Oldie but again a newbie

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Duane, Jan 18, 2014.

    1. Duane

      Duane Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      New poster. My tinnitus started in early 2006, no specific trauma or event that I recall triggered it. I just remember thinking one day, what the heck is that noise! I'm not exposed to loud noises generally (on purpose), then or now. Mostly atonal to both ears, cicadas/crickets and for the most part I was able to adjust and move along normally for almost 8 years.

      Last month, I thought maybe it was time to try hearing aids, not for the T specifically, but to be able to hear more clearly. Moderate hearing loss, I've been told upon testing. Little did I know that a new T experience was waiting for me at about the same time as I began testing behind-the-ear hearing aids in December.

      Two new tones, one high tone in one ear and one low tone in the other, have camped out now with the crickets. At first I thought, did these new devices just cause the new T?! I don't believe they did but man what a coincidence. I've been to the audiologist and ENT (neither with much insight), waiting to get into my GP next week to see if something physical (other than middle-age) might be creeping up on me. I've returned the hearing aids to focus on my new "friends" in my head, maybe I'll try them again in a few months as they certainly did help with hearing but didn't necessarily lessen the new T. Right now I have a new battle.

      As I've read from so many member posts, sleep (quality of sleep) is important, unfortunately my sleep has become affected by the new T; really ironic, because with the old T I generally slept fine, 7+ plus years of dealing with the old T had worked for the most part. Between melatonin and a sound machine I'm hoping to adjust to more sleep!

      Look forward to traveling the T road together with you!

      • Hug Hug x 1
    2. Jeff M.

      Jeff M. Member Benefactor

      La Jolla, CA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct. 2012
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Welcome Duane!!! :welcomesignanimation: Glad you joined us here at TT!! What a trippy journey you have been on with your T!! Sorry about the "new battle" That sucks! SLEEP is the key!! I pray you find what works and get some zzz's. Take heart, it will get better!! Spend some time poking around on TT, lots of good info and great encouragement!!:)
    3. watie

      watie Member

      Wichita Kansas
      Tinnitus Since:
      Hello Duane
      I have had significant T for about 7 months. Couple of years before it started to really started to bother me. I am an oldie also. I think Jeff is right, this forum is the best thing that has happened to me. Lots of information to absorb. I have spent the last few months reading the posts and learning about T. It does seem to get better. I have just started to feel like I can actually live a life as before T. I have decided that this dam noise isn't going to rule my life. Don't know what caused it, A life full of loud noises I guess. Lawn mowers, chain saws weed eaters, military, you name it. I hope they find a treatment and/ a cure soon, especially for the younger people on here. Hell, I'll be dead in a few years lol. Well anyway, I wish you the best.
      • Like Like x 1
    4. AUTHOR

      Duane Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Curious if anyone who started out with atonal type T, cicadas, hissing, humming, etc. (and remained that way for a long period of time) has suddenly or gradually moved to more of a pure tonal T with the atonal giving up or being the lesser of the T. Seems that with my latest experience the T that I've had for 8 years is being shoved out of the way by new, steady higher and lower tones. The lower tone is somewhat more disturbing at this point because it wavers. What strange c**p this is! But I'm preaching to the choir.

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