

Nov 13, 2011
Tinnitus Since
Oct 2011
This topic came up on anther tinnitus thread here, so I am posting it here if anyone wants to "chat" about it as it is not tinnitus related.

This is the last step of cancer fighting treatments that I am going to help my sister with. It is relatively new, but does have case studies and peer reviews.

There is a trial going on in Europe, but I don't have too much on that. Since it is a natural substance taken from fruits, herbs and vegetables, funding for clinical trials is non-existent if any at all.

Good Q&A here on Salvestrols:

Are salvestrols safe?

What's in the capsules?

Are there any side effects?

How many capsules should I do?

Will salvestrols interfere with drug therapies?

What can help salvestrols work better?

What should I avoid while taking salvestrols?

Are Salvestrols antioxidants?

Are salvestrols suitable for children?

Is resveratrol a salvestrol?

Are salvestrols suitable for pets?
Salvestrol seems a bit so-so.

I'm quoting another person from

If you Google 'salvestrols' you'll find almost all links go back to websites which are trying to sell you them. These sites are linked to the people doing the research. This is a very bad sign.

There is little risk of salvestrols doing harm, but there is currently no evidence that they make any difference to cancer patients. It's important not to put false hope in unproven treatments, especially those pushed by people trying to take your money.

However, I looked up salvesterols and I must say I feel very concerned indeed. There does not seem to be any international research, it all seems to be the work of a handful of people, in particular a certain Gerry Potter. On this web site (link) I found the following text written by Gerry Potter, which quite frankly I find truly shocking.

"I'm also a smoker so dont worry about it and enjoy it like I do. Smoking is only really of concern with lung cancer since it is the lungs that are exposed to carbon monoxide. The rest of the body is never exposed to carbon monoxide, so smoking will not effect the efficacy against prostate cancer."

How can this person possibly be credible?

He also writes

"So far everyone I know who has tried salvestrols has recovered from cancer. I have also documented over 500 cases of people who have responded to salvestrol therapy, only a fraction of which have been published."

If he really had 500 success stories, why on earth wouldn't he publish his research? This is the kind of breakthrough that doctors dream of making and wouldn't hesitate to publish.

Concerning Tamoxifen, on other web sites I have in the past seen testimonies of women who stopped taking their Tamoxifen treatment and came to regret it later when they were diagnosed with mets. My personal feeling is that we need to use every possible weapon of mass destruction against cancer that we can. The stakes are just too high to do otherwise.

Of course salvestrols may indeed be the treatment of the future and you may be in the lucky forefront of this treatment, so if you feel they are right for you, why not. But it's early days to consider that Tamoxifen hasn't been instrumental in improving your health. Stopping the treatment doesn't prove that it didn't help for all the months you did take it. Please do consider carefully the risks you might be taking.

I wish you all the best for a continued recovery and a return to good health as soon as possible.

Some discussion about this here:

On Quackometer:

I'd be very cautious at this point. A title like "natural cancer cell killer" is not very good at all. It gives too much false hope. I changed it to something more appropriate. The information what is available about Salvestrols seem to be quite biased.

Worth reading:
Pseudoscience - Avoid Getting Scammed

A Primer on Scientific Testing

If and hopefully when I'm proven wrong here, I will edit this post. The claims made, however, are quite overwhelmingly outrageous, in my opinion, quoting Gerry Potter here:
"So far everyone I know who has tried salvestrols has recovered from cancer."

We'll see.
Yes Markku. I read the quack pieces. I also read what the response from the professor. At the time, the case studies and peer reviews were not published. It is very new. The link you posted was from July 10, 2006 By Andy Lewis. Did you read all the comments below?

Since then (article you posted above) there are published case studies. His research IS published. The author just never did any follow up since 2006. Not very responsible.

I have spent hours and hours on this researching. I am aware of the risks.

I also read how the government in UK came and took him to an institution. I read a very long sorted article about him which was sensationalized. I find his account of what happened to him to be an excessive use of force by a government.

My sister's kind of lung cancer has 20% change of remission. My sister actually has 0% and they only gave her chemo for palliative care - to give her another month to live. I will take whatever alternative natural methods I can at this point. The radiation and chemo did nothing but kill perfectly good cells. These days we are forced to use chemo if we want any kind of treatment - Medicare anyway. I find that despicable!
Yes, your sister's situation is horrible, but don't you agree that the following by Gerry Potter is ridiculous: "So far everyone I know who has tried salvestrols has recovered from cancer."?

Do you really think that if the above was true, this substance wouldn't be more well known? If I found a substance that makes everybody recover from cancer, I would have no problem reporting about it worldwide, reaching out to folks that can bring the news forward. It just doesn't make sense. The claims are absurd comparing to how little about this is reported.

