Rate Your Tinnitus With 6 Questions

Discussion in 'Support' started by David S, Mar 29, 2015.

    1. David S

      David S Member Benefactor Ambassador

      Tinnitus Since:
      Inspired by @David S's thread, please complete the survey here:



      Just curios how you would rate your T. I have 6 questions for you witch i hope give a god picture. I do not focus on the sound it self but the reaction. Did I miss any good question? Is any of them unnecessary? If you feel that you are between 2 questions us 2 of 4.

      My score would come out to 5,3,3,3,3,3=20. Would rate this between moderate and severe. My life is still deeply affected by T but under control.

      1P/ I am just aware of my tinnitus a few times a day.
      3P / I am aware of my tinnitus a big part of the day, however hours could pass when I am not thinking of it.
      5P / I am constantly aware of my tinnitus, sometimes it happens that I do not think about it for 15-30 minutes.

      1P / My sleep is almost as good as before.
      3P / I struggle with sleep and wake up a few times every night.
      5P / Sleep is a mess and I never sleep more than 2-3 hours in a row. It is also very hard for me to fall asleep.

      Life changes:
      1P / I do pretty much the same things as before tinnitus. Just avoid really loud places like concerts and clubs.
      3P / I live my life almost like before but there is quite some changes like I do not listen to music any more. I am not as social as I used to be. I quit sports. I avoid not only the really loud places but also pubs/restaurants. I avoid long trips in plane or by car.
      5P / My life completely changed. It is a struggle for me to maintain work/studies. I feel very isolated.

      1P / I feel depressed but it's not too bad. I've felt down like this before.
      3P / I never experienced depression like this before. I clearly feel that I am not as active as I used to be.
      5P / I am really depressed, but not only that I also have anxiety attacks as well.

      Life quality:
      1P / This is not too bad, I just think about my tinnitus a few times a day.
      3P / I lost quite a bit of my life quality. My silent moments were very important in the past to just chill, get back to balance and absorb energy. That's now all gone. Anyway I still have a lot of enjoyable moments with family, friends or at work.
      5P / I do not feel myself anymore. Tension and fear are with me all the time.

      1P / I have a clear strategy how to live with this. I feel that I get better month by month.
      3P / I tried a lot but nothing really seems to work. I still have things to try on my list and I am a little optimistic that it will be better for me.
      5P / I have really no idea how tho get out of this mess.
      • Like Like x 1
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    2. nills

      nills Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      acoustic trauma
      I think this is a very good way to measure. Unfortunately i`m much worse of than I wanted to believe ...

      nice work
    3. sandra72

      sandra72 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      may 2014
      3P / I am aware of my tinnitus a big part of the day, however hours could pass when I am not thinking of it.

      1P / My sleep is almost as good as before.

      Life changes:
      1P / I do pretty much the same things as before tinnitus. Just avoid really loud places like concerts and clubs.

      3P / I never experienced depression like this before. I clearly feel that I am not as active as I used to be.

      Life quality:
      3P / I lost quite a bit of my life quality. My silent moments were very important in the past to just chill, get back to balance and absorb energy. That's now all gone. Anyway I still have a lot of enjoyable moments with family, friends or at work.

      1P / I have a clear strategy how to live with this. I feel that I get better month by month.
    4. 3s all over the place(n). closer to 5 on Life Changes and closer to 1 on sleep
    5. Carm

      Carm Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      1P/ I am just aware of my tinnitus a few times a day.
      3P / I am aware of my tinnitus a big part of the day, however hours could pass when I am not thinking of it.
      5P / I am constantly aware of my tinnitus, sometimes it happens that I do not think about it for 15-30 minutes.

      1P / My sleep is almost as good as before.
      3P / I struggle with sleep and wake up a few times every night.
      5P / Sleep is a mess and I never sleep more than 2-3 hours in a row. It is also very hard for me to fall asleep.

      Life changes:
      1P / I do pretty much the same things as before tinnitus. Just avoid really loud places like concerts and clubs.
      3P / I live my life almost like before but there is quite some changes like I do not listen to music any more. I am not as social as I used to be. I quit sports. I avoid not only the really loud places but also pubs/restaurants. I avoid long trips in plane or by car.
      5P / My life completely changed. It is a struggle for me to maintain work/studies. I feel very isolated.

      1P / I feel depressed but it's not too bad. I've felt down like this before.
      3P / I never experienced depression like this before. I clearly feel that I am not as active as I used to be.
      5P / I am really depressed, but not only that I also have anxiety attacks as well.

