Link Between Pulsing & Noxacusis?

Discussion in 'Support' started by KDMG, Jul 27, 2022.

    1. KDMG

      KDMG Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hi folks,

      I experience facial pain on the right side of my face along what I am assuming is the trigeminal nerve.

      What I've noticed is that my right ear starts pulsing before the pain along my face starts.

      When I put my finger straight into my ear I can feel a rapid sort of pulsing and I think this is what is causing the pain.

      The pulsing seems to be a result of noise.

      When I am in a quiet environment, the pulsing stops and the facial pain will die down.

      I'm wondering what exactly is pulsing in my ear to cause the pain?

      Whatever is pulsing seems to be triggered by sound.

      I don't get any clicking, whooshing, or fluttering sounds in my ear so I am not sure my noxacusis is due to TTTS.

      Any feedback is appreciated.

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