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Iodine Supplementation for Better Brain and Sinus Health — Which "Might" Improve Tinnitus


Hall of Fame
Apr 30, 2018
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Single 25 mg dose of (anticholinergic) drug Promethazine
I started taking iodine supplement 5 weeks ago, 600 mcg per day. My T disappeared immediately, but now it is coming back again (last 2 days). This is typical for my T: It stays away for weeks, even months, and then it comes again. ...... So I don't know if the iodine really helps or not. It certainly helps with my hypothyreosis so I will continue taking it anyway. Maybe it helps with T, and it stops again soon.

I just ran across a blog I wrote up about two years ago on some of the amazing things I had discovered about iodine. I then did a quick search here, and found the above positive testimonial regarding iodine supplementation helping with tinnitus.

I originally wrote my blog to point out the potential for iodine to improve CFS. As I reread it however, I realized some of that same information is quite applicable to people with tinnitus, especially as it relates to brain health and sinus health. Here's the blog in its entirety...

Iodine and Apoptosis - Implications For Immunity, Autoimmunity, Leaky Gut, Methylation, Cancer... Blog entry posted Mar 16, 2016.

I've been doing a good deal of research the past few months on iodine, and feel I've learned much--as well as experiencing various health improvements from iodine supplementation. Though I feel I'm still in the beginning stages of my "iodine experimentation", (and at times feeling a bit overwhelmed by what a broad topic it is), I thought I'd share a few notes that I feel are particularly relevant to people with ME/CFS.

Iodine and Apoptosis: Iodine is needed by every cell in the body, but tends to concentrate in areas where there is frequent cell regeneration (which involves apoptosis). This includes nasal passages and mucus cells of the stomach lining, where cell regeneration takes place very 2-3 days. If there is insufficient iodine in the body to perform this critical function, dysfunction occurs. -- Sounds to me like this could have some pretty significant implications for digestion and gut health, and affect some of the dynamics associated with leaky gut syndrome.

Iodine and Autoimmunity: Here's a couple of quotes from the book, "Breast Cancer and Iodine", by David M. Derry, MD, PhD. -- "Iodine can coat incoming allergic proteins to make them non-allergic...". "Iodine binds softly to the double and triple bond of lipids to protect these bonds while they are being transported to synaptic sites in the brain and blood vessels of the body". -- The author believes this is why iodine deficiency likely has major implications for all sorts of auto-immune conditions.

Iodine and Immunity: The above references to high concentrations of iodine in the nasal passages and stomach can have some pretty significant implications for our overall immunity. I read one testimonial online of a man who experienced exasperating, ongoing sinus infections for years, being unable to shake them. When he finally discovered iodine supplementation, his sinus infections cleared up within days. Reminded me of the many references I've seen of pw/ME/CFS struggling with sinus infections.

Also, as inferred by the title of the book I referenced "Breast Cancer and Iodine", the scientific evidence of the connection between iodine deficiency and cancer is by most accounts, extensive and irrefutable, even though it's doubtful most oncologists ever give it a second thought.

Iodine and Thyroid Health: The thyroid gland captures dietary iodine, and synthesizes thyroid hormones from it (T3 and T4), storing it in the body until needed. -- Interestingly, taking thyroid extract can correspondingly increase the amount of iodine needed by the thyroid gland. Even though the thyroid gland will function better, apparently this can happen at the expense of iodine concentrations in other parts of the body. -- A distinction is made between "Tissue Level" and "Blood Circulating Levels" of iodine.

A couple more points: Hal Huggins (holistic dentist for many decades) has extensive experience and knowledge of mercury toxicity and its many detrimental effects. He believes just one of these effects is mercury's ability to bind with T3 and T4, essentially rendering them unusable by the body. This could possibly explain why a good number of people often get thyroid tests that come back normal, but can improve their thyroid function and health significantly by supplementing with iodine.

Also, different parts of the body need different kinds of iodine. The thyroid gland apparently can only use the "iodide" form (potassium iodide being the most common). Breast tissue however can only use elemental iodine. This is why Lugols solution and other iodine supplements like Iodoral usually come in a ratio of 2 parts potassium iodine to 1 part elemental iodine. Note: There are other kinds of iodine out there, like "nascent iodine", atomidine, and I believe a couple of others. I've not learned enough about them as of yet to make any knowledgeable comments about them.

Iodine and Brain Function: "Lack of iodine during pregnancy is the leading cause of intellectual impairment in the world." -- A severe iodine deficiency that causes profound neurological damage and mental retardation is called cretinism. I've seen several references to a child's IQ being compromised by as much as 10-15 IQ points just from relatively mild iodine insufficiency during pregnancy.

