I've Been Away for a Few Weeks. Things Have Been Good.

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Misery, Feb 6, 2014.

    1. Misery

      Misery Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      October 26, 2013
      The last time I was active on this forum was January 11. I still have T. I can best describe it as an afterthought. I hardly ever think of it. I still use ambient nature sounds on the lowest possible volume to fall asleep. I'm cognizant of my T at this very moment because I'm writing about it. Otherwise I'm certain I wouldn't even notice. Has it decreased in volume? I don't know. Maybe I just habituated to the sound. In the beginning, even though it was loud and I heard it all the time, it never caused me distress. I think that was definitely helpful in me getting to this point.

      I hope everyone is doing well and gets to this point for themselves someday soon. I'll continue to check in periodically.

      Hugs and quiet days and nights to all.
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    2. DebInAustralia
      No Mood

      DebInAustralia Member Benefactor Hall of Fame Advocate

      Geelong, Victoria
      Tinnitus Since:
      Do you mind me asking you how long it took you to get to where you are now?

      I know were all different...just curious

      thanks for your post :)
    3. AUTHOR

      Misery Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      October 26, 2013
      Hi @DebInAustralia,

      My T began in late October/early November 2013. This is my second time having T. I had it for several months 15+ years ago and it did go away completely at that time. I'm still hopeful that this will go away, but if it doesn't I'll be okay.
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    4. Tenna

      Tenna Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      this is how it should be! you going straight to bookmarks, needed this positivity :cat:
      • Agree Agree x 1
    5. LadyDi

      LadyDi Member Benefactor

      Florida, USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      It is interesting that you say that even in the beginning, this latest bout with T never caused you distress. Maybe thats what helped you get to this point so quickly? Mine caused total panic initially, although that is gone now. Anyway, congrats! Thanks for checking in. Success stories feed our souls.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    6. AUTHOR

      Misery Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      October 26, 2013

      Yes, I'd say I was never distressed by T this time around. Strangely, I was mostly curios about it and the course it may follow. I will say that I was depressed for a few days surrounding initial sleepless nights. I had one night early on where I awakened six times. Since then I've used natural ambient sounds on low volume. I've been sleeping as well as I had pre-T.

      I must say, as I'm typing this my T is much more noticeable to me. There's definitely a mental component to this.
    7. AUTHOR

      Misery Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      October 26, 2013
    8. Grace
      No Mood

      Grace Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      How long did you have T the first time.. 2 or 3 monthes?
    9. AUTHOR

      Misery Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      October 26, 2013

      It was so long ago that I don't exactly remember the length of time, but somewhere between 3 and 6 months.
    10. Grace
      No Mood

      Grace Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Wow well at least you deff have a good chance of that happening again! :) good luck!

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