate normal everyday sounds because it can. A person can do a lot to help themselves but in severe cases professional help may need to be sought. I will place some links below and advise that you read my posts on hyperacusis self help.

      By wearing foam earplugs a lot you haven't helped yourself, because it's likely that you have lowered the "loudness threshold" of your auditory system, so it has become more sensitive. I explain more about this in my post below.
      Consider changing to wearing "noise reducing earplugs". These will not completely block-out outside enviromental sounds, but will reduce it, thus helping your auditory system to become more accustomed to normal everyday sound.

      I also advise that you start using "sound enrichment" whenever possible and particularly at night to help desensitise your auditory system. It is more sound that you need to immerse yourself in and not silence. This should be down gradually and will take time. Please click on the links below and read my posts.

      Hope you start to feel better soon.
      All the best





      Last edited: Jul 2, 2019
      • Informative Informative x 1
    3. dpdx

      dpdx Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Onset:09/23/2017 Worsened: 1/17/2018
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic Trauma, worsened by caloric test/VEMP test 90db nhL
      I have moderate hyperacusis and moderate tinnitus after doing cvemp/caloric test. I am slowly starting to habituate and I am resuming my life, doing a lot of things I haven't done before, but just not exposing myself to loud sounds.
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    4. Michael Leigh

      Michael Leigh Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Brighton, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise induced
      Please follow my suggestions as I am confident you can improve more. You need to immerse yourself in more sound and not keep away from them. I am not saying loud sounds as such as your auditory system is sensitive at the moment. However, the way to desensitise it to to follow my suggestions slowly and at your own pace.

      You can do this.
      Take care

      • Hug Hug x 1
    5. AUTHOR
      arctic loon

      arctic loon Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      loud music
      @Michael Leigh thank you for your advise, and sorry for not responding sooner. I got over that H spike and continued on but I do think my hyperacusis has gotten worse overall.

      Normal sounds are becoming too much to handle. I get the pain more often and noises i previously didn't care about have become worrisome. I'm trying not to overprotect but its hard when i have to deal with the discomfort so often. The pain even started from taking a shower for example. Only on the right ear which is the sensitive one, but it's still a bummer.

      Today i tried listening to some ambient rain sounds very quietly through the speakers, for around three hours. I feel like my ears didn't like that and the right is sensitive right now. I would like to try having sound enrichment during the night but would it be too much? Even my own voice sounds too loud sometimes and a thought of not giving my ears silence to rest scares me a bit.

      I'm trying not to stress over this too much since that doesnt help. I just dont know what to do really, should i continue doing normal things that didnt cause pain and discomfort before? Limiting i feel would be a bad move, but for example the electric toothbrush is a lot to handle right now. I have tried giving my ears silence treatment for a couple of days, and when the ear finally becomes normal it takes so little for it to go wild again. I honestly would love to do sound enrichment because i want to get better but i just don't know if it's a smart thing to do.

      I'm probably going to go to complain about this to the doctors when i can. Although I don't have high hopes for that plan since they usually don't know anything about hyperacusis. Oh well...
    6. Michael Leigh

      Michael Leigh Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Brighton, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise induced
      HI @arctic loon

      If possible try and get a referral to see a Hearing Therapist or Audiologist that specialises in the treatment of tinnitus and hyperacusis as I think white noise generators would help you. The will desensitise your ears so they are not so sensitive to sound. If you are unable to get referral then try self help.

      As you are quite sensitive to sound at the moment, you could try using "noise reducing" earplugs on an experimental basis. Don't rely on them too much as there's a risk of your ears becoming too sensitive to sound. Take your time and experience with sound enrichment but don't push yourself too much if sound is uncomfortable.

      Best of luck
    7. AUTHOR
      arctic loon

      arctic loon Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      loud music
      @Michael Leigh Yeah i need to be careful with my ears. I actually ordered these ear plugs called pluggerz music, the kids version since i have small ear canals and many adult sizes are way too big for my ears. Would they be ok? I think they are noise reducing but they dont muffle speaking if that makes sense. Im waiting for them to come and keeping out of places where i'd usually need plugs.

      Too bad that with my tinnitus ive always rather gone with overprotecting because i dont want the the tinnitus to get worse. I thought hyperacusis is a lesser problem that i dont need to put so much attention to. But now it it really is getting quite bad. Though tinnitus has been bothering me more more also since im focusing on my ear problems again, and H does mess up with T sometimes. I'm trying the back to silence method to cope right now since my normal way of just ignoring it isn't enough.

      I will try to find a doctor who could help with the possible hearing theraphy, fingers crossed for that. Since you have used these white noise generators im just wondering, how do they differ from ear buds? Having something in my ears that makes sound feels a bit stressful, when my tinnitus started i dropped using ear buds and headphones completely. Also thank you for giving me advise with this. I hope my questions aren't too annoying :D It's just great to talk with someone who has had experience with the same issue.
    8. Michael Leigh

      Michael Leigh Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Brighton, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise induced
      HI @arctic loon

      I am not familiar with the earplugs you mention but advise you to experiment. Just be careful not to use them too often and try not to keep away from normal everyday sounds. You might think this is helping but it as long term it can make your auditory system more sensitive to sound.

      You need to see a Hearing Therapist or Audiologist that specialises in Tinnitus and hyperacusis treatment. This is not normally an area for a doctor. By all means see an ENT doctor for tests on your ears and auditory system. But the right health professionals to see and be referred to are: Hearing Therapist or Audiologist that specialises in Tinnitus and hyperacusis treatment.

      Do not use headphones or earbuds and attempt to play white noise through them as therapy into your ears, as you are certain to make your tinnitus and hyperacusis much w0rse even at low volume. White noise generators are specifically made to supply gentle soothing white noise into the ears. The sound is regulated and fit for purpose. They do not use a diaphragm or speaker to supply sound into ear as headphones or buds, therefore, it's very unlikely to cause any irritation to the ear. The sound is passed through a very small hole in a plastic tube. They resemble hearing aids in appearance. There are two types of WNG. Behind the ear and smaller bullet shaped in-ear WNG.

      As I said try and get a referral to see the health professionals I have mentioned Not a doctor.

    9. AUTHOR
      arctic loon

      arctic loon Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      loud music
      I see, I'll try my best. If there's none in my area i do know there's an ear institute in helsinki that provides TRT. I'd need to travel for that but i feel i seriously need to take control of hyperacusis because it's limiting my life too much. I'll try not to isolate myself from every day sounds as well. I'll let you know if i get forward with this
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