The fetus,--and especially the fetal brain--undergo rapid (and critical) phases of apoptosis during pregnancy. The iodine levels in the fetus during this time can actually be as much as 5x greater than that of the mother during this time. Also, iodine is highly concentrated in breast milk, as high levels of iodine are also required for the fast growing infant.

Iodine and Improved Energy: The thyroid gland is critical for normal metabolism and energy production in the body. It's also critical for mitochondrial health, and as I recall, quite a few other areas of physiology having to do with energy production. A sense of increased energy and vitality is one of the most commonly noted aspects I've seen in the many online testimonials I've read. It's been one area that I've definitely noticed for myself. Though my overall functionality has improved only modestly so far, I do feel a much greater sense of "resiliency" in my system, and feel optimistic I'm building a foundation for myself as I go forward.

Iodine and Detoxification (incl. Methylation): Iodine supplementation will almost always result in significant halide detoxification (flourines, chloriness, bromine, etc,). These ubiquitous toxins displace iodine in cell receptor sites, and when they in turn are displaced by adequate iodine intake, it can lead to detoxification symptoms. This why it's recommended that iodine supplementation be approached with a degree of caution, especially for people with detoxification problems. Supplemental Vitamin C, salt, and transdermal magnesium chloride are often recommended to greatly support detoxification of these halides.

This comment I found online describes just some of the aspects of detoxification that occur (or can occur) when beginning iodine supplementation:

"Would we like another good reason to have normal iodine levels? How about for proper methylation! In simple terms methylation is a process in which certain chemicals called 'methyl groups' are added to various constituents of proteins, DNA and other molecules. These are needed to keep them in good working condition. And if 'methyl' sounds familiar, it's part of methylcobalamin which is the active form of B12.

So long story short, not enough iodine = underactive thyroid = not enough T4 which is needed to convert vitamin B2 (riboflavin) to its active co-enzyme form "FAD" which is needed for proper methylation. So it doesn't matter how much B2 you have, or how good your B12 level is, without sufficient T4 from a proper functioning thyroid, you won't have normal methylation (even if your MTHFR gene is normal). This will not be on the test."

Iodine Literate Medical Doctors (ILMDs): There appears to be somewhat of an "iodine revolution" going on these past few years, largely due to the proliferation of knowledge being available and discussed online. This knowledge is stemming from examination of much of the scientific research that's been done, but often misunderstood or downright rejected by mainstream conventional medicine (sound familiar?).

One of the pioneers in this field is Lynne Farrow, who developed breast cancer, researched extensively, and after 8 long years, finally discovered the connection between iodine deficiency and breast cancer. Here's a link to her website: "Breast Cancer Choices". She credits iodine supplementation as being indispensable to her recovery.

She wrote about her experiences in the book, "The Iodine Crisis: What You Don't Know About Iodine Can Wreck Your Life". I think it's an excellent book, with a comprehensive history on how iodine was tragically shoved out of mainstream medicine, and how things are at long last starting to change with long-standing scientific evidence being correctly interpreted by some intrepid health care practitioners. -- Dr. Brownstein and Dr. Sircus are a couple of other pioneers, and have also written extensively on iodine supplementation.

I'll finish by mentioning that what I've written is only a short, broad outline of the whole topic of iodine, its history, and its many critical functions in the body. I tried to focus in on those areas that I feel are most relevant to pw/ME/CFS, but there are even more than I've listed. I thought I'd wait on posting about what I've learned until I could be more comprehensive. But what I'm learning just seems to be never-ending, so decided it's better to get started than to be too obsessive about being comprehensive. :)

From all the research I've done so far, I've learned that most (if not all) ILMDs believe over 90% of the population is iodine deficient, many of them severely so. Given that iodine is critical for areas of health that so many people with ME/CFS struggle with, I've come to believe that any progress we may be able to make by incorporating various health measures will most likely always be limited unless we address any iodine deficiencies we may be dealing with.

All the Best...
And please don't take the following as a recommendation, but just a thought for those who don't mind doing some searching and reading up: Something that I don't think has been mentioned so far: iodine.
(e.g. Lugol's solution).

Now I suspect most GPs and a lot of specialists will say that iodine supplements are unnecessary and possibly dangerous. I'm not going to get into a discussion about that, but merely suggest checking out the work of people like:
Mark Sircus
David Brownstein
Jorge D. Flechas
Guy. E. Abraham

As with, say, niacin and vitamin C, there are lots of reasons to suspect that iodine supplementation may be helpful for a lot of reasons. Whether it is directly applicable to tinnitus or not is a moot point, although I can think of one possible application: allergies. I have read a very interesting thread on this forum in which one person definitely, and another possibly, had tinnitus directly related to inflamed Eustachian tubes, probably caused by allergies. Now, it seems that iodine insufficiency may be related to increased chances of suffering from allergies.

