Newbie to Tinnitus and Need Any Help I Can Get


May 24, 2014
San Diego, California
Tinnitus Since
Hello guys,
My name is Enrique I recently experienced acoustic trauma from an indoor shooting range two weeks ago. I wore ear plugs but don't think they were in right. From that day I experienced tinnitus and hyperacusis. All I did the first week was develop anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts like many tinnitus sufferers. Then a week after incident I went to see and ENT. He said everything looked fine and he did a quick hearing test at conversational frequencies of which I heard well from both ears. He prescribed me a cortisone shot, peracetum, and ginko biloba. This past week my hyperacusis almost completely went away and the tinnitus seemed to get much better. I was less stressed but I still do have my panic phases were I start worrying about the future this is ruining my life. I have a great support system which is the main reason I feel I did not kill myself. I also have great girlfriend which has been there for me daily but I don't want to drag her down but really need her for emtional support and relaxation. I am now starting to worry again about the tinnitus but want to ignore it. I have one year left from college and it was my dream to attend medical school but I feel as though with tinnitus I won't be able to concentrate so I don't know if I should throw that idea out the door.

Well I am just rambling on about my experinece so far I am more optimistic but have bad days where I can't help but get anxious and depressed again. I have constant headaches and neck pains along with the ringing. Anyways, I really need your guys input. Any advice, ideas, help, ways to cope with it? Please guys I am in desperate need of help. I want to know what I can do to get my life back!
Give it time. Try to relax. Download some apps with sounds to sleep to. Look into taking vitamin A, C, E and Magnesium as soon as possible. I think that supplement combo is used to help those with sudden acoustic trauma or are exposed to loud sounds such as soldiers, construction workers, musicians, etc...
Hey man, I have one more year of college (well, a year and one fall quarter) too and I know your pain. I got Tinnitus a month ago (prolly from a combo of listening to music a tad too loud, having very slight high frequency hearing loss from when I was a child, and ETD) and I'm still having a hard time with it. I did have a week and a half where my T was low or I had learned to ignore it or not think about it and I don't know what happened but this past week and a half has been a depressing struggle for me. I also have a boyfriend who I had only started dating 2 months ago (but I've known him for years) and then this happened to me and he has been very supportive. But to top it off I'm a musician. Looks like you and I are in the same boat. Hopefully things will get better for us.
Hey derpytia, your story is really comforting to read. I read all these stories where many sufferers have habituated and I know eventually we will be there but at the moment it is definetly difficult at times. I have tried to ignore it and I am doing a better job at it but it is hard. Hope you continue to find the strength to carry foward as I try everyday. Let me know how things go for you.
Dear Enrique,

trust me, I know how you feel. When the T first started in 2007, it drove me crazy. I thought my life was over and that I would never be happy again. It took 6 months for me to habituate and I was able to completely ignore it for 6 years until recently (I took some medications that caused a spike and it's starting to settle down again...I'm working on my habitation for the 2nd time and slowly getting there!!)

Long story short: the majority of us do habituate after a while. The T is annoying but will not kill you. It is possible to have a normal life and you only can make that decision. You control your life not the T. It might sound unbelievable reading this right now but it's true.

By the way: I went back to University last year for a risk management degree and I finished it this April. I have T and I was able to concentrate fine, pass my exams and do the readings. Do not let T crush your dreams! Actually, try to live a normal life as much as possible, don't let T rule your life!!

You can do it!!

My thoughts are with you during this difficult time.

Anne-Marie, from Canada

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