I have a plug related question. I bought Noizezz Proguard Plugs with orange filters (30 db) online (http://www.proguarduk.co.uk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=41) (the ones with orange filter) I used them today to a party at a friends' house. They did have loud musi so I suppose the music was not very quiet (big speakers on max volume) and the plugs were fine for that. However, I have the feeling that in many bars music is a lot louder and in this case these types of plugs wont help. I did find many good plugs online, but a lot of them are produed in the US which means no shipping to Estonia or paying 55 dollars for shpping only which is a little too expensive. Has anyone got an experience with these plugs or can anyone recommend extra strong plugs? Maybe my idea of plugs being stronger is just illusional. Naturally, if that is the case I will just not go to bars. Thank you in advance.
I have a plug related question. I bought Noizezz Proguard Plugs with orange filters (30 db) online (http://www.proguarduk.co.uk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=41) (the ones with orange filter) I used them today to a party at a friends' house. They did have loud musi so I suppose the music was not very quiet (big speakers on max volume) and the plugs were fine for that. However, I have the feeling that in many bars music is a lot louder and in this case these types of plugs wont help. I did find many good plugs online, but a lot of them are produed in the US which means no shipping to Estonia or paying 55 dollars for shpping only which is a little too expensive. Has anyone got an experience with these plugs or can anyone recommend extra strong plugs? Maybe my idea of plugs being stronger is just illusional. Naturally, if that is the case I will just not go to bars. Thank you in advance.