And would you mind giving me links to these published case studies? Why aren't there anything about Salvestrol in PubMed? There are lots about Resveratrol, though.

There are lots of "case studies" published about all kinds of snake oils, but usually they aren't peer-reviewed by entrusted publications or such, or credible at all. Case studies on their own per se don't mean anything, they are easily faked or exaggerated.

I just brought my opinion up because of how you started this thread, with the original title and all, made it sound like this substance might be some sort of miracle thing.

Of course if you decide to try it for your sister, then I wish you and her the best of luck. According to Mr. Potter, your sister should recover from cancer taking this. I sincerely hope that happens, but unfortunately I'm very doubtful of this Salvestrol and I fear that the statements Gerry Potter has given might cause way too much false expectations...

Do remember to report back how it goes though!

About Prof. Gerry Potter

Professor Gerry Potter
Gerry Potter is Emeritus Professor of Medicinal Chemistry at DeMontford University School of Pharmacy in Leicester, England. In this department he is Director of the Cancer Drug Discovery Group.
Gerry has been fascinated by chemistry since he was a small boy. He completed his first degree in Organic Chemistry at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology. He went on to do his PhD at the Chester Bettie laboratories within the Institute of Cancer Research, which at the time was at the Royal Marsden hospital in London before relocating to Sutton.

Cancer Specialization
At the Royal Marsden Gerry was coached by some of the world's top experts in cancer research. In his final year of doctoral studies he was awarded the SmithKlineBeecham Prize for Chiralty in Drug Design and Synthesis.
After finishing his PhD Gerry continued to work as a post-doctoral research scientist at the Institute before joining DeMontford University in Leicester and meeting Professor Dan Burke.

Publications, Patents & Research
Professor Potter has authored over 60 research publications and successfully patented 20 anticancer agents. His research has focused on agents that are selective and harmless to healthy tissue, leading to the search for natural anticancer agents.
Professor Potter has recently won his third Royal Society of Chemistry Award for Industrial Innovation. He is the only scientist to win this award more than once.


The Institute of Cancer Research
Abiraterone Discovery and Development Team
Awarded in recognition of their exemplary teamwork and scientific innovation that took abiraterone from idea to successful multicentre Phase III clinical trials for the treatment of prostate cancer.

About the Winners
Abiraterone was designed and developed by the Abiraterone Discovery and Development Team at The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) and The Royal Marsden Hospital (RMH). It was first synthesised in the early 1990s and in 2011 it completed the journey from an idea to life-extending treatment for men with advanced prostate cancer.
Abiraterone has not only led to improved survival in men with advanced prostate cancer but has also changed the way we think about this disease. In April 2011, the US Food and Drug administration (FDA) approved the use of abiraterone in men with castration resistant prostate cancer, European approval followed in September 2011. The team has been interested in the integration of drug metabolism studies to the design of anti-cancer agents for many years. Initial work on design and synthesis of novel anti-hormonal drugs for the treatment of breast and prostate cancer led to the discovery of abiraterone.
The project was intially led by Professor Michael Jarman for the discovery phase, until his retirement in 2001. Since then the project has been in the clinical development phase, led by Dr Johann de Bono. Other team members are Dr S Elaine Barrie, Professor Gerry Potter, Professor Mitch Dowsett, Professor Ian Judson, Dr Gerhardt Attard and Dr Florence Raynaud. All the team members are still currently employed at the Institute of Cancer Research except for Gerry Potter who is now Professor of Medicinal Chemistry at De Montfort University, Leicester.
The Abiraterone Discovery and Development Team was awarded the 2011 Royal Society of Chemistry's prestigious Teamwork and Innovation Award for their contributions to developing this important treatment.
Yes, your sister's situation is horrible, but don't you agree that the following by Gerry Potter is ridiculous: "So far everyone I know who has tried salvestrols has recovered from cancer."?

Do you really think that if the above was true, this substance wouldn't be more well known? If I found a substance that makes everybody recover from cancer, I would have no problem reporting about it worldwide, reaching out to folks that can bring the news forward. It just doesn't make sense. The claims are absurd comparing to how little about this is reported.

And would you mind giving me links to these published case studies? Why aren't there anything about Salvestrol in PubMed? There are lots about Resveratrol, though.

There are lots of "case studies" published about all kinds of snake oils, but usually they aren't peer-reviewed by entrusted publications or such, or credible at all. Case studies on their own per se don't mean anything, they are easily faked or exaggerated.

I just brought my opinion up because of how you started this thread, with the original title and all, made it sound like this substance might be some sort of miracle thing.

