Unfortunately I have Hyperacusis and would not benefit from what I am proposing; but I am wondering if any tinnitus ailed musicians who have stability of volume tolerance have ever considered writing music with deliberation for the pitch(es) of their tinnitus?
Perhaps one could harmonize with their tinnitus frequencies, utilize them rhythmically, harness tones and tambours that blend with the texture of their tinnitus, or maybe use the tinnitus as a root note?
As I am sure that many of you also have, I have instinctively vocally harmonized with numerous common environmental mechanisms that produce a droning tone.
Could you employ a similar concept? Could forcing the brain to associate the tinnitus with music make it less invasive, and therefore lessen suffering?
Perhaps one could harmonize with their tinnitus frequencies, utilize them rhythmically, harness tones and tambours that blend with the texture of their tinnitus, or maybe use the tinnitus as a root note?
As I am sure that many of you also have, I have instinctively vocally harmonized with numerous common environmental mechanisms that produce a droning tone.
Could you employ a similar concept? Could forcing the brain to associate the tinnitus with music make it less invasive, and therefore lessen suffering?