So Glad I Found You!

Discussion in 'Support' started by Dawn, Mar 16, 2014.

    1. Dawn

      Dawn Member

      Charlottesville, VA
      Tinnitus Since:
      I've been experiencing classic 'ringing in the ears' tinnitus for so long I can't remember when it started, and then pulsatile tinnitus kicked in as well about 8 years ago. At the time I found very little support for PT online. An ENT very begrudgingly put me through a couple tests (carotid ultrasound and MRI) that came back with no unusual results and offered me the standard 'learn to live with it' advice. Just seeing a whole section devoted to PT made my day!
      The classic T has escalated over the last couple of months and is kicking my butt some days to the point of tears. I am fortunate to be in a town with a teaching hospital and a neurotologist to whom I was able to self-refer, and have an appointment in 2 days. Trying not to have any unrealistic expectations, although a magic wand would be nice... Just hope to find a way to be more at peace with things, because I'm struggling and it's wearing me down.
      Wish me luck!
      • Hug Hug x 2
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    2. Karen

      Karen Manager Staff Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      First time: Noise 2nd Time: Ototoxic drug

      Hi, and welcome to Tinnitus Talk! I have both ringing tinnitus and pulsatile tinnitus, too, so I know what you're experiencing right now. I'm glad you found us, too, and I wish you success with your appointment this week with the neurotologist.

      I've had an MRI/MRA with contrast, a CT scan (without contrast), and a carotid ultrasound; nothing unusual was found. I had mild tinnitus for many years in my right ear; then, after taking a blood pressure drug, my tinnitus got much worse, and the PT started about 2 weeks later. I'm pretty sure my PT has something to do with that, and I have since gotten off the blood pressure meds. I still have the PT, but it has gotten a lot calmer with time.

      I hope you'll update us on what your doctor says this week. Good luck!!

      Best wishes,
      • Like Like x 1
    3. Mark McDill

      Mark McDill Member Benefactor

      Papillion, NE
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Likely stress, anxiety, an antibiotic and nsaids

      Hey Dawn :welcomesignanimation:
      Glad you found TT also; it is a great help with a lot of good folks. Hope your apt. goes well.

    4. AUTHOR

      Dawn Member

      Charlottesville, VA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Thanks for the welcome, guys! I guess my neurotology appointment went well - I ended up with a referral to the University Audiology Dept's tinnitus clinic (of which I was completely unaware, and it's practically within walking distance of my office). Sounds like their focus is on the Jastreboff model of tinnitus retraining therapy.
      I do have a new level of respect for T - it's kind of like those old Chinese finger traps - the more you pull and fight, the tighter it grabs. Stress exacerbates T which creates stress - all pretty vicious...
      I am struggling with the 'avoid silence' advice - I understand why, since it makes the T seem worse and may actually encourage the T to ramp up, but I grew up in a noisy house (to put it mildly) and when things were quiet it was safe. I have to deal with the fact that I am emotionally attached to quiet.
      I know there is much I can learn and gain from all of this, but getting from here to there seems like one hell of a challenge.
      One day at at time...

    5. Karen

      Karen Manager Staff Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      First time: Noise 2nd Time: Ototoxic drug
      Hi, Dawn,

      Thanks for the update. What did the neurotologist say about your pulsatile tinnitus? Anything new to offer? Additional tests?

      I hope the TRT works for you; it has for many people, but apparently, it takes time. Good luck to you!
    6. Mpt

      Mpt Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi Dawn,

      How were you able to habituate to your earlier tinnitus, was it something that was present all the time or just sporadically?
    7. AUTHOR

      Dawn Member

      Charlottesville, VA
      Tinnitus Since:
      The PT only got brief mention since it's the other T that I'm struggling with. I'm not jumping on the TRT bandwagon yet, but do want to see what resources the clinic has to offer and am trying to keep an open mind, as well as realizing I'm going to have to be part of whatever progress I make.
      The T has been present all of the time for many years, but I did habituate to it. 'How?' is a great question - I think time more than any effort on my part. Abount 6 months ago it really cranked up (work stress a likely culprit) but I feel like I'm stuck in that stress->T->stress loop that I can't get out of myself.
      I am having a better day today (happy Spring!) and wish all a good day -

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