Of course if you decide to try it for your sister, then I wish you and her the best of luck. According to Mr. Potter, your sister should recover from cancer taking this. I sincerely hope that happens, but unfortunately I'm very doubtful of this Salvestrol and I fear that the statements Gerry Potter has given might cause way too much false expectations...

Do remember to report back how it goes though!

I have a huge file on this already printed, and for me to spend another hour giving you links would ruin my one day off from work. I will get to your questions in a day or so. I can start you off on this link There are 500 or so cases these PhDs did based on what he said ... but I am not a professional researcher.

I gave links on the other thread for you to scan if you want. There is always google! ;)

If this was a harmful drug, I would not post it. It is natural and will cause no side effects.

I will see if I can get more information for you when I call the company tomorrow. But right now I have spent 3 days on salvestrol and my eyes are shot! :)

I did read - will find it later - that there are some people that do not respond to salvestrol therapy. Something like 1 in 5 for some reason .... don't hold me to that though.

I do find that your questions leave me open to post more stuff on it, so I am not complaining! haha (kidding) It is good for me not to get too excited and look at everything. Question it so to speak. I did do a lot of that already though as I just couldn't believe it. And... the capsules are not cheap!
There is a book on this

Here is a comment from a reader from the link above:

One of the most important books for this Century,
August 14, 2012 By A Researcher
This review is from: Salvestrols: Nature's Defence Against Cancer: Linking Diet and Cancer (Paperback)
This book demonstrates the scientifically supported research into how cancer can be overcome with natural compounds called Savlestrols. There are four main people behind the continuing research into Salvestrols. They are Professor Potter of De Montfort University (three time winner of the Royal Society of Chemistry Award and creator of two cancer drugs Abiraterone and Stilserene), Emeritus Professor Dan Burke of De Montfort University (former Professor of Aberdeen University), Brian Schaefer (Oxford Graduate and author of this excellent book), and Anthony Daniels (mechanical engineer).

While at Aberdeen University Professor Burke discovered that all types of cancer cells have the CYP1B1 enzyme. Professor Potter created the cancer drugs Abiraterone Acetate and Stilserene and while both were very successful and had few side effects they are still going through clinical trials many years after they were created. People hearing about these drugs, but who were not able to use them because they are still in clinical trials pleaded for help from professor Potter. As a result Professor Potter found a natural compound that worked better than the synthetic Stilserene. He named these natural compounds Salvestrols.

Salvestrols transform CYP1B1 enzymes into anti-cancer agents that cause the cancer cells to die without harming regular healthy cells. With these results Prof. Potter set about finding fruits and vegetables that are high in Salvestrols. Professor Potter and Prof. Burke also worked with Anthony Daniels 1. to create the `Salvestrol Platinum' pills which they released as a food supplement pill. They are not allowed to advertise the pills as a drug that cures cancer because I believe they are not clinically approved by their governments yet, however people can take advantage of Salvestrols which are food supplements that have little to no side effects to use -immediately- for people who do not wish to wait for the many years it takes for clinical trials. However they -do- have peer reviewed case studies for many different types of cancers and all the subjects not only feel better but were actually cured. Some patients used the pill in combination with traditional therapy and some only used the pills in combination with improving diet, exercise, doing meditation and stress avoidance. One person did not even change their diet or use traditional therapy. 2.

But this is not all. CYP1B1 is also an excellent cancer marker. Brain Schaefer is responsible not only for this book but for the case studies and the development of blood and urine tests that would monitor the amount of CYP1B1 in the body in order to determine how much cancer there is in the body. This also creates the possibility of measuring cancer -without- the use of CT scans, or biopsies. (The Navarro HCG urine test also does this and I think in the future the diagnostics created by Brian Schaefer and the Navarro test would be complementary for having a sure fire way of knowing for certain if there is any cancer within the body or not!)

The work done by these four important people: Burke, Daniels, Potter, and Schaefer, and the research teams they work with is monumental. It is my opinion they should receive the Nobel Prize for literally discovering a universal cancer marker and literally curing cancer with natural compounds that have little to no side effects. By the way, profits from the Salvestrol Pills are put in to further research into Salvestrols.

A practical tip: You can find `Salvestrol Platinum' food supplement pills online if you google search for it. There are various websites that sell the pills in different parts of the world. Look for the ones called `Salvestrol Platinum'. I am not a doctor so I cannot give medical advice, but I am a researcher and the Salvestrol Platinum food supplement pills could be taken while also using the Navarro HCG urine test. 3. Professor Potter recommends this test while the CYP1B1 tests are under development. Google the Navarro HCG Medical Clinic to find out how to use the test.

