Oh No Have Dizziness

Discussion in 'Support' started by Leah, Jan 30, 2015.

    1. Leah

      Leah Member Benefactor

      Chardon, Ohio USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      This is scary, would have bouts that were fleeting sensation this attack is hours. What should I do?
      Took meclizine, not helping
      I am in years with frustration.
    2. undecided

      undecided Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Is it just dizziness or a rotational vertigo feeling? Any nausea?
      For a start, just to be on the safe side, drink lots of water and cut down on salty foods.
      You should seek some medical advice.
      Might be something harmless such a BPPV or labyrinthitis. That doesn't mean you should leave it untreated though.
    3. AUTHOR

      Leah Member Benefactor

      Chardon, Ohio USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Thanks would call it vertigo am calling doc this am.
      Just so scary and dibilatating.
    4. AUTHOR

      Leah Member Benefactor

      Chardon, Ohio USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Looked up BPVV not that cause it has been hours.
    5. Marlene

      Marlene Member Benefactor

      Poole Dorset England
      Tinnitus Since:
      July 1996
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Bacterial virus
      Hiya Leah ,yes it's scary ,get into see dr ,I'm sat with it ,have it every day.Ive got blocked ears every day ,fullness like when you get bad head cold ,have you been unwell prior ? Get your blood pressure checked ,dr will probably do it anyway .Drink plenty of water ,and cut salt out .i do this ,but still have it ,but may help you .
      I've looked at various things to get it back to rights ,books you tube etc Might just stop on it's own ,few on site have it Leah ,Ali ,Teri etc .My neighbour has it and she not got T .Have you got any neck ache ? Lots have that with this balance .Get back with Drs answer ,be interested ,to what he says .Like I say always Leah there's T and the add on's to T ,then they say habituate .? Will watch this thread .xx
    6. AUTHOR

      Leah Member Benefactor

      Chardon, Ohio USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Thanks Undecided and Marlene for your replies, talked with doc neurologist on the phone.
      Believes it is BPPV, since it is triggered by rolling over in bed. Emailed me some exercises to do and to stay upright 48 hrs???
      Sleep in recliner or upright chair, than will be a challenge huh?
      Marlene sorry you deal with this so often. I agree habituation while all the other "stuff" is going on is so difficult.
      I have been dealing with a drug reaction to Tegretol bad bad itchy rash and was spending more time in bed.
      Bad head positioning, reading on IPAD etc. Must have aggravated something. Had a short episode sunday, but this one is last longer.
    7. LadyDi

      LadyDi Member Benefactor

      Florida, USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I also have been dealing with bouts of dizziness. It sucks! Have talked to my ENT about it and am looking at having some tests done, other than the VNG (Videonystagmography) screens I already have had performed -- which both revealed nothing except some problem with my central nervous system. I have had vestibular problems since I was a child, long before tinnitus. Always got car sick, could not do amusement park rides, etc.

      Anyway, reason I am writing: My ENT, in our most recent visit, gave me a great definition of vertigo vs. other "dizzy" issues. You know those little stools doctors sit on, that spin around 360 degrees? Vertigo, I was told, is when you feel like you are sitting on that stool and spinning. It is a very different symptom than feeling light-headed or unsteady. I always assumed what I was feeling was vertigo, but I was wrong.
    8. AUTHOR

      Leah Member Benefactor

      Chardon, Ohio USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Thanks for the information Lady Di. we tend to use the generic term for dizziness and vertigo.
      Years ago I was diagnosed with Meniere's by ENT now this doc thinks not.
      Sometimes I wonder if were we all born with these issues.
      Or predisposed? I also have car sickness, no amusement rides,eye floaters and a teen etc.
      Great to come here for advice and a "pat on the shoulder", thanks for caring.
      • Hug Hug x 1
    9. LadyDi

      LadyDi Member Benefactor

      Florida, USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hey @Leah, you do very much have my sympathy. The dizziness is very uncomfortable. Mine seems to have gotten worse with my tinnitus -- but maybe it's due to age, too.

      I personally think some of us are born with vestibular problems. One doctor told me, following my VNG test that came back with the "central involvement" label, that some people's central nervous/auditory system is just mis-wired and there isn't a lot you can do about it. I am going to explore positional exercises/therapies this year but have been advised it may do me no good. I also will try the meclizine, which may or may not help.

      Probably not a coincidence that my mother, too, has had vestibular problems for most of her adult life, which have worsened with age. Sigh.
    10. AUTHOR

      Leah Member Benefactor

      Chardon, Ohio USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Anyone know how I can test, to make sure which ear it really is before doing the Epley maneuver?
    11. Marlene

      Marlene Member Benefactor

      Poole Dorset England
      Tinnitus Since:
      July 1996
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Bacterial virus
      Hi Leah and Lady Di ,been talking a lot on UK site about this issue for many a month ,so many suffering with this balance one said today 2 1/2 yrs later told her was due to lack of Vit D and B12 ,now she's back straight .
      Yesterday hers stopped after this
      Sit centre of settee place cushion each end Go to left place side of head on pillow still looking forward ,all the while .count of 3 mins in that position ,then slowly come back to centre ,wait 3 mins and do the same to the other pillow .
      Repeat several times a day over few more days even increase the time to 5 mins if needed .
      This was told to herby an ENT ,who had this issue going through med school .Now this ENT tells people on average she see's 2 patients a week with it .
      Give it a try I will .So a mix of Vit D and 12 and try exercise .
      It can be a nightmare to live with T and this going together .You can only try the sitting up Leah ,may be lucky and that will just work I describe it like sitting in a Rocking chair feeling ,but walking ,weird like I'm walking on sponge .yes the habituation fine if now't else being a hinderance ,like slowing things up ,when you got balance prob thing going on. It puts a hold on things .What a carry on .Not seen Ali on TT for a while ,she has it bad .
      Keep me up with how you both get on .Big Hug to you both xxxx
    12. AUTHOR

      Leah Member Benefactor

      Chardon, Ohio USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      You are so kind, made my day!! Thanks for the excellent advice.
      Love your description about the rocking chair that is exactly the feeling, or the sponge.
      Will ask to have doctor to check my Vitamin D and 12 levels.
      So glad to call you all my friends even from so far away.
      Stay well everyone.

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