Looking for Advice on Sleep with Tinnitus — Botox?

Discussion in 'Support' started by Avabelle, Oct 7, 2015.

    1. Avabelle

      Avabelle Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Early 2015
      My T gets worse at night from pillow pressure. I have clicking, popping and hissing through the night and it wakes me up and screws up my sleep. I sleep through some of it - but it often wakes me up in the night. I feel that this is caused by sleeping on my side and the pressure of the pillow/gravity triggers the Eustachian tube dysfunction.

      I have tried sleeping on my back (which helps the T a lot) but I feel like I can't breathe. I am being treated for sleep apnea and should have a CPAP soon.

      Any ideas on how I can get a better night sleep? I have though of seeing a ENT for a shot of Botox in my ears...has anyone tied this?

      What are the options for treatment of Eustachian tube dysfunction caused by injury?

      PS. I have two fans blowing at night (white noise) and they help a bit....Thanks!
    2. suera

      suera Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I listen to white noise 24/7 iPod/earpiece and I take ambien.
    3. AUTHOR

      Avabelle Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Early 2015
      Does this help? Where do I find a white noise recording?
    4. suera

      suera Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      The only one that I've found that helps me is the Moses Lang CD, last track, from the Oregon Hearing Institute.
    5. AUTHOR

      Avabelle Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Early 2015
      Thanks. I will ask my GP about this...I may have to get surgery inside my ears.
    6. glynis

      glynis Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Meniere's Disease
      Ask your dentist make you a mouth guard to wear over your lower teeth.
      It will take pressure off your jaw joint and middle ear and more comfortable when sleeping on your side....lots of love glynis

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