If you are interested in a natural cure for cancer with scientific backing including the future measurement of CYP1B1 enzyme by all means purchase this book!
(Read more at link)
There is this list of articles on salvestrol mostly by Potter

One is titled:
Salvestrol Clinical Trials by Gerry Potter
Several new clinical trials have been recently instigated on salvestrols and related synthetic compounds such as flavopiridol and combretastatin. Altogether there are over 100 clinical trials globally. Salvestrol S30 (Resveratrol) is the most widely studied salvestrol and is undergoing 45 separate clinical trials for a range of diseases and to study its cholesterol lowering ability. Salvestrol K50 (Quercetin) is undergoing 19 clinical trials against prostate and colon cancer. Salvestrol T30 is being studied in a single trial against cancer. Over 60 studies of the synthetic salvestrol flavopiridol are ongoing against cancers as diverse as multiple myeloma and leukaemia. Synthetic salvestrol S54 (Combretastatin) is also under current investigation against drug resistant cancers.

read more
Some interesting information about cancer and salvestrols (includes one type of salvestrol - resveratrol)...

Cancer, for example, is known to develop of a number of years, quite possibly between 6 and 20. Norwegian researchers concluded in 2009 that we each develop cancer up to six times in our lives but two thirds of us simply shrug it off. It is known that the average person produces several hundred pre-cancerous rogue cells a day. Given that almost every newly diagnosed cancer patient is nutritionally deficient, ask yourself how is eating little or nothing, as in an Asian diet, a going to help defeat this process?

The truth is that whatever you do, whatever you eat, across the week make sure you consume the full spectrum of rainbow colours from beetroot and cherries to red and yellow peppers; and from garlic to greens, broccoli and apricots.

In 2002, Gerry Potter, Professor of Medicinal Chemistry at DeMonfort University Leicester School of Pharmacy identified and outlined a nutritional rescue mechanism that linked specific compounds in some of the most common foods we eat with cancer cell death. This rescue mechanism hinged on the metabolic activity of a certain cytochrome P450 enzyme, CYP1B1.

Importantly, this enzyme was found to be expressed by all cancers, regardless of oncogenic origin, while being absent from healthy tissue. It is now widely regarded as a universal cancer marker.

It was found that CYP1B1 metabolizes a specific class of dietary compound that Professors Potter and Professor Dan Burke (Professor Emeritus of Pharmaceutical Metabolism), named Salvestrols. When Salvestrols are metabolized by CYP1B1, new compounds are produced that actually cause apoptosis, or death, in the cancer cell.

Resveratrol has been shown to be attacked by an enzyme unique to pre-cancerous and cancer cells to produce a toxic substance (piceatannol) which brings about cell death. The anticancer agent piceatonnal is caused by the cytochrome P450 enzyme CYP 1B1. (Br J Cancer, 2002; 86: 774-778).
I started my sister on the salvestrol. I will take at least one a day myself.

I've also gotten her on organics for fruits, cereal, cookies, gummys, rices, rice milk juices etc. She is not so good and lost her energy, so I hope she can turn around in a couple of weeks.
Calin, I wish you success with this treatment for your sister. Please keep us posted on how it's going.

Stay strong, my friend!
The Power of Fruit, Beyond Antioxidants

The discovery of Salvestrols resulted from the convergence of two research paths: (1) Dan Burke's work trying to identify universal cancer markers, and (2) Gerry Potter's work designing prodrugs utilizing CYP enzymes to target cancer cells. While he was at the Institute for Cancer Research in London, Gerry, now a Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, had designed a prodrug that targeted CYP17. Aberaterone, as it is now known, has been producing such good results with prostate cancer that Johnson & Johnson recently bought the company that had licensed the rights for more than a billion dollars. Dan, a Professor of Pharmaceutical Metabolism and head of the School of Pharmacy, had demonstrated that another CYP enzyme (CYP1B1) was a universal marker for cancer cells, a result later confirmed by Dana-Farber at Harvard. When Gerry joined Dan at the University of de Montefort, Gerry designed a prodrug to target CYP1B1. That drug was also licensed to an American biotechnology company and is currently in clinical trials.
Given that the drugs thay had designed would not be available for many years, Gerry and Dan set about identifying natural compounds that could do the same job. Gerry had noticed that the drug he had designed was similar to natural compounds present in food. If suitable compounds could be identified, then the foods containing them could be promoted for a beneficial diet. Such compounds were found but, unfortunately, foods that should have had held high concentrations didn't due to modern farming and food production techniques which for various reasons removed them. Dan and Gerry therefore devised a dietary supplement that includes four of these compounds, now known as Salvestrols.

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