Need Some Answers Please


Dec 6, 2013
Tinnitus Since
Hello everyone. Have had tinnitus in left ear for about 5 years. Learned to live with it as best as I could. About 2 weeks ago had a severe case of vertigo that lasted for a couple of seconds. Since then my balance is off and eye movement is causing dizziness ,have pressure on forehead ,nose bridge and eyes. Will see a ENT this Wednesday. Any suggestions or thoughts will be greatly appreciated.
Hi, Stelly,

So sorry you're having dizziness, pressure, etc. Do you have any idea what might have brought on the sudden vertigo? Was there something you did just prior to when it began?

I have tinnitus in only one ear, too, and it's possible that it could be causing you to have balance issues. I know I have certainly had them for the past four years. My dizziness is basically gone now, but every so often, I'll move my eyes suddenly, and the mild dizziness will return for a day or two.

If you have any more really severe symptoms, however, it might be advisable to go to an emergency clinic to make sure all is well.

Take care, and please keep us posted on what your doctor has to say.
Thanks for the response Karen. Was in bed turned to my left and everything started spinning eyes were flickering, focused and spinning stopped. Had one more episode of vertigo that day when bending down. Since then no vertigo but eye issues hard to focus and dizziness. Tinnitus in left ear has gotten more intense
I can relate to that, Stelly! When I was still having vertigo, that happened to me several times (turning over in bed, and then the room spinning). The eye issues may be related to the dizziness, and/or it may be that your brain has to adjust to the increased intensity of your tinnitus.

Anyway, I'm glad you're going to see your ENT on Wednesday. There is a condition called Meniere's Disease that has to do with vertigo, etc., and you might want to have your ENT rule that out for you.

Good luck, and please do update us on how you're doing after the doctor visit.
Hello everyone. Have had tinnitus in left ear for about 5 years. Learned to live with it as best as I could. About 2 weeks ago had a severe case of vertigo that lasted for a couple of seconds. Since then my balance is off and eye movement is causing dizziness ,have pressure on forehead ,nose bridge and eyes. Will see a ENT this Wednesday. Any suggestions or thoughts will be greatly appreciated.

A coworker of mine recently had a bout with dizziness (and ear pressure); turns out her eustachian tubes are inflamed and it is causing inner-ear balance issues. The Dr. gave here an anti-inflammatory and steroid. Unfortunately I haven't seen her for the past week so I don't know how she was doing; but the last time I saw her she was on the mend.


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