Neck Exercise Routine to Reduce Tinnitus

Discussion in 'Support' started by arctic loon, Sep 25, 2015.

    1. arctic loon

      arctic loon Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      loud music
      I'm not sure if this has been posted in here already but this easy neck exercise routine could potentially reduce or even make tinnitus go away! I found this from finnish forum where couple of people actually got rid of T when they had done this couple of months! I don't know about you but this sounds really promising to me:ROFL:

      I think this could especially help those whose T is caused by neck problems/muscular tension. In the original thread one person had had tinnitus for seven years but after doing this for month he started noticing positive changes in his T and even got himself some silence! So no matter how long your T has lasted I would advise you to consider trying this. I'm not trying to sell anything (it's free), I just thought you guys should check this out! I'm not saying either that this is the miracle cure to all tinnitus, it might work or not. And if it doesn't work a bit of neck exercise doesn't hurt anyone :D(btw sorry I'm not native english speaker but I'm trying to make this as coherent as I can:D)

      Here's how the exercise works:
      Lay on the floor
      2. Start calmly "nodding" with your head, up and down to the floor and repeat x times. (Your head don't have to touch you chest.)
      3. Then do the same thing sideways x times. Simply move your head from side to side. Again you don't have to do this super fast, do it with the pace you find the most comfortable.
      Do this 1-2 a day for couple of months

      I think you should start with little amount of these exercises and start slowly increasing the amount. For example start with 10 in the first day, 15 in the second, 17 in the third, 20 in fourth.. and so on. But it's up to you and how your neck can do these exercises! In the original finnish post the dude said after two years he did 50 repeats and could even do hundred if he wanted to. So after all when you should do this at least 2 months you can decide the pace you are doing this!

      I started doing this couple of weeks ago and I really want to see if this would work for me. Also if you have access to sauna, go to sauna! I've heard it helps loosening up your muscles and relaxing you body. I'm a shame for a finn, since i don't have sauna in my house :grumpy:

      If you are gonna try this, keep me updated! Leave answer if you didn't understand some parts :D I'm not a doctor nor even know if this can work but i'll try my best!

      If you are finnish speaker, here's the original thread:
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    2. valeri

      valeri Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Thank you for this, I've been given the same exercise to do but I'm just slack.

      Also head needs to be lifted just off the floor and held for 5 seconds before going back to resting position.
    3. AUTHOR
      arctic loon

      arctic loon Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      loud music
      Oh I didn't know that you have to hold it for 5 secs. Thanks for that, i'll start doing that as well!

      Btw sorry I was sure i putted this in the alternative treatments and research but something went wrong:cautious:
    4. Quentino

      Quentino Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Decrease of Hearing i presume.
      So it's nodding his head ?
      Can't hurt after all, i will try.

      And for neck there is plastic pockets filled with gel, you put it in the mircrowave oven to heat it, and you put it on your neck!
      • Like Like x 1
    5. Rube

      Rube Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud shit
      When you do it sideways, you lay on your back, lift your head off the ground and just move your head side to side for x times? Or do you lay on your side and do it?
    6. AUTHOR
      arctic loon

      arctic loon Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      loud music
      @Rube that's really good question. I think it's done by laying on your back an moving head from side to side, not actually being sideways. I'm not sure if you should lift your head a bit and then move from other side to the other. Hmm that could actually be more effective. I got the idea that you should keep your head on the ground while doing it but that could actually work better. @valeri what do you think? Which technique have you used or have you tried this exercise at all?
    7. Rube

      Rube Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud shit
      I think it would make sense to lift your head slightly off the floor when moving it side to side, otherwise it wouldn't have any effect
      • Agree Agree x 1
    8. AUTHOR
      arctic loon

      arctic loon Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      loud music
      Yeah I agree, thanks for pointing that out!
    9. valeri

      valeri Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cervical Stabilization Exercises

      This is a good set of neck exercises found by @linearb.
      I have checked these with my qigong master from Malaysia and he said it's a good set with the exception for the laying on beck exercise.
      That one needs to be done with feet resting on heels (so not flat on the floor), pelvic slightly lifted and then head lifted JUST off the floor and held in that position for 5 seconds.

