Mar 12, 2015
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February 18
florida, USA

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Member, Female, from florida, USA

If only.... May 6, 2016

    1. Rina
      If only....
    2. Joe P. Tamborra
      Joe P. Tamborra
      Trust the Lord, lean not to your own understanding. Acknowledge Him in all your ways, and He will direct your paths!
      I hope all is well Rina!!
      1. Rina likes this.
      2. Rina
        Thank you joe! Good bless you...I've been having very difficult days ... Today it was so bad... Hanging in there.. How are you?
        Apr 19, 2016
    3. Rina
      Learning to live with it...
      1. Paul82 and stacey like this.
      2. Sailboardman
        Glad you're coping Rina! Good for you.
        Apr 12, 2016
    4. Rina
      Every morning I'm hoping to wake up from this nightmare ...
      1. Sailboardman likes this.
      2. Sailboardman
        Me too! }:-[
        Mar 2, 2016
      3. Zora
        Same here. I should give up hope that it goes away, so I can habituate faster. but Every morning im like"fuck...there is my T"
        Mar 2, 2016
      4. Richard zurowski
        Richard zurowski
        I've been hoping for three years! I've just excepted it now.
        Mar 2, 2016
    5. NathanielDaniel
      How bad is your T
      1. Rina likes this.
      2. Rina
        It varies... From really bad to ok to better then go back to bad and so forth and so on
        Feb 26, 2016
      3. NathanielDaniel
        Do you take any medication for it?
        Feb 26, 2016
      4. Rina
        @Coregame3 no I don't ... I'm hesitant to take heavy drugs for anything .. Plus I don't have the luxury to just take drugs and be out of it... Wish I could some days .. But I have 2 little ones that need me
        Mar 3, 2016
        NathanielDaniel likes this.
    6. Rina
      last year I had the worst bday ever.. I got t right before it l. Today I'm thankful I've made it this far. Having a good day..
      1. John G, AnxiousJon and Mario martz like this.
      2. Sailboardman
        Lucky girl! Good for you!
        Feb 19, 2016
    7. Rina
      Still standing ... Although I've already fallen... Really struggling today...
      1. Blackbird26
        Feb 15, 2016
        Rina likes this.
      2. AnxiousJon
        Psa 138:6 For though the LORD is high, he regards the lowly, but the haughty he knows from afar.
        Psa 138:7 Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life; you stretch out your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and your right hand delivers me.
        Psa 138:8 The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O LORD, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands.
        Feb 15, 2016
        Rina likes this.
    8. Rina
      All I need is strength to fight and do my best to be there for my children until they are older and able to care for themselves...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Sailboardman
        You go girl! };-)
        Feb 8, 2016
      3. Blackbird26
        I wish I could go back in time and refigure how to deal with being ill and raising my kids. To be honest I think family therapy would of been a wise choice. My best wasn't good enough.
        Feb 8, 2016
        Rina likes this.
      4. tyty
        I am with you Rina! I am just hoping someday there will be an cure for this awful T but in the interim I am busy with my kids!
        Feb 9, 2016
    9. chad berry 36
      chad berry 36
      Hi Rina thank you for a reply . I hope this goes away because I get thrown into a depression so bad. I have it in both ears. And I only had one day of relief when I took a clonazepam but that was it. 2nd try no change. I'm so scared..what knowledge is available for people with this due to medication. Let me say I was not on it more than 3 days.after a surgery
    10. Rina
      Don't underestimate me, I know more than I say, think more than I speak, and notice more than you realize
      1. just1morething, Zorro! and John G like this.
    11. Rina
      “When you get to your wits end, you will find, God lives there
      1. DanielN likes this.
      2. Sailboardman
        He's moved from Wits End, to Beverly Hills!.......He left me a note....};-)
        Jan 22, 2016
        Rina likes this.
    12. Rina
      “When you get to your wits end, you will find, God lives there
      1. DanielN likes this.
    13. Rina
      “Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your heart or burn down your house, you can never tell.”
      1. Enzo312 and Sailboardman like this.
    14. Joe P. Tamborra
      Joe P. Tamborra
      Merry Christmas!!! I hope your well. Keep the faith.
      1. Bran350 and Rina like this.
    15. Rina
      One back .. Two steps forward.. Never ending battle
      1. hurtingdream and Bran350 like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. just1morething
        Do you ever walk into someone or something when your walking backwards, even with the mirrors lol?
        Dec 26, 2015
      4. Sailboardman
        Yup, I even have the scars to prove it jack! How's your chronic back pain, these days?
        Dec 27, 2015
      5. just1morething
        @Sailboardman, kinda late response but was going to have minimumly invasive lower back surgery but Mayo and another spinal place don't agree. Just found out that out of network would cost me $10,000 which NAS didn't disclose so a bit leary of them as of today.NAS is a laser surgery center based in Dallas.
        Feb 5, 2016
    16. Rina
      is love a fantasy created by your mind and entertained by your heart?
      1. Sailboardman
        Might be the other way around? Love is a fantasy of the heart, entertained by the mind.
        Dec 13, 2015
        Rina likes this.
      2. Rina
        Dec 14, 2015
      3. DanielN
        No. It's a real thing. :-)
        Feb 14, 2016
    17. Rina
      Love really does give you hope❤️
      1. DanielN and stacey like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Jae
        I don't have a girlfriend, my friends could careless, and my parents think I have mental issues.
        Dec 11, 2015
        Rina likes this.
      4. jimH
        And when things get bad, we all need hope to be able to cope...
        Dec 11, 2015
        Rina, Bran350 and Sailboardman like this.
      5. Sailboardman
        "Hope springs eternal."
        Dec 11, 2015
        Rina likes this.
    18. Rina
      I will miss you if I was to stay awake, but since I'm going to sleep I will just hold you tight in my dreams...
      1. DanielN, John G, stacey and 2 others like this.
    19. Rina
      Life still beautiful and full of surprises
      1. DanielN, Kopesy and Bran350 like this.
    20. Rina
      I will make it!
      1. DanielN likes this.
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  • About

    February 18
    florida, USA
    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    Really don't know