Meniere's or Not Meniere's That Is the Question...

Discussion in 'Support' started by Cole, May 7, 2015.

    1. Cole

      Cole Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      November, 2014
      I am actually asking for support because I have all of the symptoms of Meniere's but have not been diagnosed cause i haven't seen the ENT yet.
      I can't say for sure it is this but this is what i have and Yes i am looking for Support
      Tinnitus, Vertigo, Dizziness, Ear Pain, Headache, Loud Noises and Sounds are at times amplified, and Upset stomach. The worst is the vertigo, dizziness, and tinnitus and loud or "painful" noises that make scratching on a chalkboard like a walk in the park. It comes and goes in severity and gets worse each night.
      I am currently taking betahistine 3 pills day 16mg
      Anything someone would like to add/ advice/ I am really really new to this
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    2. Nic1982

      Nic1982 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      @Cole How are you doing? Have you seen an ent yet? I also have symptoms of menieres but no hearing loss??
    3. Mad maggot

      Mad maggot Member

      New zealand
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Sounds like the meniers symptoms. However research and you will find mennieres is not a cause but a name for a bunch of symptoms doctors can't figure out the cause for. So they say, you have mennieres, live with it.
      Two hundred people could have this diagnosis and every one of them have a different problem causing the same symptoms listed as mennieres. So the diagnosis of mennieres is not particularly helpful.
      However even doctors will argue over whether this is so amongst themselves. I was told I probably have mennieres by one doctor and another told me just what I've told you. So I researched.
      Research and make up your own mind.
      • Agree Agree x 2
    4. Leodavinci

      Leodavinci Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Idiopathic + Sudden hearing loss
      You should see an ENT as soon as possible, preferably one who specializes in otology (study of the ear). There are some measures you can, usually oral or intratympanic injections, taken early that can actually stop menieres symptoms permanently for some people. Go online and travel to a nearby medical center if necessary to get the earliest appointment with an ENT specializing in Otology. For most with menieres the dizziness subsides after a few months or years but some hearing loss is common.
    5. sallyringgirl

      sallyringgirl Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      The difference between Meniere's and other hearing illnesses is violent dizziness. The type that knocks you to the ground. I know this because I was told I had MM 25 years ago and I just went to an ENT again and he told me that I did not have it. My dizziness if very low grade and connected to tinnitus. I was relieved to say the least. You may want to check out the site to get more help. But more importantly, go see an ENT. There really are differences between different hearing illnesses.
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    6. PaulBe

      PaulBe Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Probably sound, though never proven
      Menierre's is considered to exist when a certain check-box criteria is met. That doesn't mean some forms of tinnitus and related symptoms don't exist on the continuum or process that ultimately can lead to a formal diagnosis of Menierre's. Nature does not do continuums (continui?) and check-boxes, but Western medicine can't function without them.
    7. Blakemandu

      Blakemandu Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I'm new too. I have a long story. It's been super diffucult. None really understands what you go through with these problems but they can be devastating. I'm a musician and film maker. I film underwater all of which this has been devastating to my life. In my early 40s I had an incident where for about a month my ear was stuffed up. I had friends coming over and when they arrived one night I went into acute vertigo. I threw up for hours and ended up in the emergency room. At age 55 it came back last year on thanksgiving. Again acute vertigo but i just roughed it out for about 7 hours then it stopped. I had a dive trip coming up and was very worried. About 9 days before I tried acpuncture. It seem to almost cure me. It was amazing. I still go but it has come back and like a vengeance keeps getting worse. More hearing loss then anything and I play music in four bands. I have not been lately the last month. I now have a ringing in my ears that showed up yesterday. I thought the train was going by. Anxiety stress. Yikes. Trying to relax. Any information or thoughts would awesome. The Docter ENT seemed to think I have meniers and after acupuncture my hearing test was better but now it is bad again. I was prescribed verapamiel and ativan. Thank you
    8. Gin

      Gin Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      July 2015
      I, too, have Meniere's. I got my first diagnosis in the past year. I had been dealing with all the symptoms for over 2 years now. I did not have insurance at first so I did not go to the doctor for a while. The tinnitus and hypercausis got so bad I finally went to a walk in clinic thinking it was an ear infection. They gave me a steriod pack and I took it. Everything was quiet and normal for about 2 months. But it came back. Fast forward to 2 1/2 years later and every test known to man, I finally got the diagnosis. And like others say, the diagnosis is somewhat of a relief, but really does not do much for you. Symptoms are still there. With Meneires tho, there is no cure, but it does go in/out of remission. My best advice is find a good ENT/Neurologist to help cope with the symptoms. For me, low sodium diet, restricted caffeine, cut out most alcohol, cut out chocolate, etc. helps. I take valium on bad days. I found Lipo Flavnoids helped me greatly. You will find it works on 50% of the people. Some people not at all. Others it decreases tinnitus 80%. I take them religiously every morning. They are over the counter and about $25 a bottle at Wal-mart. Another factor that comes into play, don't stress out, don't over google stuff (you'll end up thinking you have a brain tumor or something). Try to keep your anxiety down. Just remember, if it is Meniere's, it may suck, but it won't kill you. But first step, go to doctor, check it out. If they can get you on steroids in the very beginning it will help restore some hearing.
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    9. Mario martz

      Mario martz Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Gin! you should check out this.
      you seem to be undercontrol now and stuff
      but you should totally check this out!

      a lot of people discovered anti virals make their menieres symptoms go away.
      check it out.
    10. Gin

      Gin Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      July 2015
      Thanks. That's some good info. ;)
    11. Mario martz

      Mario martz Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      try it, it seems to be a life saver!
      what got my attention is this guy who had a few years suffering from the symptoms
      and this med made him symptom free and its already 3 years.
      there is another lady suffering with this for more than 30 years and also been symptom free for 3 years since doing this!
      no food restrictions, in some cases no tinnitus or low tinnitus, no vertigo attacks.

      sounds very good.
    12. Gin

      Gin Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      July 2015
      Have you tried it? I have a new neurologist appointment next Friday. I already made a note to remind myself to ask him about it. I don't know if you saw my post this morning, I was doing really well lately. But surprise, I woke up this morning to blaring loud T. So annoying. :(
    13. Gin

      Gin Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      July 2015
      I know in the very beginning about 2 years ago when everything started I was taking steroids and anti virals. I'm not sure if it was Valtrex that I took, it might have been. I know in the very beginning steroids helped. Everything would clear up and come back several weeks/months later. That and tests is now we figured out it was Meneires.

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