Nov 6, 2014
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Feb 5, 1983 (Age: 41)
Minneapolis, MN

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Member, Male, 41, from Minneapolis, MN

Enjoy your summer! Jun 5, 2016

    1. AverageJoe12
      Hey man - how is your tinnitus with the Djalilian protocol?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. AverageJoe12
        Hey man - good to hear from you! I'm up to 50mg nortriptyline. No change except having less migraine light sensitivity which seemed to really hit me hard after an MRI worsened by T/H. It's a small win I guess.

        I take gabapentin on occasion already and was told I could sub that for the eventual addition of topiramate once I top out at 75mg nortriptyline. TBD still
        Jul 19, 2024
      3. AverageJoe12
        But might be good to try the topiramate since it's Djalilian's first line anticonvulsant.

        Gabapentin helps with the H I will say - even at a dosage of 200mg at night.
        Jul 19, 2024
      4. marqualler
        Good to hear! I started Nor at 10mg and the second night had a HUGE spike which really freaked me out, so I stopped. I'm sort of finding myself skeptical that the migraine protocol makes a huge difference for me either way, although I'm sticking with Magnesium and going to add some NAC.
        Jul 24, 2024 at 9:02 PM
    2. marqualler
      Enjoy your summer!
    3. Karen
      Happy New Year, Mark! Let's wish for a quieter 2016 for us all!

      I love your new photo, with your little one. What a cutie!!
      1. marqualler likes this.
      2. marqualler
        Thanks Karen! Happy new year to you as well!

        Yes, that's our new baby Colette. She is 3 months old now and a great snuggler. Our older son Malcolm is great too but was never this good at snuggling so we are enjoying it. :-)
        Jan 6, 2016
        Karen likes this.
    4. marqualler
      Happy New Year! Here's to a better 2016 for all of us.
      1. just1morething likes this.
    5. marqualler
      Winter is coming...
      1. glynis and awbw8 like this.
      2. Markku
        Nov 23, 2015
        marqualler likes this.
      3. marqualler
        Haha I <3 this.
        Nov 23, 2015
    6. marqualler
      Fall makes me want to wear cardigans and drink Pumpkin Spice Lattes.
      1. erik and awbw8 like this.
      2. erik
        and eat those great pumpkin donuts!!
        Sep 10, 2015
        marqualler likes this.
    7. marqualler
      Summer fun.
    8. Joe P. Tamborra
      Joe P. Tamborra
      Hey Marq, How goes the summer for you and your family? I hope tinnitus is not
      being to much of a hindrance to you these days. It seems as time goes on it is easier to endure this affliction.
      1. marqualler likes this.
      2. marqualler
        Going well sir. Getting the little one ready to be a big brother to a baby sister in September. The summer is flying by too fast! Hardly have time to notice tinnitus these days which is fantastic.
        Aug 3, 2015
        Dana likes this.
    9. Joe P. Tamborra
      Joe P. Tamborra
      Hey Marq, have not chatted with you for awhile. I stopped by to say hello.
      I hope all is well for you and your family. Keep in touch.Ttyl.
      1. marqualler likes this.
      2. marqualler
        Doing well Joe thanks! Hope you're doing well as well. Take care!
        Jun 20, 2015
    10. Joe P. Tamborra
      Joe P. Tamborra
      Hey Marq, Hows life treating you these days. I personally have had a
      decent stretch with the T, I have had 7 out of 11 days completely good.
      Thats about as good as it gets for me most of the time.
    11. Joe P. Tamborra
      Joe P. Tamborra
      Your a blessed man Marq to have a nice son. Enjoy these next ten or so years
      because they go by so fast. My little one is 26 now. Where do the years go.
      1. Dana and marqualler like this.
    12. marqualler
      Yes my avatar is my son dipping a bagel with cream cheese into frosting from a cupcake. One of my proudest moments as a father.
      1. Dana and Markku like this.
    13. Joe P. Tamborra
      Joe P. Tamborra
      Hey Marq, Hope today your winning in the battle of T. I will
      try and remember you in my times of prayer. It sure is very
      inspiring when some of us get the victory.
      1. marqualler likes this.
      2. Harold
        Its nice to see that you are doing ok with the T and have such a great little boy at your side....enjoy and feel enriched !
        Aug 10, 2015
      3. Harold
        So this is where JOE hangs out lol ....and his T is is always mostly ok.. i suppose its refreshing to hear and think that out annoying Tinnitus has some better times going forward ! thanks Joey P T
        Aug 10, 2015
    14. marqualler
      Hey, remember AIM Instant Messenger away messages?
      1. Markku likes this.
    15. marqualler
      "I did convince Paul McCartney to leave Wings." "Why did you do that? He is the best one!" -The Simpsons
      1. Dana likes this.
    16. marqualler
      "There was nothing to fear, nothing to doubt" -Radiohead, "Pyramid Song"
    17. marqualler
      Way to go Hazar! :-D
      1. RaZaH likes this.
      2. RaZaH
        Thanks , fingers crossed :)
        Mar 6, 2015
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  • About

    Feb 5, 1983 (Age: 41)
    Minneapolis, MN
    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    Ear infection / Mild Noise Induced Hearing Loss




    It turns out that advancing equal opportunity and economic empowerment is both morally right and good economics, because discrimination, poverty and ignorance restrict growth, while investments in education, infrastructure and scientific and technological research increase it, creating more good jobs and new wealth for all of us. —Bill Clinton

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