Movement Making Tinnitus Worse

Discussion in 'Support' started by geg1992, Feb 24, 2015.

    1. geg1992

      geg1992 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise exposure + Antibiotics
      Just recently, every movement seems to make T worse.

      For example, walking, every time I move my left leg I get a sharp T sound, like a clicking in my ear but high pitched.

      Every bump in the road.

      Even typing now.

      Earlier my jaw was clicking when eating which is new.

      This is getting ridiculous, I don't see how it's possible to live like this.

      Has anyone experienced similar? My ears are slightly muffled.
    2. Pilot

      Pilot Member Benefactor

      Baltimore, MD
      Tinnitus Since:
      December, 2014
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Not to that extent, but my pulsating hissing changes volume a lot with head movement, yawning, standing up. Sometimes it changes volume when I walk. There are things that make mine better too, and it has gradually been getting better over the last 7 weeks, still a ways to go though. I can't lay in certain positions because it gets louder. I didn't have muffled hearing. How long have you had your T?
    3. AUTHOR

      geg1992 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise exposure + Antibiotics
      Thanks for the response.

      I've had it 3 months but it suddenly got worse over the last few days.
    4. sandra72

      sandra72 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      may 2014
      When i walk it sounds like i am walking in snow. A bump in the road. Yes i have that too but not always. My T is not stable. I have day's when its very silent en day's when its loud. One minute it can be silent and the next minute loud.

    5. Pilot

      Pilot Member Benefactor

      Baltimore, MD
      Tinnitus Since:
      December, 2014
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Walking in snow is a good example of what mine sounds like sometimes, I thought my walking was causing small changes in blood flow in my body, including near my ear. I didn't notice movements affecting my T until about a month into it. I think 3 months is still early, I'm about 3 months also, I think chances are still good for improvement, it's just tough right now. The only other things I thought of were TMJ for the jaw clicking, or maybe the tensor tympani muscle which could be affecting the muffled sounds, I'm just throwing ideas out.
      • Informative Informative x 1
    6. sandra72

      sandra72 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      may 2014
      Try not to pay attention to it. Its hard but i have it almost 10 months now. At the beginning it whas like hel. Lost weight and did not want to do anything. Now I am doing better. Do things i did before i had T. Work 20 hours a week, have a horse. Love to watch movies.

      Ik have different sounds. High hissing, white noise sound. When i am in a silent room i hear a low beep, wind noises and i hear the hummm sound.

      On march 11 i have a appointment at the jaw surgent. My hearing is good, no hearinglos. When i raplace my jaw down or sidewarts the hissing sound is almost gone but when i lett go its back.

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