Post Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Danny Do, Jan 12, 2017.

    1. Danny Do

      Danny Do Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Wisdom Tooth Extraction
      I've had Wisdom Tooth Extraction surgery a month and a half ago, 3 days later I developed tinnitus.

      2 days after that my ears got really sensitive to sound (still evident, but less) I started a course of steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (prednisolone) and the tinnitus subsided significantly after a few days.

      However, when i stopped the course after a week, it re-developed.

      It seems to be somatorsensory tinnitus as it changes pitch when I clench my jaw, and varies dramatically throughout the day(sometimes its just a low hush, sometimes a high pitched noise). I also chronically clench my teeth, which might make things worse.

      Dentist and ENT (who found my audiogram to be excellent) advice was to wait till the holes where my teeth were fill as it could be due to the inflammation, and things were getting better, however one side has already filled and on that side the tinnitus was much better than on the other side, but has worsened and become more evident a few days ago, and now its worse than on the unfilled side.

      I also get sensations of ear fullness. Tinnitus gets significantly worse with smoking, drinking and eating, and even brushing my teeth ( not immediately, a few minutes after).

      It does however get very significantly better (almost undetectable) after sex (??)

      Anyone had a similar experience or would like to share advice?

      Thank you!
    2. glynis

      glynis Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Meniere's Disease
      It takes a few weeks for extraction site to settle down in the jaw bone and brusing so give it more time......

      ....lots of love glynis

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