My ear issue and visit to ENT

Discussion in 'Support' started by SueR, Dec 10, 2013.

    1. SueR

      SueR Member Benefactor

      Boston, MA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      ear infection
      I posted this (below) in my intro in the other section, so will just c/p here. I'm wondering how long this Right ear problem is going to stick around. We have people at my house, and I have isolated myself in my room again. :( Day 22. I should add that I don't feel pain with the ear issues I'm currently experiencing. Just sensitivity.

      I'll be brief because I have my daily headache from this ear issue... I think I need to lie down a bit.

      I've had tinnitus for about a year and a half (left ear). Mostly, it doesn't bother me. I only notice it when external noises are pretty quiet. Hear it more when I've had a cpl glasses of wine! lol

      But, I'm here for this new thing (right ear), and the ENT says he thinks it's tinnitus. It's VASTLY different than the tinnitus in my left ear.

      The tinnitus in the left, I got from an untreated ear infection. I kept calling the doc and day after day, they kept blowing me off. At about week 3, I was able to get in to see the Nurse Practitioner who said "yup... it's red and bulging, but let's give it a few more days!" I explained that it had been 3 weeks and she still felt we should wait. Now I have tinnitus, thank you very much.

      This thing in the right ear is awful. I'm super-sensitive to noise. So much so that I can't watch TV, can't listen to the radio, have trouble with 1:1 conversations, have trouble going to the grocery store... In the beginning, I couldn't even tolerate the sound of the heater going on in the basement, and it's a new model... not loud.

      I'm isolating myself from as much as possible, trying to get my family to whisper (yah right! with a teenager in the house! ...who's also hearing impaired!) I'm living in my bedroom almost all the time. Door shut at my office. Missed the office Christmas party...

      Went to the ENT, did a hearing test and "passed". I could have told him I'd hear the tones! I'm sensitive, not hard of hearing. I asked if pressure would have anything to do with it and he said "absolutely NOT!" (emphatically). I was thinking tympanogram... my son has had a lot of them, and I know they are easy-peasy. Instead, I go to get an ABR done at the end of the month. Seems that's just going to say my brainwaves indicate I am hearing the sounds. okay.... seems like that's not my issue here.

      ENT doc said I'd get used to the tinnitus and eventually not even really hear it unless I am in a quiet environment. Well, this issue seems to get amplified by external noises, so not sure how that equates. All i know is I am frustrated and exhausted.

      ookay, so this wasn't so brief. Any words of wisdom are greatly appreciated!
    2. NeoM

      NeoM Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Sounds like it's hyperacusis. Try to find an audiologist in your area that is familiar with hyperacusis and TRT (tinnitus retraining therapy).

      I should add that isolating yourself from sounds makes it worse.
    3. AUTHOR

      SueR Member Benefactor

      Boston, MA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      ear infection
      It does?? It's giving me a gigantic headache.

      regarding a specialist. The guy I went to was from Massachusetts Eye and Ear in Boston. I would think he would know. I was surprised he didn't even do a tympanogram reading. The hearing test gave me a headache too.

      I'm new to this forum. How does one find an ENT with experience with Hyperacusis? and is this something that will resolve itself over time? I'm getting a little disheartened to read about all the long-time sufferers.

      thank you for your reply!
    4. gary

      gary Member Benefactor

      Macomb, MI. USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Who Knows
      Hi Sue, I agree with Neo, the symptoms fit. Unfortunately it seems not many ENT's here in the US are well schooled regarding T. As for finding one, I would start Dr shopping. I know it's a pain in the butt, I lucked out, the second one I went to is great. He of course did not cure my T but gave me the answers to all my questions and more, he did quite a few tests too.

      You also may want to call one of the universities medical departments, and ask them who is thee ENT in your area, or the university may have a medical center that can help. Explain your situation just as you did here. In the mean time I would keep a ear plug in that right ear.

      Being close to the holidays is a bad time for anything to get fixed, even your car, any sort of service, everyone's head is on the holidays and up their butts.

      Are you able to get any tranquilizers from you GP or ENT to help you get a grip?

      We all know exactly what you are going through to one extent or another, remember you are not alone in this. TT is open 24/7 When I first got T it was 2:00am I did not know what was wrong, I googled and found TT I was able to read other posts, that really helped me, just knowing that there were others out there with T and that I could vent and get answers and suggestions...
    5. AUTHOR

      SueR Member Benefactor

      Boston, MA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      ear infection
      thank you!

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