Musical Ear Syndrome, Hallucinations, GAD or OCD?

Discussion in 'Support' started by Fernando81, Apr 26, 2017.

    1. Fernando81

      Fernando81 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      anxiety - stress
      Hello Dear people!

      Well I hear these repetitive sounds (part of melodies, sirens, particular noises, etc) in particular environments.

      For example, while driving, I hear this hummm noise playing over and over. I think it is a patron as a result of the sound from the tires, wind, engine, road, etc.

      But if I cover my ears, I do not hear it. I only hear my Ts. If I am in a silent room, most of the times I do not hear it. Others, the less, I hear it ( as some kind of obsessive thought). But the sound is not inside my head or mind. Am I clear?

      I had ear worm in the past. Sometimes, bells of a church near my home get stucked in my mind for a while. Car alarms, sirens, etc

      Anyone has experienced this?
      Any help or advice, please ?
      God bless you all.
    2. Song interpreter

      Song interpreter Member

      Southern California
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Too much noise
      I know what you are taking about! It was way late at night. I was sewing away. I hear the ice cream truck. What? It's 1:00 am! Can't be! I stopped. I listened. I almost looked outside, maybe I did look. I don't remember. Long time ago... Other times I have heard other sounds, singing and whatever. I know it's not really there. Really. Who would be trying to sell ice cream after midnight?

      I saw a website that has a survey for gathering information on that phenomena. Not a lot known about it last time I looked. Sometimes, I think it's a combination of sounds in the environment that is interpreted by our brain to be something meaningful to us, like music. Other times, well, I don't know...
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    3. AUTHOR

      Fernando81 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      anxiety - stress
      Exactly. I know what you mean. But this weird thing happens to me very often.
      It is a mix between OCD, GAD, MES, HALLU....
      I am falling to pieces
    4. spikedears

      spikedears Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Concert and stress
      @Fernando81 how are you getting on with this? I am experiencing much the same. Can be anything from bird chirping to a helicopter sound to faint voices that I cant really make out.

      Worried I am going crazy!
    5. spikedears

      spikedears Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Concert and stress
      Anyone? I am finding this very frightening. Worried it is a side effect of wearing plugs pretty much all the time.

      Have I given myself musical ear syndrome?
    6. ItsNate101

      ItsNate101 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Military/Recent major spike unknown
      I have had this for a few months now. The MES that is. Tinnitus has been a long long ride. i'm on anti-psychotics and benzo's. Nether help with the music or tinnitus but i definitely don't think about it as much.

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