My T was actually starting to calm some, but now it's in overdrive, no doubt from being overstimulated. Last night our fire alarm went off in our apartment when we turned the heat on. T stayed stayed at its normal pitch.Then I wake in the night with a dull headache and my left nostril plugged up. T is a bit louder. Roll over, fall back to sleep, wake again to clogged right nostril, facial pressure and headache still there, no doubt from the dust that got stirred up from heat being turned on. T is going pretty noticeably. I went to get a CT today of my sinuses and the loud speaker announcements blasted through the hospital. No sign of easing of the T. We stopped for a bite to eat, my husband beeps the alarm as I pass in front of the car. On the way home my husband yells at the driver in front of us (like he can hear him). Now T is severely over stimulated. Anyone else have days like this where it's one thing after another and T is just crazy. It sounds like symphony of sleigh bells in here. And it ain't pretty.