Life Changed From June 22nd, 2012

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Aaron, Dec 16, 2013.

    1. Aaron

      Aaron Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      My name is Aaron from Beijing, China.

      I used to have a perfect life before that day. Fabulous families, lover and career.

      But after the one second, 1:30pm on June 22nd, 2012. My life changed totally, and my life could definitely be seperated before and after that. My right ear is thumped directly in an accident. And severe high frequency hearing loss and T immediately. Firstly, I just pay attention to the hearing loss.

      After 1 month treatment, my hearing got back about 85% compare with the left ear. Then I found the T is still there, high pitch pure tone, quite annoying in the office and at home. Then I got no sleep, no happy again, my fiancee was in the States for her MBA degree. She worried a lot for our future since I said I want to suicide to her nearly everyday, which scared her, but it was also too much for me since I was only 25 at that time.

      At the Christmas 2012, I went to the US, and got a sound generator, I was saved immediately after wearing that small device. And we went to Mexico, enjoyed a fantastic holiday. I thought everything was okay. It should be the time to end this sad story.

      However, it was not the end. After coming back to China, only 1 week, a doctor ask me to do a MRI test, since I got a head trauma, it should be taken to see if there is something wrong after 6 months. I know that the MR is loud, I weared ear plugs, thought everything should be fine. But I don't know why, the MR was super super loud at that day. And you konw what, after it, my T in the right ear got 3 times louder at least, and the tone also changed, which made the sound generator useless after that, and the left ear also got a little T. I fell into huge depression, and the emotional words attacked my fiancee again and again, I was send to the hospital to be monitored since the doctor evaluated that I was highly suicidal.

      After 3 months, my T is still bilateral. But I feel better, I went to the US to propose, for our 5 years love. The answer was not only "NO", but breakup. She said she was so scared for this T. "I cannot live with you in the future, I just feared about the T so much."

      Aother depression for me agian, I went to the hospital to be monitored for 1 more month.

      Now, I cannot say I back to normal, but maybe 75% percent. I found another sound generator which could change the tone as I like to fit the right ear, and left the other ear as is. I keep in touch with a lot of big names here we often mentioned, like Prof. Dirk De Ridder, Prof. Daniel Jeanmonod. And still try everything that I could do, read more than 1000 papers now about T. Plan to try rTMS in Brai2n in Antwerp in the coming 2014.

      As a Chinese, it isn't that easy for me to plan my trip since we need to apply visa for almost every country. But I still try my best. I posted here, want to get some support from you guys, and also want to give others some support. Since we are still young, life is not over, I even suicided for this noise, but we should never give up ourselves to this noise.

      No matter inner ear hair cell regeneration, stem cell therapy, hope is there, and hang in there my buddies, good night!

      All the best,
      Aaron in Beijing
      • Hug Hug x 3
      • Agree Agree x 1
      • Winner Winner x 1
    2. Rise & Shine

      Rise & Shine Member

      Tinnitus Since:

      Happy to read that you are 75% back. That´s a good start. My T is also high pitched and extremely hard to cover with white noise. I can hear the T pulses trough. It seams that you have another sound generator that generates tones? Is that right? Where can I read more about the device that you are using?
    3. AUTHOR

      Aaron Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I use this one now, a hearing aid combined with sound generator, the tone could be programmed as you like according to their software. But expensive since it is also a hearing aid, although I don't need the function, my hearing is okay, 85% of the normal hearing, only 10db loss in 6Khz above
      • Funny Funny x 1
      • Informative Informative x 1
    4. Grant1

      Grant1 Member

      Aaron, my thoughts are with you.

      I visited Brai2n when Dr. De Ridder was still there. The facility has since moved from the Univ. of Antwerp.

      Please allow yourself plenty of time to be there.

      I actually needed to have scheduled more time to have tried the rTMS. The scheduling secretary didn't apparently understand the necessity of that. I did try TDCS.
    5. AUTHOR

      Aaron Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi Grant1,

      Thanks a lot for your info! I plan to spend 5 weeks there, hope it could help somehow, I only wish the T could back to the level when I was in Mexico last Christmas. Then the T will be totally okay for me.
    6. Grant1

      Grant1 Member

      Feel free to message me privately.
    7. Grant1

      Grant1 Member

      I can tell you about Antwerp if you are interested.
    8. LeQuack

      LeQuack Member Benefactor

      United States of Europe
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Bad luck and bad genes
      Sorry about your breakup man, that sounds harsh.
    9. AUTHOR

      Aaron Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Yes, that is really a huge shock for me, we started in our University, and experienced perfect 4 years before my T...
    10. Ricky81

      Ricky81 Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      July 14, 2014
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Assault/Contusion/Ear Infection
      Yea we hear you. I now have T in both ears after I was assaulted by 2 guys all over my head and ears.
      Some humans are disgusting.
      Well let us know how you are doing?
      Have you thought of getting surgery?
    11. AUTHOR

      Aaron Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi Ricky,

      I still have T in my right ear, and actually there is no surgery we could do right now for tinnitus
    12. jdjd09

      jdjd09 Member

      Are yous till on the forums by chance? Can I ask if things are better in your life now?

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