New to the Tinnitus Board

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by RCB, Dec 16, 2013.

    1. RCB

      RCB Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I am wanting to add to the knowledge of the Tinnitus world. Hopefully I can learn something too.
      I have tinnitus from hell. I really don't remember not having it. I don't remember having it in my twenties. But I do remember having it in my 30s, 40s and 50s. I am 60 now. I am an accountant. In another life I was musician. A bass player in a rock and roll band. I was also a professional French hornist for a while. How loud is my tinnitus? Well - it is louder than my vacuum cleaner. It never goes away and really never changes volume" much. It just seems more intense at times. I have been to an ENT and a knowledgeable audiologist. My tinnitus is not caused by my hearing anatomy. My hearing test results show me to be where many 50 year olds are. I had my hearing checked multiple times and found "that I have lost my "highs". My hearing is pretty much gone at 8,000 Hz. I know that this is not unusual for a 60 year old. I am considered to have mild to moderate hearing loss. Many or most people would not spend the money for hearing aids with that hearing test result. But, I did get the high end Widex hearing aids with the tinnitus mode. I am wondering is my tinnitus may be my brain's way of replacing the missing highs. I have found the wind chime or tubular bells mode usually does serve to distract me from the swarm of rabid cicadas in the middle of my head. I would recommend others consider the hearing aids. Being able to hear the "highs" with the hearing aids does distract me from the tinnitus. Without them my tinnitus interferes with my hearing in many situations. But the tinnitus is still there. I am going through a really intense episode now where I am having trouble coping with all this and the hearing aids are not helping. I am at the point now where I am planning to investigate my thyroid situation to see if there is any tinnitus correlation. I have read that there may be something there. I would welcome any info others might have. I am sure that my situation is not unique. Like most or all of you I find it impossible to convey what it is like to have tinnitus at the level and intensity that I have. I do find that it interferes with my concentration. Anyway, this is nothing new to you all I am sure.
      I will certainly share any progress I make with the thyroid investigation. I have also read that there may be some correlation with anemia. So there are still things to look into. In the mean time I thank whoever took the time and effort to create this support forum. Thanks.
    2. James
      No Mood

      James Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Pulsing 03/2013
      Welcome to the forum RCB. I read your comments about your current state of Tinnitus. It's very difficult, as you say, louder than a vacuum cleaner. At least your trying the hearing aid thing. Can you sleep ok?

      I'd like to say this forum is one place where others really know what your going through. I found the forum supportive and informative. Lots of threads with great people and real T experiences. If you find any correlations with thyroid and anemia info, please share. Welcome.
    3. dan

      dan Member Hall of Fame

      Toronto, Canada
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud noise
      Hello RCB and welcome to the forum.
      One thing I do not agree with is that your tinnitus isn`t caused by your hearing anatomy.
      You have a history of loud music exposure and you also have high end hearing loss.
      There is something in tinnitus brains that makes them react to this hearing loss, we don`t know yet.
      I think its a good idea to investigate your other medical issues for the sake of your overall health and it might make your tinnitus less loud.
      I hope they will come out with the tinnitus pill in the next few years that will bring down this tinnitus causing brain hyperactivity.
    4. AUTHOR

      RCB Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I do indeed agree with you on something we all are realizing. I do not know the real trigger
      for my tinnitus. Loud music? Too many anitbiotics as a child? Bad sinus anatomy? Chronic disease side effect? Or is this just another of those variations of normal we all seem to have like red-green color deficiency? Lots of correlations. We all have to be careful to presume. Thanks for the reminder. I will share anything I find helpful or hopeful on my quest for some relief.

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