Returning From Business Trip and...

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by JohnnyMx, Apr 20, 2015.

    1. JohnnyMx

      JohnnyMx Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hello everyone,

      I just went online to share an experience. Last days I made a business trip, four days of work from 8am to 11pm, meetings, presentations, talking to many people, promote our new software products, etc etc. This is the part of my job that I enjoy more, but was cautious because my Tinnitus increases when I talk too much, and especially my hyperacusis. The first day was cautious, step by step, but then I said what the hell, let's do this! I began to accelerate, talk talk and talk, I was so busy and enjoying what I was doing, which at times forgot that my sound was there, and my hyperacusis was not bothering me that much. I was at a music event (I used my earplugs), I went to a karaoke with clients (I used my earplugs) and ... nothing bad happened, I did not increase my T and my hyperacusis not worsened, my trip was a success, my T's I keep hearing over most of the sounds, but it does not bother me at all. In fact, after this trip, my hyperacusis improved incredibly.

      To all my friends in this forum, I say to you, I confirm what I has long understand, that much of our problem is not in the sound, but in our heads, our level of stress, anxiety, own limitations.

      I have had T since I was a teenager, since 2 years I've had loud enough to be over all the ambient sounds, since a year and a half does not bother me, but after this trip, I lost the final constraint I had with my hyperacusis. Still there, suddenly some sounds hurt me, but no more limitations. Tomorrow I'm getting to the office earlier than usually and will start to plan my new direction and strategies.

      Greetings and wish you all the best, I do not know you personally, but for the simple fact that I understand what you are suffering, I feel that I love you all.
      • Like Like x 15
    2. MrT

      MrT Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      That's great man. I wish you continued success.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    3. MariannaMX

      MariannaMX Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi, what's your opinion about fliying?
    4. Rina

      Rina Member

      florida, USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Really don't know
      I'm planning to flight to my country soon... It is like a 3 hr flight and then another 45 minutes so 4 hrs total... Does flying makes T worst?
    5. Rog

      Rog Member Benefactor

      NY and Brazil
      Tinnitus Since:
      Flying does not make my T worse. I took several flights over 9 hours each with no increase...
    6. AUTHOR

      JohnnyMx Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi Marianna, I have flew by plane several times and my T has not been affected. All of the trips around 3-4 hours max. Just, i have not taken a plane being sick from Sinus or a cold, i think there is where you could get some troubles.

      Nop Rina, my T has never been affected by flying. I have just been cautios, and have not taken a plane being sick from sinus or cold.

      Enjoy your travel!
    7. MariannaMX

      MariannaMX Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Ok, thank you, i just stsrting having problems with sinus and alergic to somethig make me feel like pressure in my nose, so make me focus on tinnitus, almost all the time blocked bcs of that im worry. I would like to visit my family that live 11 hours flying from where im now, i dont know if im overeacting but want to check
    8. SoulStation
      No Mood

      SoulStation Member

      New York
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise / Possible Medication
      Great story. I hope to get there. @JohnnyMx

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