Paradoxical Results During a Research

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Joan A., Jan 14, 2016.

    1. Joan A.
      No Mood

      Joan A. Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      2000/ spike 2006/ massive 2009
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hi all;

      actually i can't take any drugs/supplements for tinnitus due to an hard cure for another healt condition. Due to this cure (x-ray) i'm forced to take some antioxidants, antiemetic and antibiotics (that in many cases are the culprit of tinnitus)

      Since the beginning of my x-ray therapy i noticed a massive lowering of my tinnitus expecially on the right side. Now taking the antibiotics the tinnitus seems to be temporarly subsided and searching around the world (google) the rule between tinnitus and infections, i have found this very controversal (old and not autoritative) article that i would share with you. Any opinions are well accepted.

      Successful Therapy for Tinnitus
      Successful therapy for tinnitus (Tinnitus = ringing, buzzing, or hissingsound in the ear) in the case of a 44-year-old patient

      Successful therapy for tinnitus (Tinnitus = ringing, buzzing, or hissing sound in the ear) for a 44-year-old patient who had been suffering for approximately 3 years under a very bothersome and highly fluctuating case of tinnitus (fluctuating in pitch and volume) which affected both ears in turn.

      Additionally, this patient had high blood pressure, sinus problems, and the need to empty his bladder during sleep-phases; and in the area of ophthalmology, he was diagnosed with bilateral chronic episcleritis. The latter was marked by nasal redness in both eyes, which is an indication of focal activity (chronic bacterial infection which can be located anywhere in the body). As a result of his hearing problems, the patient visited 2 EENT specialists and a neurologist, where extensive tests were run, to no avail.

      After several months of antibiotic and immunomodulating therapy, the patient no longer complained of the need to urinate during sleeping phases, his episcleritis (infection of the conjunctiva and sclera) was gone, and he felt subjectively that his sinuses were by and large in good condition. It is interesting that, during the course of this therapy, the tinnitus, which he subjectively found debilitating, disappeared almost completely, recurring only under stressful situations and in the form of a slight, barely noticeable ringing of the ears.

      In such a case, it seems readily comprehensible that these tinnitus troubles are, to my understanding, normally of cerebral-bacterial origin. They cannot be treated with 1, 2, 3, or 4 weeks of antibiotic therapy. In the case of the above-mentioned patient, two months of uninterrupted antibiotic therapy were needed before the patient’s tinnitus slowly improved. From this, one can conclude that this case of tinnitus was of bacterial origin, and that this therapy and its results are fully in line with the conclusions of the Internists’ Congress in Wiesbaden (Germany), April 1997, where it was stated that

      1. Cardiac infarction (heart attack)
      2. Cerebral infarction (stroke)
      must be treated with long-term antibiotics. Furthermore, it is absolutely necessary to treat the partner as well, in order to avoid a ping-pong effect and thus re-infection.

      In my view, most cases of acute hearing loss are also of bacterial origin. A long-term antibiotic therapy seems absolutely necessary to me, and then, if after 2-3 months of assorted antibiotic treatments the desired results have not been achieved, only then should one assume that the condition is not of bacterial nature.

      I have asked myself repeatedly why the last 20 years have seen such an increase in cases of acute hearing loss (2000 % over the course of 20 years). I believe this is a result of the introduction of ovulation suppressors, and that it stands in connection with more liberal sexual practice (could this be the reason why Clinton already wears a hearing aid?). I am of the opinion that, within 10-20 years following the introduction of oral contraceptives, the female population began to experience a rapid increase in occurrences of acute hearing loss of bacterial origin, and I suspect that the bacteria in question can be transmitted sexually or by intensive kissing. I find no other explanation for such an explosive 2000% increase in cases of acute hearing loss within the past 20 years in comparison to the years before.

      February 1998

      Thus far, experts have considered tinnitus (ringing, buzzing, or hissing sound in the ear) to be a problem of either the inner ear or, according to more recent studies, a problem of cerebral origin (caused by damage to the brain).

      According to an announcement made by American scientists after research done on rats’ ears, the cerebral theory seems to be accurate, as defective inner ear cells can regenerate: BETHESDA stereocilia, the hair cells in the inner ear, are constantly regenerating. This surprising fact was only recently discovered. According to these findings, the acting filaments in the growing cells grow 2.5 ìm per day.

      This leads directly to the conclusion that tinnitus is not an inner-ear problem, as this would promptly treat itself. Rather, it must be a matter of insufficient cerebral blood circulation, which is normally of bacterial origin; that is, those vessels of the brain which supply those areas responsible for the inner ear are damaged by bacterial infections.

      Conclusion: tinnitus must, in most cases, be treated by means of antibacterial and antibiotic therapy, when possible in conjunction with an attempt at immunomodulating and immunostimulating therapy.

      • Informative Informative x 1
    2. RaZaH

      RaZaH Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Reykjavík, Iceland
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Benzo + loud noise
      I cant see how the stereocilia would be regenerating as that would mean you would regain your lost hearing, which you dont. ?

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