      So feet resting on heals, lift pelvis up slightly, lift head and hold for 5.

      Repeat 5 times to start with.

      So you wouldn't be doing this 20 times if you are new to exercise.

      Increase repeats to 6 and the time head is held up to 6 seconds.

      After few months he said you can get to a point where you can hold your head off the floor for 1 minute!!!!
      But I personally wouldn't aim for that.
      Reasonable time of repeats to strengthen neck muscles is fine.

      Note: lifting pelvis is based on Chinese medicine and it opens up kidney energy, and as you all probably know kidney Qi (energy) is connected to ears and tinnitus.
      I don't know what to think of this but I guess following this video with that small change to head position should be sufficient without complicating it too much with other things :)
      • Informative Informative x 3
    10. Mad maggot

      Mad maggot Member

      New zealand
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      There are a Lot of people nowadays with poor circulation in the neck area because of computer use etc. even strokes caused because of sitting in bad posture at laptops etc. so if your T is coming from this type of problem I'm sure that exercising the neck gently regularly would help.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    11. Falconfox

      Falconfox Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Wish I knew, possibly nosie damage.
      I'm for sure gonna start doing these, and I'm surprised the bent over row would help but that's a favorite of mine so all the better. Just realized yesterday that just before the onset of my T I strained my neck the worse I ever have doing lateral pulldowns, and when I've been going to bed at night I consistently have some neck fatigue or pain so I'm really hoping that these will help. I'm only worried that it might cause some temporary spikes as it would be activating an inflammatory response from the neck I'd think.
      • Hug Hug x 1
    12. TheGagagirl1234

      TheGagagirl1234 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Unknown/loud music
      I just started doing this excersise yesterday. I'm not even sure if I do it right, but it definitely works -- at least for a while :)
    13. markoana

      markoana Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      That was my experience while I was doing this exercisess for a 3 days... Third day I had kind of spike, sound was louder so i stopped...
      Do not know why it was happened, but I decided stop...

      Anyone had same or similar experience?
    14. valeri

      valeri Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Have you had any improvement from this set of exercises?
      Any at all? Are you still doing them?
    15. JasonP
      No Mood

      JasonP Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I have used a muscle relaxer once and it didn't do anything for T but I have noticed that when I turn my neck my tinnitus seems to be affected more in my left ear. This is some interesting stuff. Thanks for this information.
    16. JasonP
      No Mood

      JasonP Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hey Valeri, did this help and does your T get louder when you turn your neck certain ways?
    17. valeri

      valeri Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      I haven't done them long enough to see any changes.
      Engine noise doesn't get influenced by anything but hissing sometimes changes with neck movement or if I press on my jaw bone.
    18. Stanlex

      Stanlex Member

      A world where everything sounds funny
      Tinnitus Since:
      2019 - mild, 03/2021 - the real shit
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Something that cannot be identified by 21st century tech
      Hey, I know this thread has been dead for years but I don't want to make a new one.

      I searched for neck tinnitus exercises on Google and some websites recommended this particular exercise for neck related tinnitus.

      I started doing this yesterday. Does anybody know how exactly this exercise works or what it is changing? @valeri, @Greg Sacramento?

      I thought maybe it will make my neck muscles stronger so I will not feel like my head weights 3x more than it does. But can that affect tinnitus?

      Also, can this help with cervical lordosis?
    19. JasonP
      No Mood

      JasonP Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      How did the neck exercises go? I'm thinking about trying them now. One thing with me is that sometimes I can get a "brain zap" when I turn my neck or when I wake up in a certain position and I think it is neck related and wonder if neck exercises could help with this.
    20. SmallRonnie

      SmallRonnie Member Podcast Patron Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      H since 2018. T since 2021
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud noise
      I just started doing these stretches a few days ago. I want to also lie down on a bench and put my head over the edge, then lift my head up against gravity to make my neck stronger. Basically the same as lying on the floor, just with more resistance.

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