When iodine is mentioned we tend to think of the thyroid gland, but it turns out that only about 3% of the body's iodine is stored in the thyroid gland, and the rest spread out over other body tissues, including the skin (lack of iodine can stop you sweating, for example). The obvious inference is that iodine insufficiency (just like magnesium insufficiency to take another example) could lead to a whole host of problems, simply because it is involved in so many different components of the body.

Just to repeat: please don't take any of the above as a recommendation, but simply as food for thought.

Hi @MontmorencyTT,

Excellent post. -- Thanks...​
The Western population for sure is deficient in iodine, as we don't consume iodine rich seaweeds like the Japanese. The Japanese dietary intake of iodine is roughly 80x that of Americans, largely due to the wakame (a type of seaweed) based miso soup they routinely drink every morning in Japan.

Personally I've been eating plenty of iodine rich seaweeds with no effect on my tinnitus. I just don't think iodine is anyhow relevant to helping us with our problem
Personally I've been eating plenty of iodine rich seaweeds with no effect on my tinnitus. I just don't think iodine is anyhow relevant to helping us with our problem

Hi @Vertti,

I'm happy to hear you're getting plent of iodine in your diet. -- I think for most of us, our overall health is going to have an effect on tinnitus. I would think that whatever we can do to support that overall health--including getting sufficient iodine--will be helpful to some degree.

I once read a testimonial online by a man who experienced exasperating, ongoing sinus infections for years, being unable to shake them. When he finally discovered iodine supplementation, his sinus infection(s) cleared up within days. -- Sinus health seems to be particularly important for people with t and/or h.

Allergens can also cause tinnitus. Here's a quote from my original post: "Iodine can coat incoming allergic proteins to make them non-allergic. -- I think a case can be made that for some people who may be deficient in iodine (which is most people), supplemental iodine could "possibly" help. If not, it will almost assuredly lower their risk of cancer, and a host of other diseases.


The following account pretty dramatically illustrates how iodine can be so helpful for a number of conditions--even life and death conditions. I think this account is especially relevant for those with tinnitus who suspect candida is a contributing factor. If that's the case, a trial of supplemental iodine just might work wonders.

Dr Orian Truss
In 1953 Dr Orian Truss discovered the devastating effects of antibiotics in an Alabama (USA) hospital. During a hospital round Truss was intrigued by a gaunt, apparently elderly man who was obviously dying. However, he was only in his forties and in hospital for four months. No specialist had been able to make a diagnosis. Out of curiosity Truss asked the patient when be was last completely well.

The man answered that he was well until six months before when he had cut his finger He had received antibiotics for this. Shortly afterwards he developed diarrhoea and his health deteriorated. Truss had seen before how antibiotics cause diarrhoea. It was known that Candida was opportunistic and thrived in debilitated patients, but now Truss wondered if it might not be the other way round, that Candida actually caused the debilitated condition.

He had read that potassium iodide solution could be used to treat Candida infestation of the blood. So he put the patient on six to eight drops of Lugol's solution four times a day and soon the patient was again completely well.

Soon afterwards he had a female patient with a stuffy nose, a throbbing headache, vaginitis and severe depression. To his amazement all her problems immediately cleared with Candida treatment. Some time later he saw a female patient who had been schizophrenic for six years with hundreds of electroshock treatments and massive drug dosages. He started treating the woman for sinus allergies with a Candida vaccine. Soon she had recovered mentally and physically, and remained well.

From then on he treated his patients against Candida at the slightest indication of its presence. Many of his patients made remarkable recoveries from most unusual conditions including menstrual problems, hyperactivity, learning disabilities, autism, multiple sclerosis and auto-immune diseases such as Crohn's disease and lupus erythematosus.

Every experienced naturopath can relate similar success stories. Ironically, antibiotics are usually not necessary in the first place. In a few per cent of the cases in which they are necessary their serious after effects could easily be avoided using fungicides and lactobacilli.

Many people doubt the effectiveness of natural therapies against apparently serious infections, but my experience leads me to believe that frequently natural therapies are more effective, without causing the repeated and chronic infections seen after antibiotics. I have seen patients who have been unsuccessful on long-term antibiotic treatment recover within days or weeks with natural therapies.​

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