Saw an Osteopath Today — Craniosacral Therapy, Rubenfield Energy

Discussion in 'Support' started by patwalsh, May 15, 2015.

    1. patwalsh

      patwalsh Member

      England , Isle of Wight
      Tinnitus Since:
      March 2015
      Hi all. I went to see a osteopath this morning who also does Craniosacral Therapy and Rubenfeld synergy. I don't know much about these treatments but I went feeling extremely anxious after having a terrible day and night. I came out the session feeling great, very calm and the noise in from T had quietened down a lot. I felt this way for most of the day and thought I'd beaten it.
      I then had some bread and cheese and within half hour the noise increased again. Has anyone else had experience with this kind of therapy and also is there certain foods that you eat that can make things worse?
      Thanks Pat
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    2. Sailboardman

      Sailboardman Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Sensorineural hearing loss right ear.

      Definately, food has a big part in increasing my T. Cheese is a killer for me. Loaded with saturated fat and sodium. Sugars, caffeinated drinks, alcohol and processed foods should be avoided. I know this info kinda eliminates all foods, but fresh produce, fish, chicken, beans, grains, etc., can be satisfying and healthy. Fresh, unprocessed, juices can be bought or made.

      Saturated fats can effect the micro circulation in the inner ear, which is not good. So best to back off on anything high in fat. Read the labels on the food you buy. Sodium is in everything you buy that is processed.

      God bless,

      • Agree Agree x 1
    3. AUTHOR

      patwalsh Member

      England , Isle of Wight
      Tinnitus Since:
      March 2015
      Thanks sailboardman. I really love cheese but will have to learn to do without it. I've cut out fizzy drinks for a while now so will have to start eating healthy food. It will be worth it. I brought myself a juicing machine a few weeks back so will carry on making my own juice. Thanks so much for responding
      God bless
    4. April
      No Mood

      April Member

      Pacific Northwest U.S.
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      possible whiplash
      @patwalsh How are you feeling these days? Do you think the osteopathic work helped? I am going to see an osteopath for my T and HL in a couple of weeks. I'm sure hoping that I can get some relief as it has changed my life so much. I think that I eat pretty well, but I could still do some fine tuning like eliminating cheese and see if that changes anything. Nothing I eliminate from my diet will seem like a sacrifice if it has an effect on the tinnitus. The hearing loss may be permanent but somehow I think I'll be able to hear better if I can get rid of the freight train sound in my head. Even if it just gets quieter I'd be a happy camper.

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