Pulsatile Tinnitus and Ear Pain

Discussion in 'Support' started by grahambc, Jun 1, 2018.

    1. grahambc

      grahambc Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Feb 2018
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      cotten bud
      In Feb 2018 I poked my ear drum with a cotton bud. This happened whilst I was on some strong pain killers after an operation and I was cleaning the outside of my ear with a cotton bud, but at the same time rubbing my hair to dry it with a towel.

      I felt a sharp pain and I went to the doctor who confirmed that I had not perforated it, but it was a little red. The pain was 24/7 and even pain killers did not help.

      After one month of waiting I got to see an ENT. My ear pressure in the ear was -140 and in my good ear -40 and the ear drum was retracted. It would also pulsate from time to time and I have continuous ear ringing and pain. The ENT suggested I leave it for one to two months to see what happens.

      After 3 months I am still in continuous pain. I have been reading on line of possible causes and I'm wondering if somehow I fractured one of the tiny bones like the Malleus or the Incus, but is this possible to do without perforating your ear drum. I'm trying to get to see another ENT quicker as my ENT is away until the end of June.
      • Hug Hug x 1

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