
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Jeff taylor, Jan 1, 2016.

    1. Jeff taylor

      Jeff taylor Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hard though this will be for most people to comprehend, there are criminals in my area deliberately inflicting people with tinnitus by means of specially adapted mobile.....phones..........seemingly designed by an electronics engineer, they then call you their TOY as they alter your tinnitus volume by means of the volume control on their phone, they use it for extortion, it was invented in Glasgow Barlinine. .....prison....go to the police and they laugh at you saying it is not possible if such a thing existed they would know about it?............well,! It does and they don't, I flew from Glasgow to Cardiff a couple of weeks ago as the volume of my tinnitus was unbearable, as soon as I stepped of the plane my tinnitus stopped completely and I had a weeks holiday tinnitus free, flew home to Ayr and it started again, criminals don't get any lower than this lot up here, (leaving for good soon)
    2. nills

      nills Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      acoustic trauma
      sorry but this must be the craziest conspiracy theory ever ... ! ... if this technology did exist it would mean they have found the tinnitus solution, because they could turn around the signal of this device to turn it down ..

      anyway, if you could be T free by stepping on a place ... why are you sitting behind your computer reading this??

      invented - in prison! ... made from a fork stolen from their kitchen and some gafa tape?
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    3. billie48

      billie48 Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      not sure
      If the story is true, then these are crazy people indeed to make money out of people's misery. But they should turn that intelligence into finding a way to stop people's T and they can make a lot more money that way. LOL. I don't know if your T decrease is related to stepping away from your homeland whether these tortuous gangs of criminals are. But for one thing I notice even for my first vacation away from home, that my T seemed to be lower on the vacation, and that it returned with a vengeance once I went back to the stress of work. LOL. That is why I advise people to try their best to relax and calm down, and that stress is bad for T.
    4. AUTHOR
      Jeff taylor

      Jeff taylor Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi Billy, as we both know the he'll of tinnitus can only be understood by those who have it and have had it, the scum who would deliberately inflict somebody with T make your ordinary everyday sadist look like saints and belong to the animal world, not human world, up to this moment in time science has never been able to invent anything which would allow one person to control another remotely, now that it has happened because of new technology, computers, cellphones etc the world becomes a more dangerous and compassion less place, control freaks, sexual deviants, cowards, and the self important trash in self denial of what they are,have the ability to ruin the lives of people they dislike. The people who have the knowledge of how to apply this dreadful weapon are unfortunately untouchable because nothing can be proven and the local police force continue to act as predictably as these people know they will. Regards JT
    5. AUTHOR
      Jeff taylor

      Jeff taylor Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi,a reply to nills in Belgium! ...........get yourself a proper pair of hearing aids, even if you don't think you need them as you can hear everyday speech alright! The difference in the level of your suffering will immediately half, start taking a LARGE dose of vitamin B complex every day . when the noise becomes unbearable go to a website called( MY NOISE) you will find the best maskers........There is......................Please cut the sarcasm, just because you have never had the misfortune to run into the likes of wHo I have doesn't mean it doesn't exist, JT

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