Is it possible to have tinnitus a long time without any changes?


Jun 3, 2014
Tinnitus Since
Onset: 12/2007 Increase: 04/2014
Cause of Tinnitus
2007: Meds(Antidepressant) 2014: Meds(Antibiotics)
I was wondering. I'm 31 years old, I was 25 when my T first started. I have a longggg road ahead of me and I am scared that I may end up at 60 years old with a jet noise in my head by the time I'm 60 :(

I've heard of T's of 100 decibels...It's scary ...

So anybody knows if it's possible to have no change in the loudness of the T throughout a lifetime?
My dads had t since before I was born. I'm 24 now and his has never gotten worse.
I was wondering. I'm 31 years old, I was 25 when my T first started. I have a longggg road ahead of me and I am scared that I may end up at 60 years old with a jet noise in my head by the time I'm 60 :(

I've heard of T's of 100 decibels...It's scary ...

So anybody knows if it's possible to have no change in the loudness of the T throughout a lifetime?
Oh shit I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I got T when I was 21 back in 1990, It was the same volume for 24 years up until 2 months ago I had a bad experience with ear wax removal using suction and the volume has now increased probably by about a third!

But and its a big but, my T has been steadily playing up for the last 4 to 5 months before my big spike and I have been pre diagnosed with organic depression plus I have TTS which is Tonic Tensor Tympani Syndrome which basically means that because of my depression and my use of ear plugs I, or my brain more so, have made my T get louder, you can read my story here....

So I am probably a special case so take my advice and probably everyone's advice on this forum will be the same!
Take earplugs with you everywhere you go and in noisy situations, anywhere you have to raise your voice for extended periods, wear them and look after your hearing and you go a long way to preventing your T from getting louder!

So anybody knows if it's possible to have no change in the loudness of the T throughout a lifetime?

In my opinion, yes. Over the course of 20 years my T did not get any louder than it was at onset. I even went to clubs and the occasional concert, but always with hearing protection as my T is noise induced.

But while I feel it can go unchanged for a long time, I must add I experienced a spike earlier this year. That said, the spike abated and if I had to guess I'd say it's back close to the old level. Best guess... a 1 or 2, on 1-10 scale, for 20 years, then a spike to 4-5, and now back down to a 2 or so.

Biggest concern for all of us is the loss of hearing with age and what that might do to the signal between middle/inner ear and brain.
thanks Mike!! My T was at 1-2 for 6 years and I am having a spike at the moment, very annoying...

this morning, it seemed to be back to the old level but tonight, it's louder again :(
Hi Rich, just curious, what does 'pre diagnosed with organic depression' mean?

Sorry should have described it better than that.

Been diagnosed by physio and then my doctor said it sounded like I have got it but was seeing him for a completely different problem so it has not been entered in my file.(well I don't think it did unless he did it on the sly!)
It was just an "oh and by the way" type of conversation.
I have not accepted any medication for it yet.
I am going to see if I can fight my own way out of it first, don't know if that's a silly thing to do or not but I,ll see how it goes.

I have not accepted any medication for it yet.
I am going to see if I can fight my own way out of it first, don't know if that's a silly thing to do or not but I,ll see how it goes.

It's not silly at all. I've had depression for a year and a half and have only just started taking regular meds for it because I just don't like taking medication of any kind and they can also make it more difficult to work your way through your feelings. So good luck, I hope you manage to pull yourself through it. You can always consider meds at a later time if you're really struggling.
In my opinion, yes. Over the course of 20 years my T did not get any louder than it was at onset. I even went to clubs and the occasional concert, but always with hearing protection as my T is noise induced.

But while I feel it can go unchanged for a long time, I must add I experienced a spike earlier this year. That said, the spike abated and if I had to guess I'd say it's back close to the old level. Best guess... a 1 or 2, on 1-10 scale, for 20 years, then a spike to 4-5, and now back down to a 2 or so.

Biggest concern for all of us is the loss of hearing with age and what that might do to the signal between middle/inner ear and brain.
If your thinking 20-25 years down the line when you age, don't you think better treatments or even a cure might be available by then considering the level of research going on right now. Tinnitus research now is like never before and I am sure things will be totally different 10 years from now. Besides, we can't predict how it's going to be with time. Though it has gotten worse for some, Majority of them have reported improvement over the years and even the unlucky ones don't give a shit after many years. So I think we should chill and go with the flow
If your thinking 20-25 years down the line when you age, don't you think better treatments or even a cure might be available by then considering the level of research going on right now. Tinnitus research now is like never before and I am sure things will be totally different 10 years from now. Besides, we can't predict how it's going to be with time. Though it has gotten worse for some, Majority of them have reported improvement over the years and even the unlucky ones don't give a shit after many years. So I think we should chill and go with the flow

In my opinion, the "improvement" the majority of T sufferers report is what we call habituation. Most would say the noise level is unchanged.

I'm cautiously optimistic about Autifony, but as it's not even in phase II yet, we're talking nearly 10 years IF it's proven effective. There really isn't much else on the horizon. AM-101 for us longtimers? We'll see.

Since T is not inherently fatal, research into treatments/cures for cancer, heart disease and other fatal illnesses will continue to get much more funding. That said, the fact that so many US war vets are suffering will likely mean some increases in research funding over time.

All that said, I do believe future treatments will help to reduce, if not eliminate, the noise for many of us. I just tend to take a long view of potential progress give where we currently stand.

Just my 2 cents, for what it's worth...
"I'm cautiously optimistic about Autifony, but as it's not even in phase II yet, we're talking nearly 10 years IF it's proven effective."

10 years? how so? I remember people saying that If It was proven effective it would be more like 3 or 4 years
Here is way how it is possible to approve medication based for neurological illness or psychological before even end of fase 2, you bear in mind they do all phases but as medicine (AUTifony has shown safe on all dosages) they may push for faster approval. As you see all depends on effectiveness of drug , safety, and type, so it can be approved spring 2015. You can read they work on also medication on schizophrenia and simmular as those are also considered thalamus disaritmic medication so they can help where no other meds help.

I think 10 years is a very pessimistic attitude, there is a post in the Autifony thread that is more realistic and says that if it proves 100% effective against T then it could and probably would get fast tracked as it is a neurological problem and cure so apparently it would be eligible for some kind of dispensation to bypass the normal protocol of other drugs!
I was wondering. I'm 31 years old, I was 25 when my T first started. I have a longggg road ahead of me and I am scared that I may end up at 60 years old with a jet noise in my head by the time I'm 60 :(

I've heard of T's of 100 decibels...It's scary ...

So anybody knows if it's possible to have no change in the loudness of the T throughout a lifetime?

I got t septeber 3013, and it was hard but somehow i got bit used to it, then may 2014 it went up for 250% when i woke up, i did not do nothing like to loud thing and so, then one and half motnhs later it went even more up, now it is a day where is barely tolarable and survivable and day i can survive.

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