Seven Years of Tinnitus and Acoustic Neuroma — Ear Developed a Flutter After Microsuction

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by ClevedonGinger, Oct 15, 2022.

    1. ClevedonGinger

      ClevedonGinger Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic Neuroma
      After having my right ear acoustic neuroma diagnosed 7 years ago, this year I had Gamma Knife treatment as the tumour had grown and outstayed its welcome. As a result, my high-pitched tinnitus has become heightened and I have imbalance/vertigo - known side effects of the surgery. This has become somewhat debilitating to say the least. That’s my backstory.

      So I come to my question;

      My left ear, after having microsuction to remove earwax a couple of months ago, has developed a flutter. Funnily only when such strange things as when I tap my knees and have the car window down a bit (not at the same time I’ll add) or burp! The noise is not permanent; only when vibration is in the equation. What with my other chronic tinnitus I’m hoping this new flutter will not join them.

      Any insight from fellow sufferers would be most appreciated.
      • Hug Hug x 2
    2. Guywithapug

      Guywithapug Member Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hey, just wanted to see how you have been doing lately? Has any of the symptoms lessened?

      I had Gamma Knife 2 years ago and only had tinnitus up until a few days ago when I gradually felt burning pain at the acoustic neuroma site. I also gradually feel my balance starting to sleep and the wokiness people talk about.
      • Hug Hug x 2
    3. AUTHOR

      ClevedonGinger Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic Neuroma

      I’d given up on getting any replies, so thank you for yours!

      So my symptoms since the Gamma Knife in January 2022 have been up and down. Balance is still an issue, it’s hard to walk in a straight line, though having used a cane for 8 months, I’ve weaned myself off that thankfully. My hearing on the tumour side has deteriorated since, to be expected unfortunately. Tinnitus is still raging, some days it gets to me and makes my mood brittle - my poor partner gets the brunt. Brain fog and handling too much information is difficult, i.e. multitasking pretty impossible.

      Yes, I get the burning pain too, with the classic fullness feeling in the ear. The flutter in my left ear from the microsuction has lessened somewhat which is a plus.

      If you had asked me would I have the Gamma Knife, if given the choice? No is the answer, but I didn’t have that option, time was up on the waiting. Obviously I realise the consequence of not! I do consider myself fortunate to live in a country with free health care, knowing others don’t have that luxury. In fact I had my first scan last week post Gamma Knife so I will await the results.

      I wish you luck with your recovery and please update me as you’re a year ahead. Trouble is everyone is different and side effects vary.

      Stay safe.
      • Hug Hug x 2
    4. Guywithapug

      Guywithapug Member Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Thank you very much for the reply, it's always good to talk to others in the same situation for support!

      I know that Gamma Knife isn't perfect for everyone but I'm still very happy that I had the option to get it compared to traditional surgery which is so risky.

      2 years in and I consider myself so luck because I can still hear fairly well out of my left ear, tinnitus is quiet some days and my balance is really good. I had a bout of unsteadiness but it subsided.

      I have a thread here called "Underwent Gamma Knife for Acoustic Neuroma Yesterday" where I keep a journal of my thoughts and experiences, as well as my MRIs. It'd be great to see you there!

      Wishing you well on your personal journey my friend!
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