      Life quality:
      1P / This is not too bad, I just think about my tinnitus a few times a day.
      3P / I lost quite a bit of my life quality. My silent moments were very important in the past to just chill, get back to balance and absorb energy. That's now all gone. Anyway I still have a lot of enjoyable moments with family, friends or at work.
      5P / I do not feel myself anymore. Tension and fear are with me all the time.

      1P / I have a clear strategy how to live with this. I feel that I get better month by month.
      3P / I tried a lot but nothing really seems to work. I still have things to try on my list and I am a little optimistic that it will be better for me.
      5P / I have really no idea how tho get out of this mess.
    6. James P

      James P Member

      Halifax, Canada
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic Trauma (Club)
      5P / I am constantly aware of my tinnitus, sometimes it happens that I do not think about it for 15-30 minutes.

      3P / I struggle with sleep and wake up a few times every night.

      Life changes:
      1P / I do pretty much the same things as before tinnitus. Just avoid really loud places like concerts and clubs.
      3P / I live my life almost like before but there is quite some changes like I do not listen to music any more. I am not as social as I used to be. I quit sports. I avoid not only the really loud places but also pubs/restaurants. I avoid long trips in plane or by car.

      Not sure where I fall here, I've definitely been less social and my enjoyment of music is gone. I do the same things but much less frequently. I spend a lot of time now struggling to find peace rather than other activites I used to enjoy.

      3P / I never experienced depression like this before. I clearly feel that I am not as active as I used to be.

      Life quality:
      5P / I do not feel myself anymore. Tension and fear are with me all the time.

      3P / I tried a lot but nothing really seems to work. I still have things to try on my list and I am a little optimistic that it will be better for me.
    7. Ilija

      Ilija Member

      Jagodina, Serbia
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud gig/year of loud headphone usage.
      Well at first I wanted to say it's all bad but once I honestly thought about everything, I actually have less than 6P's
      My sleep is great, I fall asleep better now than before T.
      I feel at times sad but not depressed.
      So I'm guessing I'm at 4P's.
      I read about how stress can make the limbic system turn up volumes and such when you have anxiety and I finally got my answer for why some sounds seem louder, all of those sound are tinnitus sound and every time I have gotten them it was because I was in a scary situation to which my limbic system flagged the sound.

      I'm doing better, hyperacusis is better-ish of course it varies a lot but generally I have more good h days than bad.
    8. Martin69

      Martin69 Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      (Health) Anxiety
      5, 1, 3, 3, 5, 3
    9. 1MW
      No Mood

      1MW Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      2008 but cured and relapsed from benzos
      Cause of Tinnitus:
    10. pef

      pef Member

      Georgia, USA
      Tinnitus Since:

      0 - I'm not depressed or upset about it, so I chose a 0.
    11. MattK

      MattK Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      These are loaded questions. Every answer assumes we're worse off than before. That may have been true before habituating. But for example, I sleep every bit as good as I did before. Not just "almost".
    12. LifesABeach

      LifesABeach Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Wish I knew
      Well, I can't say I'm surprised, but I totaled 26.

      As a tinnitus target since 2006, the worst part for me is the recent change of events. If I had answered this poll back around Thanksgiving 2014 - before the sh*t hit the fan in a big way - I probably would have answered at a total of 8, maximum. Depressing.

      But I guess that's why I'm here now. I beat it once (albeit when it was in a milder form) and I'm hoping folks here can help me beat it back again.
    13. Danworth

      Danworth Member

      Charlotte, N.C
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic shock from ear bud
      1P/ I am just aware of my tinnitus a few times a day.

      3P / I struggle with sleep and wake up a few times every night.

      Life changes:
      1P / I do pretty much the same things as before tinnitus. Just avoid really loud places like concerts and clubs.

      1P / I feel depressed but it's not too bad. I've felt down like this before.

      Life quality:
      3P / I lost quite a bit of my life quality. My silent moments were very important in the past to just chill, get back to balance and absorb energy. That's now all gone. Anyway I still have a lot of enjoyable moments with family, friends or at work.

      1P / I have a clear strategy how to live with this. I feel that I get better month by month.
      • Like Like x 1
    14. Telis

      Telis Member Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Drugs barotrauma
    15. linearb

      linearb Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      beliefs are makyo and reality ignores them
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      right now: 3 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1
      four weeks ago: 5 / 3 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 3
      twelve weeks ago: 3 / 1 / 1/ 1 / 1 / 1
      twenty weeks ago: 5 / 3 / 5 / 5 / 3

      Life is a wheel :D
    16. Ricky81

      Ricky81 Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      July 14, 2014
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Assault/Contusion/Ear Infection
      My score 5,3,3,3,3,3=20

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