hi guys, i have somatic tinnitus, 8 weeks ago i had a prolapsed disc in my cervical spine and because of that veeeery stiff muscles in my whole neck. my doctor said this is the reason for my tinnitus which i got only 6 weeks ago, never had something like that before and my ENT says everything is fine. its a very soft high pitched sound which changes with body posture (worse when lying down) and i can make the sound stronger when i turn my neck or press my neck muscles.so the doctor says its because the tense muscles narrow some blood vessels leading to the auditory system in the brain. the same day tinnitus began i also felt pressure in the ear , which is also a symptom of my problem says the doctor. he thinks it will go away with time-lets hope so!
so my question now is: i listen to rain sounds all night long in the last 6 weeks -ALL night,not just to fall asleep with rain but my ears hear the sound even while i sleep for 9 hours.
its not loud obviously, just enaugh to cover my tinnitus sound. and then when i wake up i listen to other nature sound almost all day long-so actually,my ears never hear complete silence, from 24 hours they hear nature sounds for about 21 hours
a day 
does this harm my ears , i know its a silly question but im serious-doesnt even a tinnitus ear need a break sometimes, i mean NOT hearing ANYTHING AT ALL?

so my question now is: i listen to rain sounds all night long in the last 6 weeks -ALL night,not just to fall asleep with rain but my ears hear the sound even while i sleep for 9 hours.
its not loud obviously, just enaugh to cover my tinnitus sound. and then when i wake up i listen to other nature sound almost all day long-so actually,my ears never hear complete silence, from 24 hours they hear nature sounds for about 21 hours

does this harm my ears , i know its a silly question but im serious-doesnt even a tinnitus ear need a break sometimes, i mean NOT hearing ANYTHING AT ALL?